"The Indian Christmas Carol," also known as "The Huron Carol" or "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime," is a captivating traditional carol with a rich history. Adapted by a Jesuit missionary in Canada during the 16th century, this cherished carol beautifully blends an old French tune with lyrics in the local Huron language, taught to the indigenous people by the missionary himself. "The Indian Christmas Carol" is a timeless treasure that connects us to the past while resonating with the present. Its heartfelt lyrics, accompanied by the enchanting sounds of the harp, create a tapestry of sound and emotion that will captivate and inspire listeners of all ages, inviting them to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.
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Greg Cetus is passionate about music of the natural world. His audio records come from many carefully selected locations using high quality equipment designed to capture every tiny nuance.
Josh Verbae is the editor and a theology specialist at The Big Nest. His work includes compiling collections of Christian Classics series and editions of the Holy Bible. His narration work includes The Tale of Benjamin Bunny by Beatrix Potter, The Sphinx without a Secret by Oscar Wilde, and English Fairy Tales, Vol 1 by Andrew Lang.