The story revolves around a deaf and mute serf named Gerasim, who is well-loved by everyone in his village due to his kind nature and hardworking ways. However, when his mistress orders him to kill a beloved pet dog, Gerasim refuses and instead chooses to flee with the dog in order to protect its life. This simple act of kindness and resistance against cruelty highlights the innate dignity of all human beings and the importance of standing up for what is right. "Mumu" is a touching and thought-provoking work that illuminates the power of compassion and the struggle for freedom. Read in English, unabridged.
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Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818–1883) was the first Russian writer to gain a wide reputation in Europe. He witnessed the February Revolution in Paris (1848), and his subsequent connection with reform groups in Russia, along with his sympathetic 1852 eulogy of Nikolai Gogol (who satirized the corrupt bureaucracy of the Russian empire), led to his arrest and one-month imprisonment in St. Petersburg. In 1879 the honorary degree of doctor of civil law was conferred upon him by the University of Oxford.
Max Bollinger was born in Russia, grew up in Ukraine, and moved to England in 1993. He currently resides in London.