The first book specifically for daughters suffering from the emotional abuse of selfish, self-involved mothers, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? provides the expert assistance you need in order to overcome this debilitating history and reclaim your life for yourself. Drawing on over two decades of experience as a therapist specializing in women's psychology and health, psychotherapist Dr. Karyl McBride helps you recognize the widespread effects of this maternal emotional abuse and guides you as you create an individualized program for self-protection, resolution, and complete recovery. Narcissistic mothers teach their daughters that love is not unconditional, that it is given only when they behave in accordance with maternal expectations and whims. As adults, these daughters have difficulty overcoming feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, emotional emptiness, and sadness. They may also have a fear of abandonment that leads them to form unhealthy romantic relationships, as well as a tendency to perfectionism and unrelenting self-criticism or to self-sabotage and frustration. Dr. McBride's step-by-step program will enable you to: —1) Recognize your own experience with maternal narcissism and its effects on all aspects of your life —2) Discover how you have internalized verbal and nonverbal messages from your mother and how these have translated into overachievement or self-sabotage —3) Construct a personalized program to take control of your life and enhance your sense of self, establishing healthy boundaries with your mother and breaking the legacy of abuse Warm and sympathetic, Dr. McBride brings a profound level of authority to Will I Ever Be Good Enough? that encourages and inspires you as it aids your recovery.
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"A must read for daughters of narcissistic mothers. There is so much guilt involved in trying to disconnect from a dysfunctional parent, and the mind games involved make you doubt yourself. So much of my childhood is in this book, and it really helped me to understand some of my life choices, and how I've repeated dysfunctions that have been in my family for generations. This is truly one of the most helpful books I have ever read."
— Sara (5 out of 5 stars)
“An amazing journey out of pain…Every page is milk and honey to your soul.”
— Tama J. Kieves, author of This Time I Dance!“This book is a must read for every woman living in the shadow of a domineering, self-focused parent.”
— Nanette Gartrell, MD, author of My Answer Is NO . . . If That’s Okay with YouThe author provides parenting tips as well as advice on maintaining healthy love relationships and friendships.
— Publishers Weekly Starred Review" ? Words cannot describe. Full of wisdom, compassion, and strength. Highly recommend! "
— Kayla, 2/17/2014" Definitely a good read for those with narcissistic mothers. Some of the exercises seemed trite, but it allows for a healing/grievance process to start if it hasn't already. "
— Elizabeth, 2/11/2014" If you recognize yourself in the title, you need to read this book. Valuable. "
— Michelle, 2/7/2014" I read this for book for writing research and thought it was excellent. "
— Jillian, 2/5/2014" This was not a bad book, but not all that exciting to me. It was good to see that I've already done much of what she recommends doing, though it reminded me of how much I've changed. I've had other books about boundaries and codependency that I found more helpful, though. "
— Thorn, 1/24/2014" I was reading something totally unrelated to this subject when this book (well, this idea) was brought up, so I ran to the local library to check it out. Interesting read. I'd advise this book to anyone having issues with relationships with their mothers; bad or good. If you have a bad relationship it might help. If you have a good one, it might help you realize how truly blessed you really are! "
— 'Alex', 1/20/2014" This is of the best books I've read in a long time. Easy to read, practical and concrete! "
— Paulette, 1/7/2014" I can not tell you how powerful this book was for me. It helped with my own personal issues and inadequacies stemming from my mother. The author writes it so you feel she is talking directly to you as a person. I cried so much reading this book and realized so much about myself. I can't emphasize enough how important this book is to women who have narcissistic mothers. Thank you Karyl McBride. "
— Amanda, 1/4/2014" So far, this book is EXTREMELY insightful. It is comforting to learn the healing process for a daughter of a narcissistic mother! "
— Marquita, 12/31/2013Dr. Karyl McBride, PhD, is the author of Will I Ever Be Good Enough? and has spent many years researching the insidious disorder of narcissism and how it impacts adults and children alike. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist with more than thirty years of experience in public and private practice.