"John P. Kotters wegweisendes Werk Leading Change zählt heute zu den wichtigsten Managementbüchern überhaupt. Es wurde in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und millionenfach verkauft. Der Druck auf Unternehmen, sich den permanent wandelnden internen und externen Einflüssen zu stellen, wird weiter zunehmen. Dabei gehört ein offener, aber professionell geführter Umgang mit Change-Prozessen zu den Wesensmerkmalen erfolgreicher Unternehmen im 21. Jahrhundert und zu den größten Herausforderungen in der Arbeit von Führungskräften. Einer der weltweit renommiertesten Experten auf diesem Gebiet hat basierend auf seinen Erfahrungen aus Forschung und Praxis einen visionären Text geschrieben, der zugleich inspirierend und gefüllt ist mit bedeutenden Implikationen für das Change-Management. Leading Change zeigt Ihnen: - was die häufigsten Fehler im Veränderungsmanagement sind, - wie Sie Wandlungsprozesse in Unternehmen konsequent führen, - einen Acht-Stufen-Plan, der Ihnen hilft, pragmatisch einen erfolgreichen Wandel zu gestalten. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, warum Ihre letzte Change-Initiative scheiterte, dann hören Sie dieses Hörbuch am besten gleich, sodass Ihr nächstes Projekt von Erfolg gekrönt wird. Dieses Buch erschien im englischen Original unter dem Titel “Leading Change” 2018 Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH (P) 2018 ABP Verlag"
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""Leading Change" provides a great overview of what it takes to effectively implement change in an organization. Kotter's eight step plan (create urgency, form coalitions, create a vision, communicate the vision, remove obstacles, short-term wins, build on change, and anchoring change) provides a perfect framework for leading and executing change in any organization. And most importantly, it's not as boring as most HBR books. With that said, I was left a little unsatisfied with the "how" provided by the book. Kotter does a wonderful job of explaining the "what" and "why" around his theories, but trying to figure out how to pull off his plan in a dysfunctional organization run by self-interested leaders focused on maximizing their own bonuses...is difficult at best. Kotter acknowledges the challenges, but doesn't really help you overcome them. As a leader, I know it's my job to figure it out, but a little more help would have been nice. Worth reading, but may be difficult to implement."
— Chris (4 out of 5 stars)
" Change is something that any one or an organization needs to go through to achieve goals. This is a fantastic book that gives excellent insights that are contemplating on making a change, to position oneself or an entity, and be successful! Reading this book is very engrossing as I feel it is like speaking to our heart and soul. John Kotter has experienced it in and out that he explains it in very simple, but compelling and powerful language. "
— Madubala, 2/6/2014" ~ One of my all-time favorite books on change management ~ John Kotter is brilliant and the strategies he outlines in this book are excellent & effective. He provides a road map to leaders to help lead change in their organizations, departments, business units and/or teams. Filled with great tools and wonderful diagnostics, I have used this book many times over the years when helping leaders with change efforts, teaching change management and/or effecting change in my personal world. "
— Heather, 1/29/2014" I read this book based on a recommendation from the instructor of a class that I was took on Leadership Strategy and Communication. John Kotter is considered to be the foremost expert on change management, and this book was a great primer on how to institute lasting change in organizations. I will definitely read more of Kotter's work. "
— Beth, 1/22/2014" Audio book: Kotter is a well-respected academic in organzation behavior, particularly in the disciplne of leadership. His model of how to successfully implement organization change is solid! There's lots of interesting cases which help give his method context. "
— Mark, 1/19/2014" Now THIS was helpful. A quick easy read that lays out in clear steps how to effect culture change. Boom. Done. Go read this. "
— Charles, 12/21/2013" Read this for work. It was pretty good for developing tools for handling change well in the workforce. If you need to muscle something through at the office, it is worth checking out. "
— Alix, 12/13/2013" Great points but a really boring read. "
— Rebekah, 11/30/2013" As a change management practitioner, I'm often asked for advice on which books most help to provide an understanding of this discipline. I always point them to kotter, and in particular recommend they start with Leading Change. It resonates to this day! "
— Suzi, 11/22/2013" Read this book for a the CMAP course at Georgetown University. Great book on the topic. "
— Rob, 11/21/2013" Decent change management book but fairly introductory. "
— Kate, 11/11/2013" This is a good book on change with some great concepts to use in our changing culture. We read this book as a church staff and grabbed 3-4 key things that will help in our year of change. "
— Derek, 9/28/2013Peter F. Drucker (1909–2005) is considered one of the top management thinkers of his time. A teacher, philosopher, reporter, and consultant, he authored over thirty-five books. His first book, The End of Economic Man, was published in 1939. His other works include Managing the Nonprofit Organization, The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask about Your Organization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and many others. Drucker was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by George W. Bush in 2002.