
Stewart D. Friedman Audio Books

Stewart D. Friedman is the founding director of the Wharton School’s Leadership Program and Wharton’s Work/Life Integration Project. Friedman has published numerous books and articles on work/life integration, leadership, and the dynamics of change, including Work and Family—Allies or Enemies? and Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life, a USA Today bestseller. He has consulted a wide range of organizations, executives, and distinguished individuals, including Jack Welch, former Vice President Al Gore, two White House administrations, the United Nations, the US Department of Labor, and the US Army.

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Extended Sample Baby Bust, 10th Anniversary Edition by Stewart D. Friedman
Extended Sample Leading the Life You Want by Stewart D. Friedman
Extended Sample Parents Who Lead by Stewart D. Friedman
Extended Sample Baby Bust by Stewart D. Friedman
Extended Sample Total Leadership by Stewart D. Friedman
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