
Michael Lewis Audio Books

Michael Lewis is the New York Times bestselling author of several books. His global bestselling books lift the lid on the biggest stories of our time. They include Flash Boys, an exposé of high-speed scamming; The Big Short, which was made into a Oscar-winning film; Liar’s Poker, the book that defined the excesses of the 1980s; The Fifth Risk, revealing what happens when democracy unravels, and The Premonition, one of the first books to take account of the coronavirus pandemic. He was educated at Princeton University and the London School of Economics.

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Extended Sample Flash Boys by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Moneyball by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Next by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Panic! by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Boomerang by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Has Anyone Seen the President? by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Handbook of Emotions, Fourth Edition by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Extended Sample The Blind Side by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample The Blind Side by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Coach by Michael Lewis
Extended Sample Moneyball by Michael Lewis
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