A high school student reared in a Christian home turns to drugs and alcohol. A woman tries to stop criticizing others—for ten years. A father knows he needs more patience with his children, but his efforts seem in vain. // What do these people have in common? They are all in desperate need of further renovation of the heart, of transformation of the spirit. But just what is this transformation? Author Dallas Willard explains that its ideal end is when "all of the essential parts of the human self are effectively organized around God, as they are restored and sustained by Him. Spiritual transformation in Christ is the process leading to that ideal end, and its result is love of God with all of the heart, soul, mind, and strength, and of the neighbor as oneself." // Although you may acknowledge this as the ideal, you may still wonder how to get there? Renovation of the Heart helps to answer that inquiry. It lays a foundation for understanding the ruin and restoration of humanity by discussing human nature and its components, how they operate, and how they are renewed. It describes common misunderstandings about our human nature and the discipleship process. Most important, it outlines the general pattern of personal transformation—not as a formula, but as a systematic process that we have the responsibility to undertake as intentional apprentices of Jesus. Only then will our transformation be accomplished, through interaction with the grace of God in Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual treasures stored in the body of Christ. //We aren't born again to stay the way we are. But how many times have we looked around us in dismay at the lack of spiritual maturity in fellow believers? There's good news. You can experience significant growth in your Christian walk, shed sinful habits, and increasingly take on the character of Christ. Willard calls this "the transformation of the spirit"—a divine process that "brings every element in our being, working from inside out, into harmony with the will of God or the kingdom of God."
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"This book is amazing. The very practical explanations it gives on the Christian's part of sanctification (earnest discipline) is unparalleled in contemporary Christian literature. I have never read a Christian book that gives such practical advice on disciplining one's emotions. Willard is so insightful and this book is life-changing. I find myself rereading certain parts from time to time, even after I've read them 10 times. he shows how following Christ is objectively wise and wiser than not following Christ in everyday living, and he goes the approach of objective analysis of the two options, without relying on pretty/flowery emotionalism in his persuasion."
— Chris (5 out of 5 stars)
“Many evangelicals will appreciate his fresh and less guilt-ridden approach to Christian spiritual growth. The book is heavily Bible-based, provides discussion questions and includes a chapter on spiritually transforming congregations as well as individuals.”
— Publishers Weekly" Deep and very rich "
— Kirsten, 2/17/2014" Although there where sections in this book that i found particularly helpful such as the sections on prayer and solitude, I felt like this book was written poorly. The author seems to stray off topic quite a bit. You almost have to read paragraph by paragraph and go back and forth to make sure you know what his point was because it can be a bit confusing. I wasn't too impressed, although he did go into more depth then Henry Nouwen did in his book on the spiritual life in "Making All Things New." "
— Megsprincess87, 2/10/2014" Anything from this guy is deep and helps you grasp spiritual concepts in a very real tangible way. "
— Bryan, 2/8/2014" This book is an amazingly exhaustive description of the with-God life...simply exquisite! "
— Tom, 2/7/2014" Willard is not always an easy read, this book was tedious in parts, but had lot's of good information on spiritual formation and how change happens in a person. "
— Greg, 2/6/2014" One I intend to read yearly! This is the most incredible book I've read on the concept of human nature vs. desiring to be like Christ. It is inspirational and profound! "
— Wendy, 2/5/2014" It seemed as though Willard had some good thoughts on some very deep and emotive topics, but his presentation seemed to me to be sterile and aloof. His perspective about holistic discipleship is refreshing and needed, and I intend to revisit this book in the future under different circumstances (this was required reading for a spiritual formation course), but I was not overly impressed this first go-around. "
— Michael, 1/31/2014" Dallas Willard is a very interesting author, an extreme intellectual in my mind. This book was a great blessing. I loved going through this book in our accountability group. Great thoughts throughout when I was able to understand what he was saying. Undoubtedly I need simple words for my simple mind. "
— Stan, 1/29/2014" Understanding how our heart, mind, body and soul are connected. It is amazing that God has give us a freedom of will. "
— Karl, 1/18/2014" This book has some great things to say, though it is extrememly dry. "
— Nate, 1/6/2014Dallas Willard (1935–2013) was a professor at the University of Southern California’s School of Philosophy for forty-seven years. His groundbreaking books The Divine Conspiracy and The Spirit of the Disciplines forever changed the way thousands of Christians experience their faith.