Dr. William L. Ury shows listeners how to overcome serious obstacles to negotiation. Whether dealing with an unruly teenager or an office bully, Dr. Ury's method will help listeners gain control in even the most difficult situations. Most importantly, GETTING PAST NO gets results.
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"This book may be one of the most personally meaningful books i have ever read. It has shown me an entirely new way to negotiate with people (especially difficult people) to create mutually beneficial solutions. The information in this book could help a LOT of people. READ IT!"
— Lily (5 out of 5 stars)
" Ury, William (1991), Getting Past No: Negotiating with Difficult People, Bantam Books, New York, NY. How to deal with negotiators that break all the rules in Getting to Yes. An important addition for those who face hardball tactics and dirty tricks from the other side. "
— Tom, 2/19/2014" William Ury could have made a single book to present his theory. That he divided it in three books, all best sellers, shows that he is very didatic and... a great negotiator. "
— Marcello, 2/16/2014" A "how to" on negotiation. The writing is pretty dry, but the strategy is clear and well-described. A useful volume if negotiation is something you find yourself doing. "
— Laura, 2/4/2014" Good couple to Getting to Yes which this book's autor co-authored. There is quite a bit of overlap however but still worth the little time it takes to read. "
— Casey, 1/23/2014" This was the best book I've read so far on negotiation. "
— Rob, 1/9/2014" Suspiciously similar to "Getting to Yes." It's still a good read, but I don't think anyone really needs to read both. But hey, if you do, more power to you. "
— Mike, 1/6/2014" This book gave me some great ideas for my job. "
— Todd, 1/6/2014" In contrast to the companion book Getting to Yes, the emphasis in this one is how to pull a nasty adversary into a more constructive dialogue with you. "
— Gerald, 12/31/2013" I'm still reading this, but I'm finding it as illuminating as Getting To Yes, if not more so. "
— Sonia, 12/25/2013" Great strategies here and a nice quick read. Nothing earth shattering here, but as a salesperson, I found it valuable. "
— Beth, 12/23/2013" A good follow up to Getting to "yes" that will strengthen your communication skills with dealing with difficult people. "
— Ken, 12/7/2013William Ury is the co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation, where he directs the Project on Preventing War. One of the world’s leading negotiation specialists, his past clients include dozens of Fortune 500 companies as well as the White House and Pentagon. Ury received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard. His books Getting to Yes and Getting Past No have sold more than five million copies worldwide.