The man Business Week calls "the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age" explains "Permission Marketing" -- the groundbreaking concept that enables marketers to shape their message so that consumers will willingly accept it.
Whether it is the TV commercial that breaks into our favorite program, or the telemarketing phone call that disrupts a family dinner, traditional advertising is based on the hope of snatching our attention away from whatever we are doing. Seth Godin calls this Interruption Marketing, and, as companies are discovering, it no longer works.
Instead of annoying potential customers by interrupting their most coveted commodity -- time -- Permission Marketing offers consumers incentives to accept advertising voluntarily. Now this internet pioneer introduces a fundamentally different way of thinking about advertising products and services. In his groundbreaking audiobook, Godin describes the four tests of Permission Marketing:
* Does every single marketing effort you create encourage a learning relationship with your customers? Does it invite customers to "raise their hands" and start communicating?
* Do you have a permission database? Do you track the number of people who have given you permission to communicate with them?
* If consumers gave you permission to talk to them, would you have anything to say? Have you developed a marketing curriculum to teach people about your products?
* Once people become customers, do you work to deepen your permission to communicate with those people?
And in numerous informative case studies, including American Airlines frequent-flier program,, and Yahoo!, Godin demonstrates how marketers are already profiting from this key new approach in all forms of media.
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"The concept is more valid than ever, but it's outdated. Perhaps 1/4 to a 1/3 of the book needs to be trimmed as it is either dead or ancient history. He has a number of videos out there that do a really good job of describing what this book is all about. Still have to say though the book is solid and his approach makes even more sense now than ever."
— Marc (4 out of 5 stars)
“Seth Godin is the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age.”
— Business Week“Godin and his colleagues are working to persuade some of the most powerful companies in the world to reinvent how they relate to their customers. His argument is as stark as it is radical: Advertising just doesn't work as well as it used to-in part because there's so much of it, in part because people have learned to ignore it, in part because the rise of the Net means that companies can go beyond it.”
— William C. Taylor, Founding Editor, Fast Company“Seth Godin moves to the front ranks of Internet Marketing Gurus with this masterful book. It's trite to say it, but this is a real "must read.”
— Tom Peters, author of The Little Big Things: You“The principles of permission marketing are incredibly valuable to everyone involved in media today.”
— Robert Tercek, SVP Digital Media, Sony Pictures Entertainment“Advertisers are going to have to learn how to deliver messages with frequency and low cost if they are to cope with the increasing competition for the consumer's attention. Seth Godin's Permission Marketing is a big idea.”
— Lester Wunderman, chairman-emeritus of Wunderman Cato Johnson“Permission Marketing is a testament to Godin's profound grasp of digital marketing. 'Interruption Marketers' everywhere would do well to read this book.”
— Mark Kwamme, CEO, CKS Group" Read APR 2002 "
— Stephen, 2/9/2014" I like this, being into the business myself that is one of the things that make good relations with others "
— Jeff, 2/8/2014" Listened to this on dvd (for work). A good read if you're in a marketing/advertising related field, otherwise, too narrow in focus. "
— Fabusina, 2/6/2014" Surprisingly relevant even though it deals heavily with internet marketing and is nearly 10 years old. Many of the examples sound dated (CompuServ, Prodigy, etc.) but most of the predictions about how people use the web came true. "
— Tim, 12/26/2013" The companies who call me as I sit down to dinner need to read this. "
— Mark, 12/12/2013" The concept of permission marketing turns advertising on its head. The underlying idea is that you should woo, date and protect your customers rather than rely on mass advertising to make sales. It is a broad concept, and it is only at the end that Godin acknowledges that the strategy may not work for all types of products. I agree with his premise that the customer should be considered intelligent and valuable; and I do think reading it was worthwhile. The book does, however, seem a little dated; Godin writes about the limitations of search engines and banner ads, which Google has pretty much neutralized since the writing of this book. "
— Lynn, 12/7/2013" Written in 1999, some of his more recent books would be a better read since some of this material is dated. For example, AltaVista is referenced as a search engine and not a word about Google. "
— Ron, 10/23/2013" Great book. With lots of examples. "
— Antonius, 10/10/2013" Excellent....visionary....a must-read for any marketer. A path to the future. "
— Nura, 10/1/2013" besides the parts related to the palm pilot that made me think that it could be missing some insight in 2013, I learned so much from this book. THanks again Seth Godin! Always a pleasure to read, listen and learn from you. "
— Crissy, 9/20/2013" Should've read this one first, shouldn't I? Well, sometimes I don't do sequences. I saw it on the library shelf so I brought it home. "
— Faz, 8/10/2013Seth Godin is the former Vice President of Direct Marketing at Yahoo! and the founder of His blog is one of the most popular marketing blogs in the world. Godin is the author of over a dozen books, all of which have been bestsellers. Notable titles include Tribe: We Need You to Lead Us, Poke the Box, and Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable. He has been a speaker at numerous large companies nationwide, including Disney, Cadillac, eBay, Google, Amazon, Eddie Bauer, and many others.