Spirituality Listens

Faith is a funny thing; usually, it shows up only when you need it the most. But what if you made more of an effort to embrace it more consistently, and not just when your dad needs surgery? What if you actively honed a spiritual practice to rely on and give thanks for all the time, so that when troubling times did roll around, you’d have a faithful foundation already built that you could rely on? Below we’ve got a list to help you on your way to routine faithfulness, so you can show up for your faith and yourself.

The Women of the Bible Speak – Shannon Bream 

Lots of people view religion as a masculine-heavy subject, but it turns out the Bible is actually filled with brave and strong women. We’re not all that surprised since, according to Beyonce, girls run the world. Bream’s book fleshes out the stories of 16 women throughout the Bible, and in doing so gives us a more prominent and comprehensive view of the values said women were trying to teach us and helps us apply their faithful example in today’s world.

Where Do We Go From Here – David Jeremiah

Watch one news cycle and it can be hard to feel hopeful about the state of the world. Well, author Dr. Jeremiah is here with answers and guidance from the Big Man himself. He analyzes the words of God and interprets how they fit into the current events of today. It just goes to show you the infinite relevance of God’s word, and how hope can always be found even if times feel especially dark. 

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget – Lysa Terkeurst 

Do you have an impenetrable bank of resentment stored up deep inside? Have you learned to begrudgingly live with it since the person or people who’ve hurt you probably won’t ever apologize? Learn how to handle built-up resentments and the unrepentant in your life with a hefty dose of self-actualizing therapeutic technique infused with Biblical teachings. See how the promise of peace within the pages can be your reality, regardless of gaining a warranted (but unlikely) apology.

Crazy Faith: It’s Only Crazy Until it Happens – Micheal Todd

People probably thought Noah was off his rocker till he was the one laughing on his big ole boat. God isn’t over here waiting to prove Himself to you- instead, He’s asking that you have faith despite the crazy looks you may get. Once you are open to the “crazy” possibilities God might be calling you toward, you will be ever-ready to be a vessel for his purpose in a way you’ve never imagined. Go for it!

Thanks for reading! All these audiobooks and more are available now on AudiobookSTORE.com! Listen and learn how to strengthen and fulfill your spiritual life and make sure to check out our FlexPass Membership for the ultimate roster of podcasts, savings on audiobooks, and more!

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