Nicholas Flamel appeared in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter—but did you know he really lived? And his secrets aren't safe! Discover the truth in book one of the New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.
The truth: Nicholas Flamel's tomb is empty.
The legend: Nicholas Flamel lives.
Nicholas Flamel is the greatest Alchemyst to ever live. The records show that he died in 1418, but what if he's actually been making the elixir of life for centuries?
The secrets to eternal life are hidden within the book he protects—the Book of Abraham the Mage. It's the most powerful book that has ever existed, and in the wrong hands, it will destroy the world. And that's exactly what Dr. John Dee plans to do when he steals it.
There is one hope. If the prophecy is true, Sophie and Josh Newman have the power to save everyone. Now they just have to learn to use it.
“The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel has everything you loved about Harry Potter, including magic, mystery, and a constant battle of good versus evil.”—Bustle
Read the whole series!
The Alchemyst
The Magician
The Sorceress
The Necromancer
The Warlock
The Enchantress
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"Sometimes we need time to travel in our minds to other universes, to other realms. This series of The Alchemyst not only transferred me to times where we "were" so special, but it also taught me a key thing about HUMANI: the power is within me yet we do not know that. We need somebody else to awaken the power within us. How true is that..."
— ?Hussein (5 out of 5 stars)
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel has everything you loved about Harry Potter, including magic, mystery, and a constant battle of good versus evil.
— Bustle ★ “[A] riveting fantasy . . . fabulous read.★ “Readers will be swept up.
— Kirkus Reviews, StarredFans of adventure fantasies like Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series will eat this one up.
— VOYAAn exciting and impeccably thought-out fantasy, well-suited for those left in the lurch by Harry Potter’s recent exeunt.
— Booklist“By the last page of this exhilarating journey, it’s delightfully clear that the ending is merely the beginning.”
— Kirkus Reviews“An exciting and impeccably thought-out fantasy, well-suited for those left in the lurch by Harry Potter’s recent exeunt.”
— Booklist" I've been reading teen/young adult fiction a lot these days. This is an adventurous story of a brother and sister and their ties to an alchemyst - the first book in a series of several. It's geared more for theyounger readers - I woud say anywhere from 4th grade up. I finished the first book quckly but bogged down on the second ook and haven't completed it yet. "
— Patty, 2/9/2014" I would not recommend this book series. I found the story itself to be interesting, but slow moving. The use of mythological characters is unique, certainly, but also somewhat confusing. Nothing felt quite thought out, and everything felt like it was setting up for a series (which it is) rather than telling a story in itself. The writing is derivative and repetitive; the author constantly repeats information, in case we forgot it from last chapter, or tells you what characters are thinking or feeling when it is or should be obvious from the events going on. The reader of the audiobook did a credible job bringing this story to life, but could not overcome the insipid writing. I find myself drawn to book 2 out of train-wreck curiosity only, and regret the choice. I apologize for my harsh words to the author, and look forward to his next project, whatever it may be, as it will come with more experience and hopefully less straight-to-series marketing. "
— Melissa, 1/26/2014" Good book, but the setting of the book in the beginning was not very well suited "
— Supreme, 1/18/2014" My question throughout was: if you are the "world's greatest alchemist" why do you need the book to mix an elixir you have been making and taking monthly for 500 years? "
— Bill, 1/15/2014" Wow. This book and its series would make a pretty great movie. "
— Allison, 1/14/2014" It's soooooo good, and interesting!!! It defenetly makes you think and omg Scatach is such a cool character!!! XD "
— Sika, 1/12/2014" Much like 39 Clues and The Percy Jackson. middle schoolers who love Harry Potter might like this "
— Calypso, 1/6/2014" GOod series; lots of interwoven myths and legends; my kids also enjoyed; good for teens "
— Cindy, 12/30/2013" It starts out to be a very promising series with a very interesting plot. I was very interested in it the whole way through. "
— Jonathon, 11/6/2013" I did not like this book. :| Almost all of the characters are lame. The twins are specially ANNOYING. I don't think I'll be reading the next books of this series. "
— Isabel, 10/19/2013Michael Scott, one of Ireland’s most successful authors, is the writer behind the popular Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. A master of fantasy, science fiction, horror, and folklore, he has been hailed by the Irish Times as “the King of Fantasy in these isles.”
Denis O’Hare is one of today’s busiest actors in the film, television, and stage worlds. The Tony Award–winning actor is best known to television viewers for his recent work on True Blood as Russell Edgington, Vampire King of Mississippi.