Battered by the sea, Adam remembers nothing of his past, his ducal rank, nor of the shipwreck that almost claimed his life. But he's delighted to hear that the golden-haired vision tending his wounds is his wife. Mariah's name and face may not be familiar, but her touch, her warmth, feel deliciously right.
When Mariah Clarke prayed for a way to deter a bullying suitor, she didn't imagine she'd find the answer washed ashore on a desolate beach. Convincing Adam that he is her husband is surprisingly easy. Resisting the temptation to act his wife, in every way, will prove anything but. And now a passion begun in fantasy has become dangerously real—and completely irresistible.
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"I liked this book a lot. I had read a lot of the reviews before I bought this book & a lot of the reviews weren't very flattering. I liked the premise of the book alot& have liked everything else by this author I have read so far, so I thought I would take a chance. I'm so glad I did. It was a fun type of read with a lot of interesting twist & turns. It is the first book in the Lost Lords series and gives you the backgrounds & characters for the rest of the series. I will be reading the next book in the series Never Less Then A Lady which stars Alexander Randall & Julia Bancroft who both had supporting roles in the first book. I guess you either like this genre or not. Some of the complaints of other readers was that it wasn't realistic,well I think that's why we read books is to let our imaginations wander. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I do think this author gets a lot of things right in her descriptions & including events in her books. People have to remember that this is fiction & is for entertainment purposes. I myself like her creativity. And will be buying more of her books."
— Shelley (4 out of 5 stars)
“Enchanting…Confirms bestseller Putney as a major force in historical romance…Entrancing characters and a superb plot line catapult this tale into stand-alone status.”
— Publishers Weekly (starred review)“Only the incomparable Putney could bring [the Lost Lords] to life and have readers yearning to be close to such dynamic heroes and the women who tame them.”
— RT Book Reviews (4½ stars, Top Pick!)" I thought this book was quite interesting. I enjoyed reading it. "
— Dana, 2/18/2014" Utter nonsense . I'm amazed this book got published-it was that ridiculous . Which was really a shame because it started out so well. I was extremely intrigued by the Hero, Adam Darshan Lawford, a half-Hindu Duke. Not too many of those I've read about!! He was a great character and I liked him throughout the book. I also liked his three friends. However, I very quickly found the SHero, Mariah Clark, to be silly, shallow, and quite selfish throughout the book. As a twenty-something year old, I found her constant referring to her imaginary friend beyond annoying. A four year old has imaginary friends, not a grown lady running her on household. Her father, who was supposed to be a sympathetic character, did some extremely questionable things. Things which bothered me but only made his daughter laugh and scold him. I kept wanting to warn Adam away, tell him to run as far and fast as he could away from her. I thought there was an extremely unrealistic acceptace of a same sex relationship, especially considering the book is set in 1812. I also don't believe English people from the1800s would so easily accept a man who practices the Christian AND Hindu faiths. There were also WAY to many coincidences in this book. I can suspend disbelief but not to the extent required in this novel. The number of characters who were believed to be dead (but weren't) were simply too numerous. Sadly, I've already bought the second and third books of this series. I can only hope they are more entertaining than this one. And that Mariah Clark doesn't show up in the next books. One book was more than enough. "
— CeladonRoses, 2/8/2014" Generic amnesia plot, with just enough danger to keep it from getting too boring. Not anywhere near Putney's best, but not her worst either. "
— Elena, 1/29/2014" More romance than "bodice ripper". Sweet story with a happy ending, leaving enough open story lines for the other characters in the book. "
— Lisa, 1/21/2014" One of the reasons I love Putney is that I get a reasonably good idea of the culture and time period when I read her books. This also gave a reasonably accurate depiction of amnesia...from what the experts say! LOL! "
— Patricia, 1/19/2014" This was intensely amazing. "
— Jessica, 12/23/2013" This is the first book I have read by this author and wasn't too impressed I liked the idea of the book but the story kind of fell flat love scenes where few and very far between and when they did get to those parts it wasn't steamy :( I did start the second book in the series and so far it's good we will see if it follows suit... "
— Katherine, 12/17/2013" Very good! Loved the happy ending for all!!!! "
— Kassie, 12/16/2013" Nice.but I did not like the end . it seem all to cramp up with revelations and secrets reveals. "
— Iuliana, 12/8/2013" 2-1/2 stars? it was enjoyable for a fluff read "
— Vicki, 11/1/2013" Good fast read, with a happy ending my fav! "
— Sarah, 2/22/2013Mary Jo Putney, a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author, has won numerous awards for her writing, including two Romance Writers of America RITA Awards, four consecutive Golden Leaf Awards for Best Historical Romance, and the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Historical Romance.
Kate Rawson studied acting at Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art, London. She has performed in theater productions all over the world, including Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Kate in Nicholas Nickleby. Her television credits include Casualty and Holby City, both for the BBC. Her radio credits include The Wills’ Girls for BBC Radio 4 and Mum’s the Word for BBC Radio Cornwall.