Overscheduled. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Sound familiar? Too familiar?
You are living at a velocity you know deep down is unsustainable. Your life is off course — too crammed with busyness, too out of focus. You keep waiting for things to get better, but they never do.
In Simplify, best-selling author Bill Hybels identifies core issues that drive this kind of living and offers action steps to help you live a better way. By eradicating clutter from your inner world, you can experience immediate rewards: greater energy, clearer purpose, richer relationships, and more.
Your life won’t simplify itself. You must act. Isn’t it time?
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Bill Hybels is the founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Willow Creek’s pioneering ministries have made it one of the most attended churches in North America with an outreach that extends worldwide. Hybels has authored more than 20 books, including Fit to Be Tied, Rediscovering Church (with his wife Lynne), Too Busy Not to Pray, Courageous Leadership, Just Walk Across the Room, and Holy Discontent.