
Jaye Wells Audio Books

Jaye Wells originally embarked on a series of random career paths, including stints working for a motivational speaker and at an art museum. After several years as a magazine editor and freelance writer, she finally decided to leave the facts behind and make up her own reality. Her overactive imagination and life-long fascination with the arcane and freakish blended nicely with this new career path. Her Sabrina Kane urban fantasy series is a blend of dark themes, grave stakes, and wicked humor. She lives in Texas with her family.

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Extended Sample Volatile Bonds by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Deadly Spells by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Blue-Blooded Vamp by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Silver-Tongued Devil by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Green-Eyed Demon by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample The Mage in Black by Jaye Wells
Extended Sample Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
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