
Business & Economics / Operations Research Audiobooks

The Design of Everyday has all of the business & economics/operations research titles you've been looking for. Our downloadable listening library includes great titles such as The Everything Store, The Design of Everyday Things and The Tyranny of Metrics to name a few to name a few. Moreover as you browse our inventory you'll find a diverse assortment of notable authors including . Explore our incredible business & economics/operations research audio selection and get ready to be entertained and intrigued for hours on end!

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Extended Sample The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
Extended Sample The Tyranny of Metrics by Jerry Z. Muller
Extended Sample The Everything Store by Brad Stone
Extended Sample Data Smart by John W. Foreman
Extended Sample Emotional Brilliance by Cathy L. Greenberg
Extended Sample Faster Cheaper Better by Michael Hammer
Extended Sample Google Speaks by Janet Lowe
Extended Sample NeuroAI by A.K. Pradeep
Extended Sample The Data Driven Leader by Jenny Dearborn
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