Best Christian Books

The Best Christian Books to Read for a Deeper Relationship with God

The Bible helped people develop a deep relationship with God for centuries, giving them hope for the future and the fortitude they need to navigate difficult times.

Unfortunately, many people find the Bible uninteresting or difficult to read. Thankfully, there are some great resources that can help people get the information they’re looking for in an enjoyable, easy-to-read manner – especially if it’s in audiobook format (*wink*).

Here are some of the best Christian books that many people have come to love.

7 of the Best Christian Books for Peace, Happiness, and Closeness to God

The number of people who go to church has been on the decline for years. That doesn’t mean that the search for meaning or the desire to develop a deep relationship with God is disappearing. There’s proof of that in the fact that each year, publishers are releasing more and more Christian books – some of which end up on the bestseller lists.

Here are some of the best Christian books available right now, many of which have been praised by critics and readers alike. 

1. The Word of Promise Audio Bible – King James Version

For anyone who wants to get to know God, the Bible seems like an ideal place to start.

However, it’s a big book and some parts can seem kind of dry, while others can seem like a bit of a brain twister (the Apostle Paul, who had also been a lawyer, is notorious for his run-on sentences).

Thankfully, there are numerous resources for listening to the scriptures, including The Word of Promise, which is narrated by a number of famous actors, including Jim Caviezel, Richard Dreyfuss, Gary Sinise, Louis Gossett Jr., Marisa Tomei, and Marcia Gay Harden.

Having actors portray the people in the Bible makes the read so much more enjoyable.

2. 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart

Mantras, affirmations – they’re things to say on a daily basis to boost their confidence, self-esteem, and feelings of happiness and/or contentment.

But a person’s affirmations don’t have to be limited to something they’ve made up or heard from their favorite guru. They can also memorize scriptural verses, which can be used as an affirmation or to deepen their relationship with God.

The great thing about memorizing scriptures is that they can come up into the mind exactly when they’re needed, particularly during times of personal crisis.

3. Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power

Pressure – it’s something that everyone feels from time to time. Unfortunately, there are times in life when people feel like their whole world is caving in around them, which is a weight that’s difficult to bear. It’s at these moments when people wonder: Is there a God, and if so, does he care, and if so, why doesn’t he do anything about these problems?

In this book, Bishop T.D. Jakes encourages the reader with the thought that, yes, God does exist, and he does care. The idea is that these things that come up in life are tools with which to grow and develop a person’s own personal power.

One reason why this is one of the best Christian books – Mr. Jakes uses his own personal life experiences as proof.

4. Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World

Today’s society goes non-stop. There’s always something to do or see. People are running themselves ragged and end up with burnout, depression, or extreme anxiety.

Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World explores the history of Sabbath-keeping and why having a day of rest is so important today.

Knowing that God required his people to have a day of rest, a day of worship, will help people realize just how much God does care and how much he wants people to take time to draw closer to him.

Another reason why this is one of the best Christian books: It won Christianity Today’s 2019 Spiritual Formulation Book Award

5. The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God’s Best Version of You   

The phrase “I’m becoming the best version of myself” has been used often, but is that in alignment with what God’s best version is of a person?

In this book, the author helps people see that living a spiritual life doesn’t have to be difficult and that living in alignment with God’s idea of the best life can make them feel happier and more secure.

6. The Grace Awakening: Believing in Grace Is One Thing. Living It Is Another.

The Grace Awakening looks at the concept of grace and takes it to the next level. It’s wonderful to learn that God is willing to put up with sinful humans and even give them eternal hope. Once a person knows that, though, what’s next?

In this book, readers will learn how to go beyond gratitude when it comes to grace. They will use that gratitude to fuel their life and live it to the fullest as a way of saying “thanks” to their God.

7. Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer

Besides studying the Bible, prayer is one of the best ways to draw closer to God.

Before Amen explores the prayers of the Bible, particularly the Lord’s Prayer, which is a simple, straightforward outline that can be the basis of every prayer a person says. Doing so can take the pressure out of feeling not eloquent enough to approach the Creator.

Building Faith: An Important Way for Readers to Improve Their Life

When people feel like they need to improve their lives, there are so many avenues they can choose from for help. A career change, improving health through diet and exercise, making sure they spend enough time outdoors, spending time with friends – it can all lead to a better life.

Sometimes, though, an emptiness remains. The hole is the spirituality that’s missing from their life, which can adversely impact every other part of their lives.

Embracing a spiritual practice helps them feel grounded, content with where they are in life, and better equipped to cope when hit by hard times.

A great way to start building that spirituality is to read books on the subject, particularly those that help people draw closer to God. This list is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re interested in checking out even more audiobooks on religion and improving your life, check out our inspiring and motivating religion section

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