“Liberals’ loyalty to the United States is off-limits as a subject of political debate. Why is the relative patriotism of the two parties the only issue that is out of bounds for rational discussion?” In a stunning follow-up to her number one bestseller Slander, leading conservative pundit Ann Coulter contends that liberals have been wrong on every foreign policy issue, from the fight against Communism at home and abroad, the Nixon and the Clinton presidencies, and the struggle with the Soviet empire right up to today’s war on terrorism. “Liberals have a preternatural gift for always striking a position on the side of treason,” says Coulter. “Everyone says liberals love America, too. No, they don’t.” From Truman to Kennedy to Carter to Clinton, America has contained, appeased, and retreated, often sacrificing America’s best interests and security. With the fate of the world in the balance, liberals should leave the defense of the nation to conservatives. Reexamining the sixty-year history of the Cold War and beyond—including the career of Senator Joseph McCarthy, the Whittaker Chambers–Alger Hiss affair, Ronald Reagan’s challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall,” the Gulf War, and our present war on terrorism—Coulter reveals how liberals have been horribly wrong in all their political analyses and policy prescriptions. McCarthy, exonerated by the Venona Papers if not before, was basically right about Soviet agents working for the U.S. government. Hiss turned out to be a high-ranking Soviet spy (who consulted Roosevelt at Yalta). Reagan, ridiculed throughout his presidency, ended up winning the Cold War. And George W. Bush, also an object of ridicule, has performed exceptionally in responding to America’s newest threats at home and abroad. Coulter, who in Slander exposed a liberal bias in today’s media, also examines how history, especially in the latter half of the twentieth century, has been written by liberals and, therefore, distorted by their perspective. Far from being irrelevant today, her clearheaded and piercing view of what we’ve been through informs us perfectly for challenges today and in the future. With Slander, Ann Coulter became the most recognized and talked-about conservative intellectual of the year. Treason, in many ways an even more controversial and prescient book, will ignite impassioned political debate at one of the most crucial moments in our history.
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"I love Coulter, I love her sharp and acerbic wit and mastery of the language. Occasionally her use of irony itself can be obfuscated in context and it appears she's saying the opposite of what she means, causing a double-take. An eye-opening book, mixing both fact and opinion. I felt that even if I disagreed with her assertions (which I don't: I think she nails it) you gotta respect her presentation."
— Jay (4 out of 5 stars)
" Tell it like it is. 5* "
— David, 2/20/2014" My favorite Coulter book. Brilliant piece on McCarthy. "
— Jenni, 2/12/2014" She is scary. Fanaticals are scary no matter who's views they believe, think: Michael Moore as a case agains Democrats. "
— Tara, 2/8/2014" Engaging, as Coulter always is, but this one felt a little less relevant. (It wasn't written recently). McCarthyism isn't used as a slight nowadays so I wasn't as interested in the subject matter. But still, it was well-researched and thorough. "
— Erin, 2/5/2014" A Christmas gift, never did finish reading. "
— Cheryl, 2/4/2014" Interesting arguments. I never thought I'd ever read someone defending Joe McCarthy...but she sure did it well. "
— Mike, 1/30/2014" Unlike many of her more recent books, which tend to be recycled op-ed articles, this book is a very well-researched account of what happened during the McCarthy years. Liberals tend to malign McCarthy in an attempt to discredit what he was on to. Coulter shows that, in many regards, he was right. "
— Jeremy, 1/23/2014" I wish Ann Coulter wasn't so crass, she is kinda hard to tolerate sometime, but always very interesting. "
— Marcia, 1/16/2014" Why does she have so many fucking books? They all have the same message; that liberals suck. Get over yourself Ms.Coulter. Just because you can write 500 books all saying the same thing doesn't mean your great. "
— Ilovebooks14, 1/13/2014" I thought AC laid out her claims nicely in this book. I read this during a time in which I read all of her works. I haven't quite figured out if she has become more radical or I have become less radical because I won't touch her books now. "
— Naomi, 1/13/2014" Excellent. Went through it twice. Good the hear the other side of McCarthyism. One of these..We did what?!!! books "
— K, 1/7/2014Ann Coulter is an author, a far-right media pundit, and supporter of the Proud Boys.