The anniversary edition of this beloved bestseller is celebrated in Prefaces by Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou and contains a new Foreword by the author, website links, and a new Study Guide to help readers find even deeper meaning and fulfillment.
The Seat of the Soul encourages you become the authority in your own life. It will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your own actions and motivations. Beginning with evolution, Gary Zukav takes you on a penetrating exploration of the new phase humanity has entered: we are evolving from a species that understands power as the ability to manipulate and control—external power—into a species that understands power as the alignment of the personality with the soul--authentic power. Our evolution requires each of us to make the values of the soul our own: harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. Using his scientist’s eye and philosopher’s heart, Zukav shows us how to participate fully in this evolution, enlivening our everyday activities and all of our relationships with meaning and purpose.
The Seat of the Soul has sold millions of copies around the globe, and as it changes lives, more and more people begin to live by the values of the spirit. Indeed, a new world is emerging, and this book brings its message to you.
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"I don't know how Gary Zukav does it, but this book speaks to me like very few books ever have. I just read this book for the third time and I am reminded why so many people love this author so much. Every time I read it I find new meanings, new inspiration and new ways of looking at myself and my circumstances that help me grow as a person and be happier. I also highly recommend "Open Your Mind, Open Your Life" by Taro Gold which makes a great companion book to all of Zukav's writing. Excellent!"
— John (5 out of 5 stars)
" Highly recommend to anyone seeking knowledge and reflection of self and the nature of our reality "
— Superpermy , 7/17/2022" Suzanne predicted a September 2020 conception or birth for me and sure enough, in Dec. 2019 I conceived. Suzanne was right on target. My husband and I are over the moon ! Suzanne is the real deal. Thank you. Darcy "
— Darcy Butler, 1/10/2020" This is a book to read, listen to, and give as a well appreciated gift. Not one chapter is mundane. An open mind is required in my opinion. We should not only listen with an open mind, but an open life. Enjoy! "
— Dr. Elijah Hakim-Adonijah, 3/25/2018" This book really lifted my spirits and filled me with a sense of hope for the future of humanity. a slow read, but very simply written. "
— Michelle, 2/9/2014" must read for those interested in personal growth "
— Harry, 2/3/2014" I do not agree with everything but overall, a good read... "
— Issa, 1/12/2014" I'll admit it...there is some truth was a gift from my 101 year old friend, Lucy...I could not say no. "
— Bre, 1/12/2014" Gave me a new perspective. "
— Cesposito316, 1/9/2014" i liked it, very insightful, but I have to read a second time... "
— Is, 1/7/2014" When Oprah began her spiritual journey on TV I also began mine. Gary Zukav and this book played a huge role in my quest. It was way over my head and I had to read it many times but finally grasped the concept of Quantum Physics (well almost:) ) One of the many books I hold dear. "
— Dawn, 1/5/2014" Can I give it a 3.5. The reincarnation stuff a little hokey, but the rest is good. "
— Erin, 12/29/2013" An intensive and deeply moving book. "
— Kholu, 12/7/2013" I reread (listen) to this book every few years. In my soul I know it is True! "
— DianeK, 11/14/2013" Another amazing self-helpy book! Loved this. "
— Michele, 11/2/2013" This made such an impression on me, and resonated with my beliefs so strongly. "
— Roxanne, 10/26/2013" This book gave me a moment of clarity like I have had only a few times in my life... "
— Kevin, 10/13/2013" I always have a bookmark in this book. I continually read it. I find that wherever I'm at in the book- applies to my life at the time. It's great! The merging of science and spirituality, which is a popular topic today. "
— Missy, 10/12/2013" Good book, great perspective, more complex than it needed to be, but I liked it "
— Damon, 9/19/2013" Ironically, I got this book from a person whom I have been struggling to deal with!!! My mother-in-law! Giggles! Like all the books I read, I always go back to them, use them like a reference. This particular book helps me to help myself...and also others. "
— Dina, 7/26/2013" Too new-agey for me. I would also challenge Mr. Zukav on some of his religious assertions. "
— Marvelle, 6/19/2013" Interesting...thought provoking, not exactly my philosophy! But somewhat open to the possibilities. "
— Kathie, 6/18/2013" A book about spiritual evolution of human beings. fascinating! "
— Mansour, 6/18/2013" Why didn't Zukav reasearch this the way he did the Wu Li Masters? "
— Curtis, 6/7/2013" This was difficult for me to follow, but that was years ago. I should probably try again. "
— Julie, 6/5/2013" Authentic Power "
— Louis, 4/17/2013" Need to re-read to jog my memory on what I learned...that's not a good sign, but I really did like the self-discovery in this book about living authentically. "
— Robyn, 4/5/2013" Absolutely spoke to me. And will certainly reread. Finally, a voice that pulls together all those radical ideas I have been having and reading about, into a coherent and meaningful whole. Seems to be the basis for Buddhism; but all religions seem to apply. "
— Bonnie, 3/29/2013" Good stuff in here to make your brain work hard. Open the book with an open mind for best results! "
— Bethany, 3/13/2013" this is a little tougher of a read than cheri's books, but i am getting a lot of insight, and find myself able to release some of my past and move on to a bright future. "
— Darklysewn, 2/28/2013" Gary gets to the heart of the matter. Read this years ago. "
— Leann, 11/13/2012" Another truly important book in my spiritual and psychological development. It was like therapy for me at times and I've read it twice to keep it fresh. "
— Shannon, 7/3/2012" Very mind bending new age thinking. The last page has lots of great quotes, "Rather than a soul in a body, become a body in a soul." Many learning tools for being authentic here and now. "
— Teri, 12/25/2011" Resonated for me-makes sense that we are here to learn certain lessons and everyone in our lives is a teacher. Everything happens for a reason. Made it possible for me to let go of some regrets I had been harboring. "
— Cindi, 7/1/2011" It was a little difficult to follow the first two chapters. It show how the pursuit of external power has produced our survival-of-the-fittest understanding of evolution, generated conflict between lovers, communities, and superpowers, and brought us to the edge of self destruction. "
— Afa, 6/25/2011" A life-altering book . . . still refer to it. "
— Julie, 5/5/2011" everyone needs to read this. not because it's one of Oprah's favorites, because it answers questions you have yet to ask yourself. "
— Adrienne, 4/18/2011" I read this book after reading his 1st book Dancing Wu Li Masters. I find him to be a good read, was very moved by the book and after writing this review think I will re-read since it's been so long! "
— Sarah, 3/18/2011" it is about time you look beyond the five senses and you'll discover the undiscovered. your soul, indeed, is more than what you think it is. "
— Stephen, 12/29/2010" great concept but hard to read, very dry "
— Dani, 12/9/2010" liked it so much I read it twice. "
— Amy, 11/1/2010" A must read for spiritual seekers. "
— Tyra, 8/25/2010" this book rocked my world at the time I read it. "
— Laura, 6/19/2010" Interesting book. He tends to repeat himself quite a bit, but provides some good insight as to how the ego (personality), higher self, and soul. "
— Jackie, 4/20/2010Gary Zukav is the author of The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, which won the American Book Award for science; The Seat of the Soul, a #1 New York Times bestseller; and many others. Zukav’s books have sold millions of copies and are published in twenty-four languages. He is a graduate of Harvard University and a former US Army Special Forces officer. Currently, Zukav lives in Oregon.
Caroline Myss is an internationally renowned pioneer in energy medicine and the author of the New York Times bestselling book Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential.