The Divine Conspiracy has revolutionized how we think about the true meaning of discipleship. In this classic, one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our times and author of the acclaimed The Spirit of Disciplines, Dallas Willard, skillfully weaves together biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice, revealing what it means to "apprentice" ourselves to Jesus. Using Jesus’s Sermon of the Mount as his foundation, Willard masterfully explores life-changing ways to experience and be guided by God on a daily basis, resulting in a more authentic and dynamic faith.
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"Ok. I have heard Willard twice in person, and, although I am a fast writer, I could hardly scribble fast enough. I was fortunate to hear a seminar by him as he was preparing to write this book. I am a super-fast reader, and comprehend very well. THIS book is brilliant. I sure couldn't read it quickly! But what a gift to the world. And Willard is a very humble, sweet soul."
— Marisa (5 out of 5 stars)
“It would be hard to overstate the intellectual depth of this audio and its relevance to genuine seekers of the Christian faith…Willard gives an eloquent reading…and invites us to find the spiritual integrity we need to live Christ’s teachings. This difficult path doesn’t allow self-deception, boasting, or escape from what the true believer must do.”
— AudioFile“Willard is a master at capturing the central insight of Jesus’ teachingsRarely have I found an author with so penetrating an intellect combined with so generous a spirit.”
— Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline“With The Divine Conspiracy, Willard joins the line of a Kempis, Luther, Fenelon, Brother Lawrence, Zinzendorf, Wesley, and other master apprentices of Jesus…What distinguishes The Divine Conspiracy is an extraordinary combination of simplicity and depth…If you read only one book, make it this one.”
— Christianity Today“This book belongs in the tradition of the great devotional classicsThe comprehensiveness of his study, its accessibility, its fervor, its freshness of phrasing, and its command of Scripture should prompt Christians to give this book serious attention.”
— Christian Century" Maybe the most significant book I've ever read. It changed my life, my outlook on the kingdom of God, and set me on a path that has changed everything for me. "
— Jeremy, 2/2/2014" Truly a milestone in my life. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to live life as well as it can be lived. "
— Emily, 2/2/2014" This book is a life-changer. "
— Hope, 1/18/2014" This is a tough read but an amazing, amazing book about the Kingdom of God. Can't recommend it enough! "
— Kristen, 1/7/2014" Very good. Dallas Willard approaches Christian discipleship with a fresh perspective. "
— Peter, 1/7/2014" Like most Willard reads this books peaks my curiosity and challenges my thinking. This is my second time through this book and I love it! "
— J.C., 12/20/2013" This is a must-re-read every year or so. Willard's wisdom and insight into spiritual life is refreshing and challenging. "
— Violinknitter, 12/3/2013" This book changed my understanding of the Sermon on the Mount. "
— Carissa, 11/13/2013" I could not put this book down. I have re-read it twice! "
— Lisa, 11/11/2013" Read it twice, am now (2012), reading again. A feast for the mind and he heart. Thought provoking, life changing stuff. Must read. "
— Bram, 11/7/2013" In my opinion this book is second only to mere christianity for christian thought. "
— Russell, 10/26/2013Dallas Willard (1935–2013) was a professor at the University of Southern California’s School of Philosophy for forty-seven years. His groundbreaking books The Divine Conspiracy and The Spirit of the Disciplines forever changed the way thousands of Christians experience their faith.