The national bestselling book Why Him? Why Her? shows how a better understanding of who you are will help you find and keep the love you want Why do you fall in love with one person rather than another? In this fascinating and informative book, Helen Fisher, one of the world's leading experts on romantic love, unlocks the hidden code of desire and attachment. Each of us, it turns out, primarily expresses one of four broad personality types—Explorer, Builder, Director, or Negotiator—and each of these types is governed by different chemical systems in the brain. Driven by this biology, we are attracted to partners who both mirror and complement our own personality type. Until now the search for love has been blind, but Fisher pulls back the curtain and reveals how we unconsciously go about finding the right match. Drawing on her unique study of 40,000 men and women, she explores each personality type in detail and shows you how to identify your own type. Then she explains why some types match up well, whereas others are problematic. (Note to Explorers: be prepared for a wild ride when you hitch your star to a fellow Explorer!) Ultimately, Fisher's investigation into the complex nature of romance and attachment leads to astonishing new insights into the essence of dating, love, and marriage. Based on entirely new research—including a detailed questionnaire completed by five million people in thirty-three countries—Why Him? Why Her? will change your understanding of why you love him (or her) and help you use nature's chemistry to find and keep your life partner.
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"This book was fascinating as a study into the 4 basic personality types (Builder, Negotiator, Explorer, Director) and that each is driven by a particular brain chemical (Serotonin, Estrogen, Dopamnine, Testosterone, respectively. There is a personality test in chapter 2, and by taking it, you will see your primary and secondary type. It discusses that our behaviors are truly 'hard wired' based on our brain chemical activities. While the book is geared towards single people looking for a mate, we (Dave and I) both found it interesting as applied to ourselves, and within platonic relationships, such as work relationships. We have found that it's fun to point out what behaviors we are displaying at a given moment, if only to break the tension. We've said "Ok, but stop being such a builder...sheesh!" It's made us aware of each others styles, and allowed us to see why we each are the way we are, so we can work around our traits better. We also make a game of trying to guess what personality type people are, even strangers. At a mere 222 pages, this was a quick, fascinating read!"
— Kimm (5 out of 5 stars)
An anthropologist and researcher on how people choose romantic partners readers her sprawling, fascinating guide with equal amounts of charm and authority. With unswerving confidence, she unfolds complex studies and insights that without her vocal brightness might put people to sleep…The author's effortless European diction makes her blend of scholarship and clinical narratives as soothing to the ear as it is to the intellect.
— AudioFile" This is very good book to read to help understand and accept other personalities not only to find a perfect match but to build better relationships with co-workers, friends, and family. "
— Terri, 2/20/2014" This book appears on bookshelves as a "relationship & dating" book, but the relationship-based content is light. This book is really about the four basic personality types and what makes each tick. I can see where readers looking to heal a relationship are underwhelmed, but if you're interested in basic psychology and brain chemistry, this book is great. "
— Robert, 2/17/2014" I am sorry, but I love my fiance because of things other than his personality type. I think people read way too much into these things, and while some of it may be true, I certainly wouldn't base my relationships on it. I couldn't imagine saying to Daniel (my fiance) that I couldn't be with him because we don't have compatible personality types. Sadly, I think people would! I definitely would not, and I don't find anything in this book particularly noteworthy or original. "
— stars, 2/6/2014" This is a fascinating look at how our chemical make-up influences our personality and ability to find romantic love. The language is simple and approachable, but the scope is deep enough to spur more in-depth research. A quick read which can teach you much about your own strengths and weaknesses from a scientific perspective. "
— Levi, 2/1/2014" After reading Fisher's Anatomy of Love, I thought this would be a more practical follow-up. It's more a plug for her involvement with the dating site she helped design. But there is a lot of interesting stuff, beyond what she talks about in her other books. A lot is in there, you just have to get past her writing style, it was particularly annoying in this book. "
— Becky, 1/20/2014" I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this... seemed like a long advert for It didn't have anything groundbreaking or new, just a rehash of personality tests that have been around for decades. And when it came down to it, she never said any personality was truly off limits for any other, so why should personality matter? "
— Lori, 1/11/2014" Fisher offers a brilliant look into the human psyche and personality types. It was good fun exploring the personality types of people around me using the test in the book. Highly recommend it to anyone interested in introspection and finding out more about those around them :) "
— Farah, 1/10/2014" George Washington and I are a perfect match! "
— Angie, 1/3/2014" interesting from a biology/psychology perspective, but biased. "
— Maria, 12/24/2013" Excellent insight into interactions of personality types. For people trying to figure out their own relationships, forging out again or starting the dating scene I recommend that you read this and get the inside biological/chemical scoop on your potential dates. "
— Sadie, 12/17/2013" 4 types, seriously? "
— V, 12/13/2013Helen Fisher is a biological anthropologist and the author of five internationally selling books, including Why We Love and Why Him? Why Her? A Senior Research Fellow at the Kinsey Institute, a member of the Center for Human Evolutionary Studies at Rutgers University, and the chief scientific advisor to, Fisher is a frequent national and international speaker. Her TED talks have been viewed by more than 10 million people. She lives in New York City.