After the end of the EnterpriseTM's five-year mission, Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy struggle to establish new lives apart from each other and the starship. The newly-promoted Admiral Kirk is placed in charge of a specially-created Starfleet division and attempts to defuse a critical hostage situation; Mr. Spock, who, in the midst of a teaching assignment on Vulcan, finds the one thing he least expected; and Dr. McCoy, whose unerring instinct for trouble lands him smack in the middle of an incident that could trigger an interstellar bloodbath.
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J. M. Dillard is a bestselling author of historical and horror fiction. Born in Florida, she studied at the University of South Florida where she earned her BA in Russian and an MA in linguistics. She is the author of the Diaries of the Family Dracul series, The Burning Times, Specters, The Devil’s Queen, and the novelization of several Star Trek movies.