In this brilliant and compelling defense of the Christian faith, Ravi Zacharias shows how affirming the reality of God's existence matters urgently in our everyday lives. How you answer the questions of God's existence will impact your relationship with others, commitment to integrity, attitude toward morality, and perception of truth.
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"This book convinced me that it is an essential part of normal human development for every person to face their mortality and build a view of the infinite for themselves. Ravi builds one of the most compelling and pragmatic arguments for the existence of God and man's need of Him. You do NOT have to possess a judeo-christian paradigm to enjoy this book. If you enjoy the art of good argument and can weigh an argument based on merit, not bias, you will be challenged by this book."
— Joel (4 out of 5 stars)
" Non-fiction philosophy book and although I didn't understand some of the concepts I picked up some worthwhile ideas. It feels good to read a book beyond my I can read a popular novel with impunity. "
— Nonie, 2/5/2014" I love to listen to and read Ravi Zacharias. He never fails to make me think. This is only one of his books but if I had to pick only one I think I'd pick this one. "
— Cbpax, 1/21/2014" Examines all the different facets of atheism and follows their ideas to their logical conclusion, showing how they do not lead to fulfilment but to chaos and confusion. A brilliant and compelling apologetic defence of the Christian faith. "
— Ann, 1/19/2014" Deep book! I had to read some parts over. Zacharias, Head of RZM (a ministry) is a excellent Christian apologist and speaker. I love his radio show, "Let My People Think." "
— Karen, 1/19/2014" This book helped me process doubts raised in grad school. It makes a philosophical case for God while acknowledging the work of great philosophers like Descartes, Russell and Nietzsche. "
— Rachel, 1/10/2014" A must read in the age of relativism. This book answers many common existential questions. "
— James803, 12/24/2013" Ravi Z. is one smart dude. "
— Julie, 12/22/2013" A great Christian thinker who can analyze fallacies without mercy and tell a story to bring you to tears. "
— John, 12/1/2013" Wish every believer could read this book. "
— Tara, 11/22/2013" Great review of the most influential philosophers and how a Christian perspective might answer some of their conundrums. This evangelist is as profound an orator and storyteller as he is a writer in this book. You may want to give him a listen on top of the reading of this work. "
— Thomas, 8/14/2013" An intellectual tour de force. One of the great minds of our time. "
— Reed, 7/22/2013Ravi Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live without God? He is president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.