Live the life you've always wanted to live! 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is packed with techniques for breaking down negative barriers and pessimistic thoughts that prevent you from fulfilling your goals and dreams. It's easy to get stuck in a humdrum life and only fantasize about what "could have been." Motivational speaker Steve Chandler helps you change that way of thinking to what "will be." His ideas will help you create an action plan for living out your vision. You will be intrigued at some of the real-life experiences upon which Steve has based his techniques—from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who told the author in 1976 that he was going to be the number one box office star in Hollywood (at the time, Arnold was only a body builder with a heavy Austrian accent), to Leonard Nimoy, whose life was reshaped through the rational, logical thought of Spock, the character he played on Star Trek. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is filled with proven methods for changing the way you think and developing self-creation. Steve draws on the feedback he's received from corporate and public seminar students to ensure that his methods work.
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"I've already listened to this audiobook multiple times, as it's absolutely a no-filler, advice-packed hour and a half. Some have commented on reader / author Steven Chandler sounding a bit too mellow for their tastes, but I'm not bothered by that in the least."
— Richard (5 out of 5 stars)
" I know, I know. A self help book? But, to my defense this book is really, really short and it like reading a list of 100 bullet points. Some of the suggestions and advice in some of the points are really helpful. "
— Tom, 4/6/2011" This should be a mandatory read! What an inspiring life coach will read again!! "
— Dina, 3/15/2011" Echt een heel goed boek, vol tips. Ik ben helemaal geïnspireerd. "
— Lilith, 2/5/2011" Just what everyone needs and written in a way that everyone can understand. It's a resource I'll reread again and again. Stellar! "
— Charles, 11/10/2010" I could say it's the amazing book I have ever read ( in this field) !! "
— Fahooody, 9/5/2010" 101 ways actually. Easy ways and all will get your butt moving. "
— Cindy, 3/31/2010" Great book to have around from one of my favorite coaches/mentors. "
— Charrise, 1/17/2010" Within the first 3 ideas, this book changed my life. I'm not kidding. "
— Elizabeth, 7/28/2009" Excellent material. I loved the presentation and content, but Chandler isn't the best vocal talent. I stuck with it though and by the end, his material won me over. The ideas presented in the book are powerful. "
— Lynn, 6/14/2009" I listened to this on audiobook where the reading by the author is not spectacular. I did learn a few things but nothing life changing. I could see giving it another try in the future. "
— Robert, 5/3/2009Steve Chandler has achieved the heights of public speaking and seminar training success, with more than twenty Fortune 500 clients. Chandler is a successful author, and his books include 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, 100 Ways to Motivate Others, and Reinventing Yourself.