Because obeying God makes sense to us. In most cases, His laws appear reasonable and wise, and even when we don’t want to obey them, we usually concede that they are good for us. But the circumstances we find ourselves in often defy explanation. When unexpected situations arise that appear unjust, irrational, or even dreadful, we feel confused and frustrated. And before long, we begin to doubt God’s concern for us or His control over our lives. Adversity is hard to endure and can even be harder to understand. If God were really in control, why would He allow the tragic Auto accident or crucial job loss? How could He permit cancer in a loved one or the death of a child? Grappling with His concern for us we ask, “Why is God allowing this?” or “What have I done wrong?” In an effort to strengthen his own trust in God during a time of adversity, Jerry Bridges began a lengthy Bible study on the topic of God’s sovereignty. What he learned changed his life, and he now shares the fruit of that study with you in Trusting God . As you begin to explore the scope of God’s power over nations, nature, and the detailed lives of individuals, you’ll begin to acknowledge His loving control. And as you come to know Him better, you’ll find yourself trusting Him more completely—even when life hurts.
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"Probably the best book on Providence that I have read. Readable and accessible and more than comforting. I think I highlighted nearly every sentence in the whole book! Life IS going to hurt. And God IS in control, working all things for the good of his people and for His glory! "
— Leslie (5 out of 5 stars)
" A fabulous book on the Sovereignty of God! I have given away several copies of this book already, a sure sign that it is a must read. "
— Julie, 2/5/2014" Excellent book that truly is a "must read" for Christians. Helps you to trust the Lord in your everyday life. I love the way Jerry writes, so down-to-earth but full of Scripture! "
— Elaine, 2/3/2014" A helpful collection of key ideas and truths about God's sovereignty, wisdom, and love, reminding us, even when things don't go the way we thought they should, that he is trustworthy. "
— Daniel, 1/20/2014" Very good book with much encouragement to me personally. "
— Paul, 1/18/2014" I read this book in the midst of a valley. The way he explained God's total sovereignty gave me great peace in my time of trial. "
— Sarah, 1/7/2014" This needs to be on everyones shelf for a resource book. God's Soverenity rang loud and clear "
— Jana, 1/7/2014" Good insights on the sovereignty of God no matter our circumstances "
— Laura, 1/6/2014" This book is fantastic!! I recommend to everyone. I will be reading this one again and again. "
— Brenda, 12/29/2013" This book is an excellent overview of the Biblical basis for the sovereignty of God in our lives. It was both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging. "
— Ashley, 11/16/2013" This is one of my favorites. It is highlighted throughout and I have read it many times. "
— Stephanie, 11/4/2013" yea for svty and helping me think through it with questions. "
— Stephanie, 10/27/2013Jerry Bridges is a member of The Navigator Community Ministries Group, where he is engaged in a Bible-teaching ministry. He is also the author of The Pursuit of Holiness, Trusting God, Transforming Grace, and The Discipline of Grace.