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Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You've Always Wanted Audiobook

Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life Youve Always Wanted Audiobook, by Kimberly Friedmutter Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Kimberly Friedmutter Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2019 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781508282167

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

66:46 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

01:27 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

32:11 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Activate the raw power of your subconscious to create the life you've always wanted, using six essential lessons from one of the world’s most renowned hypnotherapists.

Unsatisfying careers. Volatile, unhealthy relationships. Unfulfilled dreams. Too many of us are living lives that fall short of what we truly desire. But as celebrity hypnotist Kimberly Friedmutter explains in this life-changing book, not only is it possible to design the life of your dreams, but the power to do so lies within you, in your subconscious mind.

The subconscious is the root of your true power and desire; it's your inner eight-year-old, your authentic self. It is the honest compass that will lead you to a life of happiness, so long as you are able to follow its direction. We all have the power to access it—children do so effortlessly—but as we grow up we’re taught to stop daydreaming and to follow society’s rules, which makes us disconnect from our subconscious, often with tragic results.

In Subconscious Power, Kimberly guides you through six principles that bring your conscious mind in line with your subconscious desires. She shares practical, three-minute exercises that will help you transform your relationships, find true love, lose weight after years of struggling with the scale, overcome addictions, and achieve new career successes and heights. Featuring inspiring success stories and the practical tools you need to make meaningful change, Subconscious Power will empower you to stop being a passive participant in a life you don't love, and to actively choose the life you truly desire.

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“For anyone that needs to ignite the champion within, I urge you to read Kimberly’s words of wisdom.”

— Mike Tyson

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About Kimberly Friedmutter

Kimberly Friedmutter is a world-renowned hypnotherapist who works with some of Hollywood’s best-known luminaries, titans of industry, and politicians from across the country. Friedmutter is a member of the prestigious UCLA Health Systems Board, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the Association for Integrative Psychology, and the International Hypnosis Federation. She is also a certified master hypnotist and a certified NLP trainer.