The author believes that over the past forty years movements like New Age spirituality and society's obsession with human potential have combined like a "perfect storm" to redefine for popular culture what has been for centuries the classic biblical definition of the person, work, and teaching of Jesus Christ. In Why Jesus?, Ravi Zacharias looks at the impact of this "storm" by discussing the 60s-70s "Age of Aquarius," actor Shirley MacLaine's book and TV series Out On a Limb, author James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy), Rhonda Byrne (The Secret), Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), and other books by Eckart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, the Dali Lama, and Marianne Williamson. Special attention will be given to the influence of Oprah Winfrey's media platform in reshaping society by introducing and promoting certain books and authors.
Major new age and human potential tenets will be discussed like: the belief that we are all gods and have to discover our divinity; Jesus was only a good teacher; Christianity is but one among many ways to eternal life; reincarnation is real; Jesus was married; truth is relative; there is no sin; and perfection is possible.
The truth of and the arguments for the bodily resurrection of Jesus will be presented as the most important argument for the exclusive claims about Jesus and Christianity.
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"This is a really good book. I think I need to read the first half of it again, though, to get a handle on the names associated with "Weastern Spirituality" and to try and understand the confusing beliefs that many in the West are adopting as quickly as those in the East are abandoning them."
— Ruth (4 out of 5 stars)
“Ravi takes a scholarly yet imaginative approach to apologetics.”
— Bruce Wilkinson, #1 New York Times bestselling author“The works of Ravi Zacharias are a vital resource around our house.”
— Frank Peretti, New York Times bestselling author“Ravi Zacharias gives a powerful defense of how Jesus Christ brings meaning and hope to an individual life.”
— Billy Graham“Ravi Zacharias presents an outstanding defense of the Christian faith for our times.”
— R. C. Sproul“To every generation God sends a prophet. Ravi Zacharias is that prophet for this generation. You must hear him.”
— Josh McDowell“I am not acquainted with a brighter mind or a more relevant and devoted defender of the faith than Ravi Zacharias.”
— Charles Swindoll" i thought it was a very good book. had to pay close attention during the first half of the book as he was building his case against eastern religions and "new" spirituality that have become mainstream in the western culture. "
— Rick, 2/19/2014" Everything you would expect from Ravi Zacharias. "
— Paul, 11/1/2013" Well written and very well thought out. "
— Bill, 10/21/2013" Though a good bit of it went over my head (Due to lack of interest or general ignorance about Eastern spirituality, I'm not sure.), this was still an informative read. "
— Beka, 10/9/2013" This book wasn't as engaging as I thought it would be. I think I should read this again. However, it won't stop me from reading more of his books. "
— Missy, 9/24/2013" For the most part, this book is a rebuttal of Deepak Chopra and his well marketed business. His insights from a Bhuddist society are interesting and good for thought as American culture embraces more pluralistic ideas. "
— Kendra, 9/7/2013" HIGHLY recommend it. I 'listened' to this book - mp3 style and loved it. I may well listen to it again sometime in the near future. A lot of info to get all at once... You should get it - now. "
— Sarah, 5/10/2013" What an outstanding book. Ravi is the the best. "
— Dan, 2/14/2013" Reading a Zacharias' book is journey through a forest where paths are taken leading the reader into the faith logic of an important apologist of the modern and post-modern era. He is not an easy read but the discoveries along the way are well worth the read. "
— Jim, 1/16/2013" Ravi Zacharias once again takes a very complicated question of life and lays it out in very simple, approachable ways. His passion for the truth should be a draw for anyone who has questions about existence and spirituality, even for those who may not agree with his conclusions. "
— Jadepen, 12/11/2012" Sorry just could get in to reading this book. "
— Deborah, 7/16/2012Ravi Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live without God? He is president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.