A Thinking Person’s Guide to Popular Psychology We would all like to know the secrets of human nature - who we are, how we think, and what we do. In a journey that spans 50 books, hundreds of ideas, and over a century in time, 50 Psychology Classics explores important contemporary writings such as Gladwell’s Blink and Seligman’s Authentic Happiness as well as wisdom from key figures in psychology’s development. EXPLORE the work of some of the greatest thinkers in psychology: ALFRED ADLER A- ALBERT ELLIS A- MILTON ERICKSON A- ERIK ERIKSON A- VICTOR FRANKL A- ANNA FREUD A- SIGMUND FREUD A- HARRY HARLOW A- KAREN HORNEYA- WILLIAM JAMES A- CARL JUNG A- ALFRED KINSEY A- MELANIE KLEIN A- RD LAING A- ABRAHAM MASLOW A- STANLEY MILGRAM A- IVAN PAVLOV A- FRITZ PERLS A- JEAN PIAGET A- CARL ROGERS A- BF SKINNER. GAIN insights into the scientific research of leading contemporary psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists: Authentic Happiness A- The Blank Slate A- Emotional Blackmail A- Feeling Good A- The Female Brain A- Frames of Mind A- The Origins of Everyday Moods A- The Paradox of Choice A- Phantoms in the Brain A- Stumbling on Happiness A- Working with Emotional Intelligence DISCOVER why we think and act the way we do through the landmark bestsellers of psychology: Blink A- Difficult Conversations A- Games People Play A- The Gift of Fear A- I’m OK - You’re OK A- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion A- Lateral Thinking A- The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat A- Passages A- People Skills A- The Psychology of Self-Esteem A- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work With insightful commentaries on each classic, biographical information on the authors, plus a guide to further key titles, 50 PSYCHOLOGY CLASSICS provides a unique overview of this fascinating subject.
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"To begin with, this book is very useful book for anyone who wants to know more references about various authors out there and their works. I got many new books planning to be read thru this book. It speaks about various authors and their books they haf written and gives excerpts from it. Good read."
— Anand (5 out of 5 stars)
" This is a very Interesting Audio-book give a glimpse into Psychology 's Greatest Psychology Authors : I found this book great for the non Psychologist but gives you many ideas and many classics "
— David S, 4/24/2019" I liked this anthology of psychology, but I felt it was odd that among the 50 authors chosen, many, if not the majority, came from Harvard. It just can't be statistically... "
— Francesca, 2/20/2014" This is a great review/overview of 50 great thinkers and researchers. It's a very quick read and provides lots of further reading suggestions which I will have to jot down and read in the future. "
— Maribel, 2/16/2014" It's like a college class without the torture. Loved it. "
— Andrea, 1/19/2014" This was a great book which I just finished reading. I suck at reviews but the book is awesome! "
— Ryan, 1/17/2014" Interesting, fast-track introduction into main books in psychology. Made me wish to get some of the books. "
— Diana, 1/16/2014" Finished the audiobook and was rather unsatisfied. He doesn't actually analyze the books, just summarizes the approaches for the most part. I was disappointed. "
— Shannon, 1/15/2014" read like exec summary, led me to couple of new books which I will soon try out "
— Tejas, 1/11/2014" serves as a refresher / cliff notes for some key ideas in psychology. Use as reference, not "for fun" reading... "
— Kim, 12/16/2013" Read this for my psychology class. I wish there was more details. I now have a list of things I want to look into more. "
— Janelle, 12/8/2013" This is a good choice for anyone looking for a general overview of psychology literature. A great way to pick up more titles to explore! "
— Laura, 11/27/2013
Tom Butler-Bowdon is an expert in personal development literature. His 50 Classics series has sold over 100,000 copies. He has won many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Self-Help Award and ForeWord magazine’s Book of the Year Award. A graduate of the London School of Economics, Butler lives and works in the UK and Australia.
Lloyd James (a.k.a. Sean Pratt) has been a working professional actor in theater, film, television, and voice-overs for more than thirty years. He has narrated over one thousand audiobooks and won numerous Earphones Awards and nominations for the Audie Award and the Voice Arts Award. He holds a BFA degree in acting from Santa Fe University, New Mexico.