Rightly understood and rightly communicated, the Christian faith is one of great joy. It is an invitation to God's kingdom, where tears are replaced by laughter and longing hearts find their purpose and their home.
This is the heart of the gospel: God's search to reclaim us and love us as his own. But have we truly grasped this? Those of us who have disdained Christianity as a religion of bigotry--have we repudiated the genuine article or merely demonstrated our own prejudice and ignorance? Those of us who are Christians--have we deeply apprehended the mission of Jesus, and do our ways and character faithfully reflect his beauty? From the nature of God, to the human condition, to the work of Jesus, to God's coming kingdom, and all that lies between, how well do we understand the foundational truths of Christianity and their implications?
The Faith is a book for our troubled times and for decades to come, for Christians and non-Christians alike. It is the most important book Chuck Colson and Harold Fickett have ever written: a thought-provoking, soul-searching, and powerful manifesto of the great, historical central truths of Christianity that have sustained believers through the centuries. Brought to immediacy with vivid, true stories, here is what Christianity is really about and why it is a religion of hope, redemption, and beauty.
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"I read Colson's book BORN AGAIN after watergate. It was amazing. Over the decades since, Colson has had a prison ministry. This latest book tries to capture the Christian faith in one place. Not a CSLewis book but good ... even if somewhat laborious."
— George (4 out of 5 stars)
" [Audio:] I liked the book, and I have a hard time being anything but supportive of Colson given his heart and ministry for the service of Christ. However, this book I found to be a bit loose and not tightly reasoned (for lack of a better way of putting it). For instance, he speaks of the great advantages bestowed on mankind due to Christianity--which no doubt is true--but Colson has a tendency to make it sound like we're the only ones who do good things. Another is his call for Christians to focus on the critical matters of the faith and not fight amongst ourselves over secondary issues--a valid criticism of Christianity. But the Devil's in the details. He's part of a group called Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) that seeks to heal the rift between the two (Western) houses of Christianity. He speaks of how the group agrees on the centrality of being saved by faith alone and of Sola Scriptura (which is a bit surprising, I admit), but I don't see the Catholics in this group chucking the Pope or the Evangelicals submitting to the Pope, so is anything going to come of this? If this was written to counter Dawkins and his crew, I dont' think they'd have a hard time shredding it. Better an R.C. Sproul or Ravi Zacharias to take on the atheists. But one important thing that I think Colson brings to the discussion is the irrefutable evidence of lives that are changed by a relationship with Jesus. His stories of Mafia hitmen and violent mass murders who have come to know the acceptance and love of Jesus are incredible. While Colson is a bit loose in addressing broad matters of the Faith (probably because he attempts to take on something so multi-faceted) his first-hand experiences are gripping and important for his point. He has seen up close and personal the wondrous work of our Savior. "
— Mark, 2/18/2014" A very readable book explaining Christian Doctrine. Loved the book and plan on doing further study this summer with an online study guide that's available. "
— Robbi, 2/15/2014" I liked some of what Colson had to say here re: absolute truth. But there is a little too much focus on the us (read U.S.) vs. them discussion. "
— Sheri-lee, 2/9/2014" Colson makes some very good points. Not quite what I was expecting. I would have liked it to be more in depth in some areas. "
— Sal, 2/8/2014" Solid overview from the late Dr. Colson. "
— T.C., 2/2/2014" The basic aspects of our Christian faith. Good as a refresher. "
— Charlie, 1/24/2014" A conversion that should inspire and make known the reality of God and Christ. Well written by someone with a history that has had an impact on America. "
— Tom, 1/16/2014" An excellent perspective on Christianity as a whole. Last chapter excellent discussion on Christianity & Islam. "
— Kyle, 1/7/2014" I have been a Christian for many years but this was a good refresher on what we believe and why we believe it. Easy to read with practical examples and applications. "
— Leah, 12/20/2013" Masterfully done piece by one of our time's most humble prophets. "
— Yosemite, 11/2/2013" A good book in the category of apologetics which helps Christians to understand what they believe. "
— Eladio, 10/28/2013Charles W. Colson (1931–2012) was a popular and widely known author, speaker, and radio commentator. A former presidential aide to Richard Nixon and founder of the international ministry Prison Fellowship, he wrote several books that have shaped Christian thinking on a variety of subjects, including Born Again, The Body, Loving God, How Now Shall We Live?, The Good Life, and The Faith.
Harold Fickett is the author of numerous books, including The Holy Fool, an acclaimed novel about the evangelical experience; Images of Grace, a critical biography of Flannery O’Connor; and the inspirational Living Christ. He is a cofounder of Image: Art, Faith, Mystery, a journal devoted to the intersection of the arts and religion. Fickett speaks regularly at conferences and retreats. He and his wife, Karen, live in Nacogdoches, Texas, with their children, Will and Eve.