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Conflict Resolution: Let It Be as You Say & Building Bridges Together Audiobook

Conflict Resolution: Let It Be as You Say & Building Bridges Together Audiobook, by Deaver Brown Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Bill DeWees Publisher: Simply Magazine Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2011 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781614960348

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

05:26 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

41 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

02:22 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Conflict Resolution: Let It Be as You Say & Building Bridges Together, builds on positive approaches to support other people and build bridges to reach a satisfactory solution for all parties. This audio book encourages you to accept conflict as a normal part of everyone's life so you can move on productively to deal with it, rather than get depressed by the presence of conflict in your life and work. The author employs Justice William Douglas's thoughts as a platform for conflict resolution, "A good agreement can be either mutually satisfactory orunsatisfactory. The key is that all parties share equally in those beliefs and feelings."

The approach involves calmly and dispassionately discussing the pros, cons, and interesting points about a problem, such as Edward DeBono suggests in his landmark book about PMI (Plus, Minus, and Interesting Point) Thinking. This audio book builds on the experience of our author in writing and narrating Sell Anything, Negotiate Anything, Finance Anything, and the Legal Survival Kit to present the best approaches to resolve conflicts to your advantage, from personal, family, job to organizational ones. The approach is intended to help people analyze their options, get them focused on what is best for them and everyone else, and then move to a mutually satisfactory or unsatisfactory conclusion.

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About Deaver Brown

Deaver Brown is an author and entrepreneur. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School, and his books include Crucial Conversations, Presidential Wisdom, George Washington: Farewell Address, and numerous others.

About Bill DeWees

Bill DeWees is a voice actor who has worked extensively in radio, commercials, and audiobook narration. Some of his clients include Lowe’s, Pizza Hut, Whole Foods, and Whirlpool. Among his audiobook narrations are What Makes an Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker, The Jefferson Lies by David Barton, and Cold-Case Christianity by James Warren Wallace.