Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: What Readers Need to Know

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the self-help books on the market.

There are millions! How do readers know which ones to choose? How do they know which authors to trust?

Purchasing self-help audiobooks is an investment of time and money. Therefore, readers want to make sure they choose books that not only resonate with them, but that is going to provide a good return on their investment.

One such book that’s on the market right now is Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Why is this a must-read self-help book?

Who Is Dr. Joe Dispenza and Why Should Anyone Listen to Him?

An issue people come to when deciding whether to buy a self-help book or not is: Who the heck is this person trying to educate me and why should I listen to them?

Now, not everyone who writes amazing self-development books is going to be a Harvard graduate or have 30 years of experience in psychotherapy or run a multi-million dollar business.

There are plenty of people who have amazing insights that can help the masses, but it’s always a good idea to get to know self-help authors a bit just for the sake of authenticity.

So, what do readers need to know about Dr. Joe Dispenza?

Dr. Dispenza is a faculty member at:

  • The Quantum University (Honolulu, Hawaii)
  • The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies (Rhinebeck, New York)
  • The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (Stockbridge, Massachusetts).

He’s also a chair of the research committee at Life University (Atlanta, Georgia).

Dr. Dispenza has traveled the world lecturing, educating, and researching. He’s also hosted countless workshops, both online and in person. During his lectures, he outlines in an easy to understand and compassionate manner how people can change their life by rewiring their brain.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourselfis an in-depth exploration of that very concept.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – All the Juicy Goodness

For anyone who is ready to change their life for the better, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself should be the next audiobook on their To Read list.

The reason for this is because Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself delves into three scientific facts that are proven to help people successfully change their lives and reach their goals.

The concepts examined in this book are quantum physics, neuroplasticity, and epigenetics.

The Mind-Body Connection: How to Use Quantum Physics to Your Advantage

The first concept Dr. Dispenza discusses is quantum physics. What is quantum physics? It’s the nature of the behavior of energy and matter on both atomic and subatomic levels.

Quantum theory suggests that everything is waves and that all waves have a frequency or vibration. That makes sense considering the fact that when a person looks through a microscope, nothing is solid. Every single thing, from a piece of wood to human skin is made up of molecules, electrons, and protons.

Different frequencies can impact how fast or slow those particles move around. A certain frequency can make them move in a calm formation, while another frequency can create utter chaos.

How does this affect how people live their lives? Well, there’s a definite link between quantum physics and the human mind.

Thoughts and feelings have a vibrational frequency, which can have an effect on their physical, mental, and emotional health. With this knowledge and some work, a person can use that to their advantage. Calm, positive thoughts can create a calm, positive life.

Neuroplasticity and Epigenetics – Total Game Changers

The next two topics Dr. Dispenza tackles are neuroplasticity and epigenetics – two very exciting discoveries!

Just until recently, scientists thought that the human brain was wired a certain way and that’s a person would think and learn the same way their entire life. For instance, if someone didn’t grasp math or language right away, they might think that their brain just isn’t wired to understand those concepts.

Scientists have proven that theory wrong, though. The brain can actually be rewired because of neuroplasticity. In other words, the brain is plastic, flexible, and pliable. It can be remolded as needed to learn new things and can even change a person’s outlook on their life. All of this can give them the confidence necessary to go out and live their best life.

How does a person use neuroplasticity to their advantage? That is discussed in Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

Now, where does epigenetics come into the picture?

Again, until recently, people assumed their DNA was pre-programmed, that they were predisposed to certain illnesses. However, science has shown that people have way more influence over their genes than previously thought.

Between 2008 and 2016, multiple studies have been conducted on the effect of genes on disease. The studies have shown that around 5-10% of diseases can be attributed to genes. The rest relates to a person’s environment and lifestyle.

Not only that, but a person’s mindset can have a huge impact on whether they develop disease or not, too.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself explores how people have been able to “turn off” certain genes that at one time were thought to predispose the person to a particular disease. Learning how to harness the power of the mind to do this will help readers live happier, healthier, more productive lives.

Love Self-Help? Dr. Dispenza’s Book Is One Readers Should Add to Their Collection  

Self-help books are a dime a dozen – and for good reason. People need help. They need help getting healthier, gaining confidence, rebuilding their life after traumatic events, changing careers, building businesses – and the list goes on.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is a great addition to any audiobook library for multiple reasons:

  • It’s easy to read and understand
  • The concepts are backed by scientific research
  • The life-changing solutions are not too difficult to implement.

For anyone looking for a new self-help book to add to their collection, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is a great place to start.

If you’re interested in personal development and growth, check out our wide variety of self-help books. You can also read our recommendations for the 5 best self-help audiobooks. We’re sure you’ll find something there that will help you reach your goals and change your life!

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