"Buena ubicación... [La carta de Marque] deja al devoto de la ficción naval ansioso por secuelas." —Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post Book WorldEl capitán Jack Aubrey, un oficial brillante y experimentado, ha sido eliminado de la lista de post-capitanes por un crimen que no cometió. Su viejo amigo Stephen Maturin, generalmente elegido como cirujano de un barco para enmascarar sus actividades discretas en nombre de la Inteligencia Británica, ha comprado para Aubrey su antigua nave la Sorpresa para comandar como corsaria, más educadamente llamado una carta de marca. Juntos navegan en una misión desesperada contra los franceses, que, si tiene éxito, puede redimir a Aubrey de la privado infierno de su desgracia.
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Patrick O’Brian (1914–2000), a translator and author of biographies, was best known as the author of the highly acclaimed Aubrey–Maturin series of historical novels. Set in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars ,this twenty-volume series centers on the enduring friendship between naval officer Jack Aubrey and physician and spy Stephen Maturin. The Far Side of the World, the tenth book in the series, was adapted into a 2003 film directed by Peter Weir and starring Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany. The film was nominated for ten Oscars, including Best Picture. He wrote acclaimed biographies of Pablo Picasso and Sir Joseph Banks. He also translated many works from the French, among them the novels and memoirs of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Lacouture’s biographies of Charles de Gaulle.