Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Abandoned by her mother, ignorant of her father's identity, Lirael resembles no one else in her large extended family living in the Clayr's glacier. She doesn't even have the Sight--the ability to See into the present and possibly futures--that is the very birthright of the Clayr. Nonetheless, it is Lirael in whose hands the fate of the Old Kingdom lies. She must undertake a desperate mission under the growing shadow of an ancient evil--one that opposes the Royal Family, blocks the Sight of the Clayr, and threatens to break the very boundary between Life and Death itself. With only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog to help her, Lirael must find the courage to seek her own hidden destiny.
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"I was a bit disappointed when I first started this and realsied that it wasn't a straight continuation of Sabriel - I would have liked to read about how she coped first becoming the Abhorsen and Touchstone the King. However, I soon became engrossed in Lireals story.I loved the Dog character, partly I think because the little silhouette on the front cover looks so much like my own dog. Mogget is just as cool though, if a bit scary. What I love about these books is how real the setting seems, even though there's magic and zombies and stuff!! I think I would much prefer to be an inhabitant of the Old Kingdom though - much more fun."
— Dark-Draco (5 out of 5 stars)
" Abdolutely loved it! "
— Crina, 1/27/2019" I thought this was better than Sabriel, the first book in the series. "
— Dichotomy, 2/14/2014" My Favourite of the 3 books! "
— Vikki, 2/7/2014" Were it not for the fact that I almost never abandon a book once I've opened it, I would have stopped 485 pages ago. "
— kalen, 2/5/2014" 'Lirael' is a sequel to Garth Nix's wonderful 'Sabriel'. Although not quite as good as Sabriel it is still an excellent book. We learn more about the Old Kingdom, and more about the nature of Charter and Free magic. Have the next book 'Abhorsen' ready because the two are one story and you'll want to pick that one up as soon as you finish 'Lirael'. "
— D-day, 1/27/2014" While I did enjoy Lirael, I didn't like it as much as Sabriel, mostly because I found Sam rather annoying. I did love the contrast between Sam/Mogget and Lirael/Dog though, often they were the comedic aspect needed to brighten up a particularly dreary section, but there was always the underlying knowledge that they were something more than what they seemed. I did like this book, and I have read it more than once since buying it, but I definitely prefer Sabriel as a protagonist. "
— Georgia!, 1/15/2014" Really great imagination from Nix. The worlds he creates are stunning. Only 3 stars because I did not care about the characters. I cared more about the animals than the leads. "
— Aloywischus, 1/9/2014" It left the story unfinished so I just had to read the third book. I enjoyed it as much as Sabriel. "
— Shandra, 1/3/2014" Garth Nix really makes you believe in this world, it's incredible. It doesn't sound like he created it, just like he was plopped in and described it. "
— Maya, 1/1/2014" The awesomeness just keeps on coming. I'm quickly moving on to the 3rd book! "
— Jason, 11/24/2013" I think this was awesome, just like the first. I (spoiler alert) thought it was really great the series of events that brought Sam and Lirael together. I know its a bit cheesy, series of events brings 2 characters together but it worked really well!!! "
— Kathy, 10/9/2013" A little second-act-y, but I loev Lirael so much I don't particularly caer. "
— Sheila, 9/23/2013" Fan-frickin-tastic. For whatever reason, loved it so much more than Sabriel (though Sabriel was great, too). I think Lirael hit something deeper for me on more levels than Sabriel did. Excited to finish the trilogy soon :) "
— Teeuhh, 9/8/2013" I did not like this book as much as I liked the other two in the series. There seemed to be too much build-up and not enough action. Nonetheless, I would still recommend it. "
— Shibi, 9/2/2013" An excellent return to the world of the Old Kingdom! This was very gripping. I am so glad I picked up both this book and the next, as, unlike Sabriel, this was not standalone. It ends on a cliffhanger with a lot of exciting revelations. Off to read the next... "
— Marissa, 7/3/2013" One of my favorite fantasy novels!! "
— Nadine, 2/23/2013" MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ABHORSEN READY TO PICK UP AS SOON AS YOU FINISH LIRAEL!! If you don't you might explode from anticipation! "
— Aidenpants, 2/6/2013" This book had a bit of a slow start, but it turned out to be one of the best books I have recently read. It didn't take long to fall in love with the disreputable dog. I would recommend this to all fantasy/magic fans "
— Stacey, 1/1/2013" As much as I enjoyed Sabriel, I absolutely loved Lirael! I cannot wait to read the last book! "
— Kristi, 12/4/2012" The first book was fantastic but this one is even better! I've spent a whole day reading this book, and really really can't wait to continue to the next one. "
— Galihmelon, 7/24/2012" I think this may be my favorite of the three Abhorsen books, but the whole trilogy is excellent. I love the library at the Clayr's glacier! "
— FantasyGirl2, 4/6/2012" This one was harder to get into. Not as action packed. "
— Marita, 10/19/2011" not as interesting as Sabriel but just as creative! "
— Tallis, 9/26/2011" Another fresh breath of awesomeness, this book. If possible, even better than Sabriel. Now I'm left to chew my fingernails until next week when, hopefully, the third one, Abhorsen, will reach me... "
— Ramona, 6/19/2011" One of my favorite series alongside the Pellinor books. "
— Elbera, 5/3/2011" Great fantasy/sci fi book, but I was disappointed to learn this is the second in a series - so I was left with a cliff-hanger at the end. Also the audio version is narrated by Tim Curry - fantastic. "
— Elana, 5/3/2011" Bit of a slower start than Sabriel, but SO GOOD. I didn't think it could get better. but it definitely did. My love of Mogget grew and I found a new love in The Deplorable Dog. So glad I have the third book so I don't have to wait out the cliffhanger! "
— Paula, 4/29/2011" An excellent return to the world of the Old Kingdom! This was very gripping. I am so glad I picked up both this book and the next, as, unlike Sabriel, this was not standalone. It ends on a cliffhanger with a lot of exciting revelations. Off to read the next... "
— Marissa, 4/11/2011" Super Librarian! I fell in love with the dangerous and mysterious library in Lirael and, quite frankly, I would have been happy if Lirael stayed there solving magical problems. "
— Shawna, 4/4/2011" Again average story, nothing great. It gets a bit boring the middle with events dragging a bit. Those events aren't unnecessary but didn't need to drag, could've played out in a bit more interesting way. "
— Amit, 4/3/2011" a great sequel to sabriel, i loved it. Sasha should read this!!! "
— Keighley, 4/1/2011" The start is soooooooooooooooo much better than Sabriel. "
— Honey, 3/25/2011" Though a bit slow in the beginning, this book, like Sabriel, delves deep into a fascinating fantasy world and opens the door for many excellent characters, old and new, to come flooding in, along with an engaging plot and excellent development.<br/>Wonderfully written and great fun to read. <br/> "
— Karly, 3/25/2011Garth Nix, born in Melbourne, Australia, is a novelist whose books have won the Aurealis Awards for Best Fantasy Novel, Best Young Adult Novel, and Best Children’s Novel. His books have appeared on the bestseller lists of Publishers Weekly, the Guardian, and the Australian, and his work has been translated in forty languages.
Peter H. Reynolds is the bestselling author and illustrator of I’m Here, The Dot, and Ish; and illustrator for the #1 New York Times bestseller Someday by Alison McGhee. He is also the illustrator of Going Places, Little Boy, Charlie and Kiwi, and the Judy Moody series. He lives in Dedham, Massachusetts, where he is co-owner of the Blue Bunny bookstore.