"In How Now Shall We Live?, the 2000 Gold Medallion winner for best book about Christianity and society, Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey Show that the great spiritual battle today is a cosmic struggle between competing worldviews. Through inspiring stories and compelling teaching, they demonstrate how to: // * Expose the false views and values of modern culture // * Live a more fulfilling life the way God created us to live // * Contend for the faith by understanding how nonbelievers think // * Build a society that reflects biblical principles
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""How Now Shall We Live" was the heart cry of a people who lived during the Jewish exile from the Promised Land, yet it is no less the unspoken prayer of the faithful today. As Chuck Colson puts it, "We live in a culture that is at best morally indifferent ... in which Judeo-Christian values are mocked ... in which violence, banality, meanness, and disintegrating personal behavior are destroying civility and endangering the very life of our communities." It is no small wonder that Colson--the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries and author of several renowned Christian works--considers this book the most important work of his life."
— Francis (4 out of 5 stars)
" Very challenging book - I plan to do the study guide, but will have to buy a paper copy as the Kobo is very poor at annotating. "
— Aidan, 2/12/2014" One of the best books on apologetics I've read. Clear and concise from a layman's perspective. "
— Jim, 2/9/2014" A great book for the Christian to read and be challenged. Christianity is a world-view that should be played out in our lives. Why pick this world-view over another? How do you communicate that to others in your walk and otherwise? "
— Jennifer, 1/26/2014" Great in the beginning, but a little too long for my taste, it didn't keep me engaged towards the end. "
— Dan, 1/25/2014" Good info as to how what you believe affects how you act . . . "
— Linda, 1/17/2014" I felt parts of it were oversimplistic. Some good stuff though to think through about what are responsibility is to our community. I did buy three Henryk Gorecki CD's after reading it and enjoy the music. Get the one with Dawn Upshaw singing. "
— Paul, 1/12/2014" Excellent book and an easy read. Colson/Pearcey do a wonderful job explaining the problems of the Christian in Western society. It really helped me to understand the naturalistic philosophy that dominates so much of what we do and believe. "
— Todd, 1/11/2014" I liked this book the first time I read it, but then, after some time in college, I read it again and didn't find it as convincing. "
— Sarah, 1/7/2014" Interesting discussion about how the religious worldview has been surrendered over time to a more secular worldview. "
— Kirk, 12/10/2013" Great book on how Christianity meets culture. It drills deep, so beware. "
— Andy, 11/17/2013Charles W. Colson (1931–2012) was a popular and widely known author, speaker, and radio commentator. A former presidential aide to Richard Nixon and founder of the international ministry Prison Fellowship, he wrote several books that have shaped Christian thinking on a variety of subjects, including Born Again, The Body, Loving God, How Now Shall We Live?, The Good Life, and The Faith.
Nancy Pearcey studied at L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland with Francis Schaeffer and earned a master’s from Covenant Theological Seminary, pursuing further graduate work in the history of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. She has been a commentator on Public Square Radio, was founding editor of the daily radio program BreakPoint, and has appeared on NPR and C-SPAN. She is now a fellow at the Discovery Institute and editor-at-large of the Pearcey Report. She has authored or contributed to several books, including The Soul of Science and How Now Shall We Live? Her bestselling book Total Truth, won the 2005 ECPA Gold Medallion Award for best book of the year on Christianity and society.
Wayne Shepherd’s
voice is heard widely in
Christian radio and television, as well as numerous audiobooks and special projects. With nearly forty years of broadcast experience, Wayne serves a growing
number of clients as a radio host, interviewer, voice-over talent, and consultant.