In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity -- principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
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"Thought provoking and actionable. In a turbo-charged and busy world where an overwhelming amount of information and technology changes are coming at you with increasing speed,staying efficient and focused, and insouciant is key. This book helped my efficiency, effectiveness and success. It is worth reading again."
— Sandra (5 out of 5 stars)
“Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People played a major role in the development of Saturn’s operating systems and philosophy. Our commitment to quality and to our customers has its roots in The 7 Habits.”
— Skip LeFauve, late president of Saturn Corporation / General MotorsKen M. Radziwanowski AT&T School of Business Picture someone going through the best experience they've ever had in terms of training -- that's what they say. People credit The 7 Habits with changing their lives, with getting back on track personally and professionally.
“Picture someone going through the best experience they’ve ever had in terms of training—that’s what they say. People credit the 7 Habits with changing their lives, with getting back on track personally and professionally.”
— Ken M. Radziwanowski, AT&T School of Business“A wonderful book that could change your life.”
— Tom Peters, bestselling author of In Search of Excellence“The 7 Habits have the gift of being simple without being simplistic.”
— M. Scott Peck author of The Road Less Traveled“When Stephen Covey talks, executives listen.”
— Dun’s Business Month" A lot of great valuable points but hidden in such dense, textbook like material, making it a task just to get through the book. "
— Mark, 2/20/2014" Excellent read with valuable habits to develop "
— Tom, 2/1/2014" Exceptional book...insightful and inspiring yet practical and immediately useful as well. I will starting reading it again from the beginning in the next few days. "
— Matt, 1/31/2014" Changed my life wonderfully forever. Recommend everyone read this one! "
— Paul, 1/29/2014" This was another work read, and really my least favorite of all. Extremely common sense in my opinion, and could have been summarized in a packet of info rather than an entire book. "
— Laura, 1/26/2014" Should be compulsory reading in all universities. Maybe the world would have a lot more mature people. "
— Dirk, 1/18/2014" An excellent book built on principles and foundations of truth "
— Aaron, 1/9/2014" Next to the Road Less Traveled, this is the self-help book that has had the most influence on how I live my life. "
— Brennan, 12/17/2013" RIP Dr. Covey July 2012 "
— Beverly, 12/15/2013" The book was not so bad, but highly impracticable. "
— Adam, 12/11/2013" No easy read, but powerful and thought provoking "
— Oliver, 6/28/2013Dr. Stephen R. Covey (1932-2012) was a world-renowned authority on leadership and family relations. He held a bachelor of science from the University of Utah, an MBA from Harvard, and a PhD from Brigham Young University. Dr. Covey served as Vice Chairman of FranklinCovey Co., and was an in-demand speaker, teacher, and organizational consultant.