Many people who have read The Secret audiobook or seen the DVD of the same name report that their lives have changed completely because of this book. The idea behind The Secret is to bring to the masses the secret of happiness and success in everything you do. Most self-help books are not like this because they generally focus on one thing—doing well in business, overcoming depression or having a good relationship with your significant other, for example. The Secret, however, claims that it can give you everything that you want and also that the answer is really simple and has been known by great people throughout the centuries.
Rhonda Byrne claims that all great people have practiced the method she promotes in The Secret and she gets people who are well-known in their fields to talk about their rise to success. So The Secret is largely made up of quotes from people who have been successful in their chosen occupations. Some of these examples are really interesting, like the one of Jack Canfield who made $100,000 by making a fake $100,000 bill (just adding more zeros to a $1 bill) and pasting it on the ceiling above his bed. Every morning when he woke up, he would see the bill, close his eyes and visualize having that $100,000 per year lifestyle. Finally, after a month, an idea came to him and he ended up making $92,327 that year.
In another example, John Assaraf had just moved to a new house and was unpacking when his son came in and asked what was in a certain box. That box contained Assaraf's vision boards where he would put up pictures of the things he wanted in his life so as to attract them to him. Assaraf opened a box to show his son and while he was looking at an old vision board where he had pasted a picture of a house, he realized that he had bought the very same house and just moved into it.
So what exactly is the method that The Secret is trying to promote? Basically, The Secret claims that everything in life works according to the law of attraction. If you visualize good things happening to you, they do happen and if you visualize bad things happening to you, that's what happens. If you're a happy and cheerful person, more reasons to be happy and cheerful will come to you and if you're anxious or depressed, you invite negative things into your life. Fortunately, it's possible to change your thoughts, to deliberately think positive thoughts and visualize wonderful things happening, either by just closing your eyes and living them in your mind or using physical reminders like vision boards.
The writer of The Secret, Rhonda Byrne is an Australian radio and TV producer. She initially produced a DVD of "The Secret" and later wrote the book as well, which was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. She has also written "The Power" and "The Magic". The Secret was on the New York Times bestseller list for 190 weeks and Rhonda Byrne was named one of TIME magazine's top 100 People Who Shape Our World in 2007. Rhonda says that the idea about writing The Secret came to her when she was at a really dark point in her life. She had worked herself into exhaustion, her father had died suddenly and her relationships with people were all suffering. At this time, she was given a copy of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles and this changed her life, giving her the idea for The Secret. After that, she found that she saw the secret in many other places and realized that it had been present throughout history.
"This book has helped me SO MUCH! Every time I am in the car I re-listen to the chapters I think I need more assistance with. Rhonda Byrne has the most pleasant voice to soothe even the most anxious of minds. This will definitely be something I listen to on a daily basis to help me find the true potential in my own self. Thank you thank you!"
— syzygytno1 (5 out of 5 stars)
“Supporters will hail this New Age self-help book on the law of attraction as a groundbreaking and life-changing work, finding validation in its thesis that one’s positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness.”
— Publishers Weekly" Life-changing. Eye-opening. Wonderful and right on time… "
— KB, 8/11/2022" I’ve listening and applying it everyday. It’s amazing, I was able to get unexpected checks - all I can say that it works! Love and Gratitude ???? "
— Dee, 3/9/2020" Just some more mumbo jumbo. New Age is a bunch of crap. It’s really like black magic with all of the incantations and mantras. If Oprah says it’s good; everyone agrees. Why would Oprah even need to read ( and probably hasn’t ) such a book anyway-she’s already the Queen of Good Luck. "
— Mike Parra, 7/27/2019" I absolutely loved this book. I have listened to it countless times and continue to listen to it. "
— Stacy, 7/25/2018" The Secret is an amazing philosophy which is life changing. I originally saw the movie and I loved what it taught me. I downloaded the audiobook for a refresher because it is very easy to find yourself on a path of negativity. This is a great tool that I highly recommend to everyone. Listening to it in my car never gets old. "
— julie, 3/20/2017" I high recommend everyone to have read or listen to this book. "
— keo, 12/4/2016" I enjoyed this audio book because of the different narrators. Kept it very interesting! "
— Gina Golden, 9/13/2016" If you are not just wanting, but willing to change and have the ability to embrace whatever comes with a grateful heart, this is a wonderful guide book that will empower you to alter your existence. I keep the audio book at the ready to use as a tool to re-focus my efforts when whatever I'm doing isn't working out so well. "
— Daphne Ruck, 8/2/2016" I love this one. I love the Rhonda Byron books, I listen to them on my way to work and on my way home. I find them inspirring and easy to follow and listen too. "
— Victoria, 6/28/2016" Calims a lot of stuff with no evidence of its existence except for some people's experiences. "
— Andrew, 2/8/2014" A great positive punch when you need it. Offers good self helping attitude changes one can make very easily. "
— Rii, 2/8/2014" thought it had a lot of interesting concepts, but i was not completely convinced or agreed with her philosophy. "
— Jessica, 2/1/2014" Everyone should read this book! "
— Audra, 1/30/2014" First time ever to see a book telling people "don't work". It was stupid to flip a page after the other while it could be summarized in less than half a paragraph. "Imagine that you own a Laila world and it will be attracted to you"!!!!! Seriously this is what it says. You need to do nothing and the secret is a stupid law of attraction that nice or bad things will be attracted to you based on our positive or negative attitude towards thing. you dont need to run after things such money or love, it will come magically alone if you are just positive!!! Literally that what it says. Of course you can try reading it ourselves I you like that crap. "
— Sherif, 1/26/2014" Unlike the rest of the world I wasn't overly impressed by this book. A lot of it is taken from E & J Hicks, Teachings of Abraham. Much better books that really do explain 'the secret' of getting the life you desire. "
— Rosie, 1/16/2014" The movie or the book, all worth watching/reading at least once a year. "
— Caroline, 1/12/2014" More books that give us energy spiritually and physically "
— Hawraa, 12/25/2013" Motivational, inspiring. Mind-changing habits. <3 "
— Rochelle, 12/3/2013" I enjoyed reading this book this summer. It speaks of what I've always believed. Believe good things will happen and they will. Things always work out. "
— Lisa, 11/23/2013" I liked it and can actually relate to some of the things that have happened in my life. I read some of the reviews and I was a little surprised. I can only assume they don't believe in the ...."Secret" Read it with an open mind, if you read it with a closed or set mind your not going to like it. "
— Ledy, 7/21/2013" Good read. Lots of great information. Good start on learning about the Law of Attraction. "
— Tumika, 5/1/2013" Common sense reinforced, things we know but need to hear once in awhile to reinforce our own strengths. "
— Ranj, 12/25/2012" Not totally false nor that true,,, imaginary more than practical but the way of writing was convening and shows the author's ability "
— Eyad, 12/8/2012" Practicing the ideas set forth in this book has LITERALLY changed my life... When I practice them... "
— Sarah, 7/6/2012" it's always with me :) "
— ElÃsabet, 7/4/2012" The take home message for me: surround yourself with positive energy and be the positive change that you are driving for. "
— Christy, 3/30/2012" I felt so amazing after reading this book. It has changed my whole thought process :) "
— Andrea, 1/15/2012" I dont completely agree with the text but it makes you think and most importantly gives you a positive mindset "
— Alicia, 12/8/2011" The important lesson: you determine your destiny. The missing element in this book: imagining what you want isn't enough to create it. You must also do the work to have that imagined goal become reality. "
— Bsala, 8/16/2011" Awesome words to inspire and empower you "
— Katrina, 8/13/2011" I was about 17 years old, was going through a terrible breakup, and that really rough "phase" growing up, so this book really inspired me to read books again and to really think positively about my life. "
— Mimi, 5/31/2011" I felt like the book was an infamercial that I had to read. But the Idea ian't a bad one, Keep your thoughts positive,and you feel more positive. But I don't think your brain power can produce items, You need to work hard to get the things you want. "
— Nicholle, 5/31/2011" Good read and confirms what Prophi Mohammed "??? ???? ???? ? ???" said more than 1400 years ago:<br/>"Think possitive about good things, and you will find it" ??????? ?????? ????? "
— ???????, 5/30/2011" This book teaches important philosophy, but it leave out some of the more important spiritual aspects. There is nothing that the author talks about that wasn't taught in the Holy Scriptures first and it is taught in the scriptures better. "
— Bill, 5/28/2011" Inspiring, must read for someone who doesn't know how to achieve great things in life. "
— Sanne, 5/26/2011" It is one of the greatist book have been written. Every time you read it you will find new things you have not notice it before. "
— Jassim, 5/25/2011" I'm on a middle of this book and I can't read it more.. as I'm Christian it's really hard to believe in what is written in the book. I think that the book was written only for money.. "
— Lucas, 5/24/2011" The i love the author, because she writes amazing and the book is easy to understand. "
— Amalie, 5/24/2011Rhonda Bryne is an Australian television writer and producer. She is best known for her work The Secret, a book and a film by the same name. Currently, the book has sold over nineteen million copies. She has also been a producer for the award-winning Australian television series Sensing Murder. Bryne was listed among Time magazine’s list of the top 100 people who shape the world; she has also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show.