The demon is a mob, and the mob is demonic. The Democratic Party activates mobs, depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs—it is the mob. Sweeping in its scope and relentless in its argument, Demonic explains the peculiarities of liberals as standard groupthink behavior. To understand mobs is to understand liberals.
In her most provocative book to date, Ann Coulter argues that liberals exhibit all the psychological characteristics of a mob, for instance:
Liberal Groupthink: “The same mob mentality that leads otherwise law-abiding people to hurl rocks at cops also leads otherwise intelligent people to refuse to believe anything they haven’t heard on NPR.”
Liberal Schemes: “No matter how mad the plan is—Fraternité, the ‘New Soviet Man,’ the Master Race, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, Building a New Society, ObamaCare—a mob will believe it.”
Liberal Enemies: “Instead of ‘counterrevolutionaries,’ liberals’ opponents are called ‘haters,’ ‘those who seek to divide us,’ ‘tea baggers,’ and ‘right-wing hate groups.’ Meanwhile, conservatives call liberals ‘liberals’—and that makes them testy.”
Liberal Justice: “In the world of the liberal, as in the world of Robespierre, there are no crimes, only criminals.”
Liberal Violence: “If Charles Manson’s followers hadn’t killed Roman Polanski’s wife, Sharon Tate, Clinton would have pardoned him, too, and he’d probably be teaching at Northwestern University.”
Citing the father of mob psychology, Gustave Le Bon, Coulter catalogs the Left’s mob behaviors: the creation of messiahs, the fear of scientific innovation, the mythmaking, the preference for images over words, the lack of morals, and the casual embrace of contradictory ideas.
Coulter traces the history of the liberal mob to the French Revolution and Robespierre’s revolutionaries (delineating a clear distinction from America’s founding fathers), who simply proclaimed that they were exercising the “general will” before slaughtering their fellow citizens “for the good of mankind.”
Similarly, as Coulter demonstrates, liberal mobs, from student radicals to white-trash racists to anti-war and pro-ObamaCare fanatics today, have consistently used violence to implement their idea of the “general will.”
This is not the American tradition; it is the tradition of Stalin, of Hitler, of the guillotine—and the tradition of the American Left.
As the heirs of the French Revolution, Democrats have a history that consists of pandering to mobs, time and again, while Republicans, heirs to the American Revolution, have regularly stood for peaceable order.
Hoping to muddy this horrifying truth, liberals slanderously accuse conservatives of their own crimes—assassination plots, conspiracy theorizing, political violence, embrace of the Ku Klux Klan. Coulter shows that the truth is the opposite: Political violence—mob violence—is always a Democratic affair.
Surveying two centuries of mob movements, Coulter demonstrates that the mob is always destructive. And yet, she argues, beginning with the civil rights movement in the sixties, Americans have lost their natural, inherited aversion to mobs. Indeed, most Americans have no idea what they are even dealing with.
Only by recognizing the mobs and their demonic nature can America begin to defend itself.
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"Anyone who could actually make reading about the French Revolution interesting has to be a hell of a good writer. I also enjoyed reading how democrats hijacked the civil rights movement after many decades of oppressing African Americans. How many people today know that the republican party was created for the express purpose of ending slavery or even that Lincoln was a republican? How many people know that: The KKK was invented by democrats to attack republicans who were fighting for the rights of blacks, how democrats were responsible for Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and intimidation, lynchings, resisting Republican efforts to overturn Jim Crow laws, that prominent democratic president Woodrow Wilson praised the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation" and showed it in the white house, that Barry Goldwater was a champion of civil rights and a founding member of the NAACP in Arizona, that republican president Eisenhower integrated the military and Richard Nixon integrated the schools and created affirmative action and that republicans overwhelmingly voted for the civil rights act of 1964 while a much smaller percentage of democrats voted for it."
— James (5 out of 5 stars)
" Excellent. Nobody can nail Liberals better than Ann Coulter. "
— John, 2/12/2014" i used to think being libral or left wing meant being more open minded. i am starting to feel that the book 1984 is coming true. :( "
— Brenda, 2/10/2014" Ann's chapter on the French Revolution should be required reading in all secondary schools. "
— John, 2/4/2014" I've read a lot about Ann Coulter but I had never read anything by her. Finally I picked this one up and did my best to remain open minded. Unfortunately not only was it very hard to get through, but quite simple it's fulled of half-truths and manipulations that make it darn near impossible to finish. In Kim's words "This bitch be crazy, and that's all." The book compares all liberals to a mob from the very beginning and it never really make any solid points. A waste of paper only useful to incite her crazy followers. Even thinking conservatives think that she's crazy. "
— Tony, 1/14/2014" Love, love, love this book. There is nobody but Ann who can make sense of the psychotic Liberal machine. "
— Abby, 1/10/2014" No substance here. Instead of reading this book you might as well write down "liberals are stupid" on a piece of paper and read it repeatedly. I honestly feel bad for anyone that like this childish nonsense. "
— Metadinex, 12/31/2013" An interesting caser laid out for the mob mentality of progressive, relying on groupthink. With lots of footnotes. "
— Dave, 12/30/2013" I thought this book was amazingly well researched and found it to be an extremely interesting take on the liberal party and their involvement in the 'mobs' that have painted history with a thrilling brush. "
— Katie0980, 12/25/2013" She's purposefully controversial, but usually spot on "
— Brendan, 12/21/2013" Educational, tragically truthful information on the "mob mentality." She has an enormous collection of self incriminating quotes from the Left and their propaganda machine. Her analogies are spot on. Love her or hate her, she never states anything she cannot back up. "
— Cheryl, 11/30/2013" Funny, sarcastic and tongue in cheek but Ann Coulter certainly has has liberals figured out! "
— Ray, 11/27/2013Ann Coulter is an author, a far-right media pundit, and supporter of the Proud Boys.