What's the quickest way to ruin a friendship? Do great friendships have anything in common? Are close friendships in the workplace such a bad thing? These are just a few of the questions that bestselling author Tom Rath asked when he embarked on a massive study about the impact of friendships. His team's findings— including the landmark discovery that people who have a "best friend at work" are seven times as likely to be engaged in their job—are sure to challenge long-held assumptions people have about their friendships.
Vital Friends will help you better understand the eight vital friendship roles your friends play in your life and at work, and will help you develop these relationships into vital friendships that measurably improve your life. Each copy also provides access to the Vital Friends Assessment and website: (gx.gallup.com/vitalfriends.gx/)—a personalized, groundbreaking test that will help you see your coworkers, family, friends, and significant other in a whole new light.
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"Since I love friends, this was totally a book for me! I enjoyed the classifications of how each friend category is unique and valuable. I personally seek to be able to be all 7 types and know that I have a bounty of people who fulfill and enrich my life."
— Joy (4 out of 5 stars)
“Friendships are good for business. Companies are coming to discover that, yet are at a loss at what to do about it…What Gallup has uncovered about best friends stands out as novel.”
— USA Today“Vital Friends…reaches startling conclusions.”
— Independent (London)“Rath’s bullishness on friendship is based on solid research and couched in intelligent prose. ”
— Publishers Weekly" very interesting look at relationships and how different relationships can help you. I also really enjoy the online participation "
— Audrey, 2/20/2014" This book seemed too mushy HR-friendly to it, even though it was discussing HR-nonfriendly things like MAKING FRIENDS in the workplace. Has some good tidbits but mostly forgettable. "
— Wellington, 1/13/2014" recommended by my sister Meadowlark, I found it very insightful, especially as a business person. "
— Donovan, 12/30/2013" This book was OK for me. I thought it would have more suggestions for finding a friend at work. Rather, it segments the type of people you will find to be friends at work. It did teach me to tell friends why they are so special in your lifeand to thank them. "
— Sally, 12/25/2013" Who knew that people who have a "best friend at work" are seven times as likely to be engaged in their job?! This book offers this and other statistics like it. While I enjoyed taking the online assessment of the people in my life to discover exactly what their contributions are, in general this book just was an easy read with a simple not too surprising message--we are people who need people, and different people bring different things to our lives, and we should capitalize on those things for each individual. The author also busts the myth that we should keep our work and personal lives separate. Friends at work are a real boon for satisfaction. "
— Janet, 12/24/2013" Easy read, good common sense reminder but not easy to do in today's working environment. "
— Angeldauria, 12/20/2013" All based on extensive research and polling by folks with Gallup, examines the roles our various friends play. In particular, focuses on the value of having a best friend at work, claims that we are 7 times more engaged and likely to succeed when we have a best friend on the job. "
— Mary-Jo, 9/9/2013" Just be ready to inspire and make sure you know the 8 vital rules of having a "can't afford to live without" friend. "
— Gregory, 8/10/2013" Friends in workplace. Interesting corporate-book... "
— Chuck, 8/5/2013" I enjoyed this quick and easy read. Bottom line, it's ok to like the folks you work with. "
— Casey, 6/29/2013" Quick, easy read I picked up from my boss. It makes so much sense and a lot of it is what I already knew, but maybe I didn't spend this much time labeling it. As I was reading, I just started to name my "vital friends" and realized how lucky I am. "
— Temoca, 5/12/2013Tom Rath is a coauthor of the acclaimed #1 New York Times bestseller How Full Is Your Bucket? His book, StrengthsFinder 2.0, was listed as the top-selling business book worldwide by the Economist. His books have sold more than six million copies and have appeared on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list repeatedly. He earned degrees from the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania.