Outside were stray animals and people, each about some pursuit. Sometimes it was a beggar at the door, sometimes a leprous hand reaching for a handout with a plea for compassion. Life with all its hurts and pains squinted at you, squatted before you, and stared you down daily. This was the street where I grew up.
Ravi Zacharias has lived an extraordinary life. He has walked with great leaders, slept in the villages and homes of the poor, and crossed continents to bring the good news of the gospel to the world. Already a man of two worlds by the time he was 20, Ravi never dreamed that God would lead him from his birth home in India to Canada and the United States, and eventually to a platform on the world stage.
For 33 years he has spoken all over the world. He has addressed writers of the peace accord in South Africa, the president's cabinet and parliament in Peru, and military officers at the Lenin Military Academy and the Center for Geopolitical Strategy in Moscow. He has given the keynote address at the National Day of Prayer in Washington, D.C., and has spoken twice at the Annual Prayer Breakfast at the United Nations in New York.
Walking from East to West is Ravi's life story, a deeply personal journey into his past. Dr. Zacharias invites you back to the southern India of his early childhood, and into his troubled youth in the sophisticated capital city of Delhi. He recalls the importance of a mother's love and his difficult relationship with his father. He tells about his long search for truth in wrestling with Eastern thought and the newer ideas of Christianity, the cry for help in a dark moment when he tried to take his own life—and the dramatic turning point that led to a life lived for Christ. Zacharias recalls his early days as a new convert, what it was like to find a new life in the Western world, and the eventual birth and growth of a worldwide ministry.
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"Ravi Zacharias' story is MIRACULOUS! He is one of my very favourite speakers, apologist, and authors. He relates that his story is difficult for him to present (he actually relates it to someone to write)....but I really enjoyed the way it is written and all that I learned about his walk with God."
— Perry (5 out of 5 stars)
" A really interesting story of the author's physical journey from India to the US and spiritually to coming to know Jesus as his Lord. "
— Jim, 2/13/2014" I thoroughly enjoyed reading Ravi's autobiography. "
— Cathy, 2/8/2014" Blown away by Ravi's roots and what the Lord has done thru him. God has amazing purpose for His own. "
— Elimoore, 2/5/2014" I am a sucker for biographies anyway, but this one is fantastic. The impact that one man has had on so many lives is humbling and so exciting! "
— Jason, 2/3/2014" so well written.surprising story of ravi's life journey. "
— Jill, 1/26/2014" An interesting insight into Eastern culture meeting Western culture within the context of the Christian faith. Very Genuine. "
— Jane, 1/20/2014" A very educational and inspiring book about this man's remarkable journey with God. "
— Ginny, 1/20/2014" Add this to my list of autobiographies of authors I love. Not only is it an interesting book as a biography, it is such an extraordinary story in and of itself, those who are not familiar with Ravi can appriciate it almost as prose. "
— Erin, 12/25/2013" It gives you a great perspective on other religious worldviews. "
— Curly, 12/24/2013" This is one of my favorite books. It is a great autobiography of Ravi's life. "
— Betty, 12/19/2013" Fascinating biography by one of the most intellectually stimulating writers on the scene today. I couldn't put the book down, maybe because I admire Ravi so much and love listening to his lectures and debates. "
— Carlene, 12/14/2013Ravi Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live without God? He is president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.