Author of the extremely popular "Dear Economist" column in Financial Times, Tim Harford reveals the economics behind everyday phenomena in this highly entertaining and informative book. Can a book about economics be fun to read? It can when Harford takes the reins, using his trademark wit to explain why it costs an arm and a leg to buy a cappuccino and why it's nearly impossible to purchase a decent used car. Supermarkets, coffee houses, airlines, insurance companies and more are sucking money from our wallets. To protect ourselves and our bank accounts, we must better understand why companies do what they do. Hailed by Publishers Weekly as "unequaled in its accessibility," The Undercover Economist is a sheer delight-and the one book on economics that every American should read.". a book on economics that will enthrall its readers. Beautifully written and argued, it brings the power of economics to life. This book should be required reading ."-Steven D. Levitt, author of Freakonomics
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"This is a very fun book that will give you the best explanation of what are stocks and what do they mean. Great fun to read and very significant.I strongly recommend it to anyone who is remotely interested in financial issues.Fast and easy read. "
— Carlos (4 out of 5 stars)
" a nice logically written book for people with little economics background "
— Mohamed, 1/31/2014" Very easy reading, and the issues he brought up were also interesting. "
— Golda, 1/26/2014" Reviewing this entertaining (yes, entertaining) introduction to the economist's view of the world. I've read plenty of econ intro books for laypeople, and I think this one is the best. "
— Chris, 1/25/2014" Assigned reading for my study abroad program in college. I read this after taking Econ 101 for a semester two years prior - got a lot more out of this book than the class I took (probably because it was at 8:30...) "
— Kate, 1/23/2014" I kind of wish I could force everyone in America to read this book - it explains so many economic concepts that seem to entirely elude people, if the modern level of discourse on these issues is any indication. "
— Jessica, 1/22/2014" This is a very entretaining book for those interested in business and general economics subjects. At times funny and almost silly. Good end of summer-get-updated kind of book. "
— Mark, 1/16/2014" An excellent, intriguing, insightful and stimulating introduction to fundamentals of economics, and its impact in everyday life. Deals with basic pricing, externalities, international trade, globalization, market failures, game theory, and more. "
— Ashishg, 1/12/2014" Very enjoyable book on the most practical aspects of "the dismal science". The final point is that truly free markets are good, tariffs and trade barriers are bad, and protectionism never helps. "
— Nate, 12/19/2013" Well written book that makes you look at common issues with a different perspective. Some of the chapters including starbucks coffee prices, 3g spectrum prices are fascinating. But I am not so sure about the outcome of 3G auction and its social impact in the long run. "
— Sriram, 12/18/2013" A little dry at times, but great book. "
— Ken, 12/10/2013" couldn't quite get thru it.... "
— Amy, 12/1/2013Tim Harford is the author of The Undercover Economist, The Logic of Life, and Adapt. He writes two columns for the Financial Times, and his work has appeared in the New York Times, Forbes, Esquire, Parade, New York, and Wired. He lives with his family in Oxford.
Robert Ian Mackenzie, Earphones Award–winning narrator, became an actor after holding a wide variety of other jobs, including everything from London policeman to water ski instructor in Greece. Since then, his acting career has encompassed straight theater, musicals, opera, films, television, voice-overs, commercials, and recorded books.