
Poetry Audiobooks

Paradise LostOur poetry audio collection offers a wide variety of great books. Choose from a broad selection of downloadable audiobook titles including The Odyssey and Paradise Lost to name a few. Our selection of poetry books includes great listens from well known authors such as Homer, John Milton and Percy Bysshe Shelley. And you're assured of the widest compatibility you'll find anywhere online no matter what portable listening device you own. Browse our amazing selection and get ready to enjoy listening to all of your favorite authors!

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Extended Sample Dream Drawings by N. Scott Momaday
Extended Sample Dream of the Divided Field by Yanyi
Extended Sample Dreams from Many Rivers by Margarita Engle
Extended Sample Drive by Elaine Sexton
Extended Sample Drive Here and Devastate Me by Megan Falley
Extended Sample Droga Do Nieba (Road to Heaven) by Sona Van
Extended Sample Drum Taps by Walt Whitman
Extended Sample Drum-Taps and Memoranda During the War by Walt Whitman
Extended Sample Duende by Tracy K. Smith
Extended Sample Dust On The Mountain by Ruskin Bond
Extended Sample Dybbuk Americana by Joshua Gottlieb-Miller
Extended Sample Earth Keeper by N. Scott Momaday
Extended Sample Earthborn by Carl Dennis
Extended Sample Eat the World by Marina Diamandis
Sample Unavailable Ecstasy by Alex Dimitrov
Extended Sample Edith Nesbit: The Poetry by Edith Nesbit
Extended Sample El Neruda Esencial by Pablo Neruda
Extended Sample Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
Extended Sample Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
Extended Sample Empire of Dreams by Giannina Braschi
Extended Sample Encounters With The World: Poems By Ann Tudor by Ann Tudor
Extended Sample Endpoint and Other Poems by John Updike
Extended Sample English Idylls and Other Poems by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Extended Sample Espinas y Silencios by Jesús B. Vilches
Extended Sample Eugene Onegin [Russian Edition] by Alexander Pushkin
Extended Sample Every Good Boy Does Fine by Calvin Arsenia
Extended Sample Every Word You Cannot Say by Iain S. Thomas
Extended Sample Evolution by Eileen Myles
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