Books That Were Made Into Movies

What do blockbuster films like Divergent, The Hunt for Red October, and The Godfather have in common? Before they were hit movies they were all bestselling novels. Popular works of fiction have long been one of Hollywood's go-to sources for new movie ideas. Additionally many critically acclaimed motion pictures were originally inspired by short stories and novellas. Great examples include The Shawshank Redemption (a wonderful adaptation of Stephen King's novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"), A Christmas Story (adapted from Jean Shepherd's short story "Red Ryder Nails the Hammond Kid"), and Brokeback Mountain (from the short story of the same name by Annie Proulx). And while many books do indeed translate well to the big screen, most readers readily recognize that the books often allow for a greater level of detail and more nuanced storytelling than movies and television shows can convey. And audiobooks make experiencing these great titles exceedingly easy and convenient - especially for those who are constantly on the go or for those readers who struggle with learning disabilities. An additional strength offered by audiobooks is that a skilled narrator can truly bring a great story to life.

Our immense audiobook collection contains a wide variety of titles across all categories and genres that went on to become popular films and TV movies. Browse the selection on this page to see some great examples and find the perfect audio book to add to your library.

Read our list of the Top 6 Movies Based on Books from 2019!

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Extended Sample The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway
Extended Sample A Mighty Heart by Mariane Pearl
Extended Sample The Ghost Writer by Robert Harris
Extended Sample Fair Game (abridged) by Valerie Plame Wilson
Extended Sample 21: Bringing Down the House Movie Tie-In by Ben Mezrich
Extended Sample How to be Single by Liz Tuccillo
Extended Sample 12 Strong by Doug Stanton
Extended Sample The White Queen (abridged) by Philippa Gregory
Extended Sample Under The Dome by Stephen King
Extended Sample Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams
Extended Sample The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Ringworld by Larry Niven
Extended Sample Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
Extended Sample Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel by Jeff Kinney
Extended Sample Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud
Extended Sample Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
Extended Sample The Black Hand by Will Thomas
Extended Sample Thank You for Your Service by David Finkel
Extended Sample The Circle by Dave Eggers
Extended Sample The Good Lord Bird (National Book Award Winner) by James McBride
Extended Sample Falling Upwards by Richard Holmes
Extended Sample Legends of the Fall by Jim Harrison
Extended Sample Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
Extended Sample The Taking of Pelham 123 by John Godey
Extended Sample The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Extended Sample The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin
Extended Sample One Day by David Nicholls
Extended Sample Patriot Games by Tom Clancy
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