Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audiobook, by Dean Ornish Play Audiobook Sample

Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audiobook

Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audiobook, by Dean Ornish Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Anne Ornish, Dean Ornish Publisher: Random House Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2019 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780593149683

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Longest Chapter Length:

77:06 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

07 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

30:14 minutes

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Publisher Description

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • By the pioneer of lifestyle medicine, a simple, scientifically program proven to often reverse the progression of the most common and costly chronic diseases.

Long rated “#1 for Heart Health” by U.S. News & World Report, Dr. Ornish’s Program has recently been shown to often improve cognition and function in patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Ornish’s program for reversing heart disease is now covered by Medicare when offered virtually at home.

“The Ornishes’ work is elegant and simple and deserving of a Nobel Prize since it can change the world!”—Richard Carmona, MD, MPH, 17th Surgeon General of the U.S.

Dean Ornish, M.D., has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse—undo!—the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases.

Medicare and many insurance companies now cover Dr. Ornish’s lifestyle medicine program for reversing chronic disease because it consistently achieves bigger changes in lifestyle, better clinical outcomes, larger cost savings, and greater adherence than have ever been reported—based on over forty years of research published in the leading peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.

Now, in this landmark book, he and Anne Ornish present a simple yet powerful new unifying theory explaining why these same lifestyle changes can reverse so many different chronic diseases and how quickly these benefits occur. They describe what it is, why it works, and how you can do it:

• Eat well: a whole foods, plant-based diet naturally low in fat and sugar and high in flavor

• Move more: moderate exercise such as walking

• Stress less: including meditation and gentle yoga practices

• Love more: how love and intimacy transform loneliness into healing

With seventy recipes, easy-to-follow meal plans, tips for stocking your kitchen and eating out, recommended exercises, stress-reduction advice, and inspiring patient stories of life-transforming benefits—for example, several people improved so much after only nine weeks they were able to avoid a heart transplant—Undo It! empowers readers with new hope and new choices.

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"Dr. Dean Ornish has come up with a lifestyle that consists of four pillars: Exercise, Nutrition, Meditation/Yoga, and Group Support. If you can adapt these strategies into your own life (they tell you exactly how), you can reverse heart disease, diabetes and maybe even auto immune diseases. As a person who has experienced heart disease with no hope of a cure except to take medications, this book and this program has changed my life for the positive. It's awesome1"

— JZ (5 out of 5 stars)


  • This book will change your life. Every day people ask me how they can activate their longevity genes to reverse aging and stave off age-associated diseases. Now I can say, ‘Go read Undo It!’

    — David A. Sinclair, Ph.D., A.O., professor of genetics, Harvard Medical School
  • Dean Ornish is from the future!

    — Jack Hidary, senior adviser, Google X  
  • Empowering and inspiring millions of people with new hope and new choices.

    — Marc Benioff, CEO, Salesforce; owner, Time magazine
  • This book is a lifesaver!

    — Beyoncé Knowles-Carter  
  • If people follow the revolutionary program outlined in this brilliant and game-changing book, we can undo most chronic diseases, reverse global warming, and feed the hungry. Side effects include more energy, inner peace, and better sex.

    — James Cameron, director, Avatar and The Terminator, and Suzy Cameron, founder and author of OMD
  • If you read only one book on health and healing this year, this is it.

    — Tony Robbins
  • This groundbreaking book may be the most practical and helpful book you will ever read.

    — Neal D. Barnard, M.D., FACC, George Washington University School of Medicine
  • The book’s depth and detail is impressive. . . . A surround-sound prescription for healthy living, healing, and longevity, and, if needed, reversing chronic disease.

    —  Haute Living
  • Dr. Dean Ornish’s forty years of revolutionary scientific research essentially created the field of lifestyle medicine.  His new unifying theory is elegantly simple, profound, and life-transforming.

    — Michael Greger, M.D., F.A.C.L.M., author, How Not to Die; founder, NutritionFacts 
  • Everyone needs to read this book and follow its good advice.

    — Delos M. “Toby” Cosgrove, CEO, Cleveland Clinic, 2004–2017
  • Undo It! is the key to transforming your life in every good way. Immerse yourself in the healing that this book promises to unleash.

    — Kathy Freston, New York Times bestselling author of The Lean, Quantum Wellness, and Clean Protein
  • This is the only book you need to buy to change the way you eat and to add ten good years to your life. It]is a treasure trove and it is a treasure.

    — George Halvorson, CEO, Kaiser Permanente, 2002–2014
  • This book is a gift you give yourself, and the people you love.

    — David L. Katz, M.D., M.P.H., immediate past president, American College of Lifestyle Medicine: founder, True Health Initiative; director, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center
  • A breakthrough, evidence-based book that provides a clear guide for living a longer better life.

    — Dan Buettner, New York Times bestselling author of The Blue Zones
  • As usual my friend and mentor (this time with his wife, Anne) leads the way with practical science-backed advice that will help you lead a long, healthy, fulfilling, and joyful life. Every human should read this book, and it should be mandatory reading for everyone in educational institutions as well.

    — Deepak Chopra, M.D.
  • If you want to see what medicine will be like ten years from now, read this book today.

    — Rita F. Redberg, M.D., editor in chief, JAMA Internal Medicine
  • This is one of the most important books on health ever written.

    — John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Market
  • Dean Ornish is from the future!

    — Jack Hidary, senior adviser, Google X
  • This book is a lifesaver!

    — Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
  • The book’s depth and detail is impressive. . . . A surround-sound prescription for healthy living, healing, and longevity, and, if needed, reversing chronic disease.

    — Haute Living
  • Dr. Dean Ornish’s forty years of revolutionary scientific research essentially created the field of lifestyle medicine.  His new unifying theory is elegantly simple, profound, and life-transforming.

    — Michael Greger, M.D., F.A.C.L.M., author, How Not to Die; founder, NutritionFacts
  • Undo It! is the key to transforming your life in every good way. Immerse yourself in the healing that this book promises to unleash.

    — Kathy Freston, New York Times bestselling author of The Lean, Quantum Wellness, and Clean Protein
  • This is the only book you need to buy to change the way you eat and to add ten good years to your life. It]is a treasure trove and it is a treasure.

    — George Halvorson, CEO, Kaiser Permanente, 2002–2014
  • A breakthrough, evidence-based book that provides a clear guide for living a longer better life.

    — Dan Buettner, New York Times bestselling author of The Blue Zones

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About the Authors

Dean Ornish, MD, is a physician and the multiaward-winning author of numerous scientific reports and books, including the New York Times bestseller Love & Survival. He is the founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He was trained in internal medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital. His research has been published in the leading peer-reviewed medical journals and featured in all major media. He writes a monthly column for Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, and the Huffington Post. He has been a physician consultant to former president Bill Clinton since 1993. He serves as chairperson and member of the boards of directors of several organizations. He has received numerous awards and was recognized by Life magazine as “one of the fifty most influential members of his generation.”

Dean Ornish, MD, is a physician and the multiaward-winning author of numerous scientific reports and books, including the New York Times bestseller Love & Survival. He is the founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He was trained in internal medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital. His research has been published in the leading peer-reviewed medical journals and featured in all major media. He writes a monthly column for Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, and the Huffington Post. He has been a physician consultant to former president Bill Clinton since 1993. He serves as chairperson and member of the boards of directors of several organizations. He has received numerous awards and was recognized by Life magazine as “one of the fifty most influential members of his generation.”