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Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More Audiobook

Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More Audiobook, by Courtney Carver Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Courtney Carver Publisher: Blackstone Publishing Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 4.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2017 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781538435427

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

10:02 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

26 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

03:20 minutes

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Publisher Description

Courtney Carver shows us the power of simplicity to improve our health, build more meaningful relationships, and relieve stress in our professional and personal lives.

We are often on a quest for more, giving in to pressure every day to work more, own more, and do more. For Courtney Carver, this constant striving had to come to a stop when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Stress was like gasoline on the fire of her symptoms, and it became clear that she needed to root out the physical and psychological clutter that were the source of her debt and discontent.

In this book, Carver shows us how to pursue practical minimalism so we can create more with less—more space, more time, and even more love. She invites us to look at the big picture, discover what’s most important to us, and reclaim lightness and ease by getting rid of all the excess things.

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“A heartfelt yet practical guide for making life simple again. This book made me laugh, smile, and take action toward living a life uncluttered by most of the needless things people fill their lives with, leaving me with space for what truly matters.”

— Angel Chernoff, author of 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently


  • “Marie Kondo taught us how to declutter our homes; now it’s time to let Courtney Carver take us to a deeper place—to refine our lives and reconnect with what matters most.”

    — Jonathan Fields, author of How to Live a Good Life
  • “There’s an age-old fallacy that more stuff equals more happiness. Research and Carver’s beautiful new book lead us to the truth: happiness, joy, and love can very much derive from a whole lot less.”

    — Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage
  • “Courtney Carver understands that simplifying involves more than decluttering—it’s about habits, appreciation, discipline, and love.”

    — Joshua Fields Millburn,
  • “Soulful Simplicity prescribes a lifestyle filled with a lot more of one thing: love. What our heart needs is a huge part of the equation, and Courtney teaches us how to make sure we’re listening to it.”

    — Cait Flanders, author of The Year of Less

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About Courtney Carver

Courtney Carver launched her blog Be More with Less in 2010 and is one of the top bloggers in the world on the subject of minimalism. She has been featured in countless articles, podcasts, and interviews on simplicity and is the creator of the minimalist fashion challenge Project 333, which was featured in O, The Oprah Magazine and Real Simple.