You're one step away from the adventure of your life. John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.
Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, "Come"?
Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God. The experience is terrifying. It's thrilling beyond belief. It's everything you'd expect of someone worthy to be called Lord.
The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God's purpose for your life in the process. There's just one requirement: If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat.
In this Christianity Today Award-winning read, bestselling author John Ortberg pushes you to take the last step that separates you from the adventure of your life. And, as a result, you will learn to:
Recognize God's presence
Discern between faith and foolishness
Not only expect problems, but field them when they come
Reorient your thoughts about failure and see it as an opportunity to grow
Wait on the Lord
And, ultimately, connect more deeply with God
Download and start listening now!
"Yes. Very much yes. "Butcher's Boy" is one of my very favourite crime novels--- witty, dark, complicated, full of feints and twists and unexpected moments. Thos. Perry's unnamed main figure, the hitman know as "the Butcher's Boy", is a fascinating and sympathetic figure--- a craftsman proud of his trade and proud of his professionalism. His main female character--- the DOJ analyst unexpectedly (and unwittingly) chasing him ---is no less well-crafted and sympathetic. It will take you three-fourths of the way through the book to figure out exactly who is after the hero and why...and the feds never quite do figure out whether there's anyone there to really pursue. A fine, fast, adrenaline-filled read...very much worth a Friday night. And you do learn a number of very helpful tricks and stratagems should you ever need to escape the mob and the feds..."
— DoctorM (5 out of 5 stars)
" I loved this book growing up. I am going to read it to my boys' "
— August, 2/20/2014" Very good book. Cant go wrong with the Corleone family. "
— Chuck, 2/20/2014" A biting satire on slaveryand a commentary on identity and its social versus biological origins. "
— Sam, 2/20/2014" A wonderful tale of heroism, bravery, magic and history. I will read this again very soon. "
— Hadley, 2/19/2014" great book very touching!!! "
— ,z, 2/19/2014" A good idea, but I absolutely disliked the main hero character. "
— Lucie, 2/19/2014" I bought this book for $3.49 at Wal Mart thinking it would be some BS book but it was actually very good and interesting. I wanted to keep reading to see who the killer was! "
— Syreeta, 2/19/2014" Bought this used on the basis of Michael Connelly's introduction. very glad I did. A pedal to the metal suspense story. "
— Benjamin, 2/19/2014" I got a copy of this book on CD for free and I must say that considering the story, it's a good story for a drive. "
— Michele, 2/18/2014" I really enjoy Rabbi Kushner's take on the world - in all his books that I've read. This is no exception - I was in tears in some parts. My only complaint about the book is that I think sometimes he takes the Moses analogy too far, to a point that became uninteresting for me. But a few pages of uninteresting are definitely worth the rest of the book's insights. "
— Ashlie, 2/18/2014" The Monkey's Paw, to me, is the ultimate bare-bones horror story, and an object lesson in doing more with less. Take twenty minutes, sit down and read this. And pray no one knocks on your door. "
— Erika, 2/18/2014" what are you waiting for... "
— Elise, 2/18/2014" I have always wanted to read this book and am glad I did. This book definately elicits strong emotions fromt the reader and I teared up several times througout the book. It also provides you with a window into what slavery looked like in America. This book also allows you to see that white southerners struggled with their feelings about slavery and what was expected in the south. The narrator of this book did a good job or portraying the characters and I am glad I chose to listen to this book instead of read it. This is definately a book that can be used as a book study or for a writing assignment, because it has several themes in it that can be dissected further. "
— Pamela, 2/17/2014" ok, so i had reeeeeaaaally, reaaaaly high hopes for this one. the summary made it sound very glamorous--which, it was kind of not. but still, it was kind of a disappointment. especially jenna, and how she was in denial for most of the book and how she acted out like a humongous bitch. i pitied jonah for having to put up with her. the ending wasn't that great either, so it was a so-so book. :/ "
— Zunaira, 2/17/2014" Great story of family and friendships. The author did a wonderful job of developing the characters of the women in this book. I wanted to sit down with them at their table and drink coffee and enjoy a homemade pastry! "
— Molly, 2/17/2014" I was already a fan of Neal Boortz before I read this book and was sympathetic to many of his views. That being said, I liked this book much better than his radio show because he actually gives a thourough explaination what he believes and why. This is far from an intellectual book, but for anyone with an interest in current events and politics it might be worthwhile. It's sort of a libertarian manifesto that's not too heavy. "
— Gretchen, 2/16/2014" I like Kate White novels because they are fun, suspensful, easy reads. Fun books to pick up for a quick mystery read. "
— Tibett, 2/16/2014" A fairly good organized crime thriller. The plot is goodish, plausibility is weakish, the pace strongish and an undertone of humour adds more ish to the ingredients. A rather good first novel by Thomas Perry. I would have given it 3.5, but not a 4. "
— Marius, 2/15/2014" This was an okay book. I am trying to figure out why I read it. "
— Eileen133, 2/15/2014" What a wonderful novel! I'll have to read this again -- it's been what, 20 years? "
— Marla, 2/15/2014" I can't believe I'd never read this book previously. I started reading it mostly because it was free on my Kindle, but was quickly hooked and intrigued. Fascinating account of the horrors of slavery, I was both relieved and saddened to reach the end of the book. "
— Sozie, 2/15/2014" Read it in 6th grade. I remember liking the adventure parts. "
— Michael, 2/15/2014" I did not love this. I have read several Christian based books in the past and this was just hard to get interested in. I think that Chrisitians will probably like it as it has a lot of stories from the bible in it, but it was just not my cup of tea. "
— Serena, 2/14/2014" After my disappointment reading Little Men again, I knew Jo's Boys probably wouldn't live up to my memories either, but I wanted to remember what happened to everybody. I got what I expected out of it. "
— Elizabeth, 2/14/2014" Another great story by Lorna Landvik. She has a knack for developing characters that are so real and interesting. This book had much sadness to it, but yet, I loved how their family stayed so happy with life. Being from Minnesota, I loved all the references to Mpls. "
— Cathy, 2/14/2014" A die-hard libertarian makes lots of sense most of the time and no sense at all occasionally. "
— Garrett, 2/14/2014" Another compelling story by Rendell. I think the pace may turn some off, but I found it refreshing. The sub-plots are, for the most part, well woven into the story, though I never felt like I understood the mother's situation (and past) very well. I suppose that's only to be expected, though, considering her state. "
— Laura, 2/14/2014" Superb crime novel from a hit mans point of view. You really want the criminal to get away! "
— Patrick, 2/14/2014" A little more moralistic than I remembered from reading this book as a child. Still loved the characters, though. "
— Celiavg, 2/13/2014" this is probably the best book i've ever read. "
— Kelly, 2/13/2014" I read it as a teenager and I still read it now. "
— Miriam, 2/13/2014" Four stars for how much there is to talk about in and around this book. "
— Kristine, 2/12/2014" After rereading this, I am confident that Mark Twain would have absolutely rules the Twitterverse. "
— Randy, 2/11/2014" Very much enjoyed the book. It was very painful to read about the abuse that the slaves endured. "
— Kim, 2/11/2014" I liked it, but didn't finish it all. Easy to get the gist once through a few chapters. Important and challenging concept about being willing to take risks in life in order to really experience it at it's fullest. "
— Jill, 2/11/2014" Good book if you're a fan of the movie "
— Sam, 2/11/2014" IT was OK, Fun to read. Kinda typical though. "
— Violet, 2/11/2014" Read this YEARS ago - we're talking 15-20 - and till I had Nancy I didn't realise how hard a choice it is to choose between children for anything (who will get the bigger slice of cake, best costume in the school play etc - and I only have to choose between Nancy and her friends for unimportant things like that) I think I'll "get" much more of the meaning of this when I re- read it - thanks for reminding me of it Aine! "
— Anne, 2/11/2014" Ok, definitely a 3-star book for me. There were parts that kept my interest and kept me reading. Overall, it went a bit too long, the ending was less than what I was hoping for and I just didn't feel that satisfied. "
— Brent, 2/11/2014" I love reading Mark Twain. I love his description of life in the Midwest. This story describes the situation where twins are switched as infants and one leads the life of a slave and the other as a freeborn. It also describes the early use of fingerprinting. "
— Phyllis, 2/10/2014" I purchased all of Mark Twain's books about 15 years ago and am getting around to reading them. Puddinhead Wilson was a good way to spend time - a compelling story about a slave who switched her and her master's baby's. Mark Twain is always entertaining. "
— Bonnie, 2/9/2014" Not as good as the first book about the March family "Little Women", but a good read if your a fan of Alcott's works. Kinda does quench all those "I wonder what happened to Jo questions?" which you find yourself thinking of after you read any of the books, as she is the character that has the most depth and therefore, is afavourite of most people. But just like any other sequel not as good as the original. "
— Gemma, 2/9/2014" just finished this book. I am a fan of Mario Puzo, however, Mark Winegardner should choose another author to emulate. The book is very drawn out. It was a fun read, but if you are a fan of Mafia books I don't suggest you read The Godfather's Revenge "
— Lenny, 2/9/2014" I listened to he audio version of this book and it was wonderful. If there ever was a 5-star read (or listen, in my case) it is this. Truly moving. "
— Martin, 2/9/2014" Though I thought I knew what this book was about, and definitely knew before I read it what Sophie's most agonizing "choice" was, what really amazed me was how funny it was, despite the heavy subject matter. A tragedy, but so well-written and beautiful... "
— Cambria, 2/9/2014" Better than Little Men, I think. I enjoyed it. But what was with all of the foreshadowing? There was so much of it that I couldn't keep track of what I was already supposed to suspect. "
— Lauren, 2/9/2014" A classic tale, particularly useful for the budding politician. And equally useful for the falling politician. "
— Ann, 2/9/2014" With this book, Van Lustbader seems to be moving Jason Bourne away from Ludlum's original Bourne and making him more like the Jason Bourne of the successful movie franchise. His wife, Marie, is gone and the kids have been shipped off to the in-laws. I will miss Ludlum's Bourne who complained about getting older and worried about how his alter-ego, David Webb, was going to deal with his wife and kids. However, I loved the Bourne movies so how could I go wrong with the books? Well, I couldn't. It was a fast-paced thriller that kept my attention throughout. If you loved the three movies, you'll love this book too. "
— Sue, 2/8/2014" This is a great book for primary aged kids, which is who I read it with. The "naked" Emperor brought lots of giggles. The pictures are fantastic. "
— Nadia, 2/8/2014" Very good book. I forgot how she can make you feel safe one moment and quite uneasy in the next. Great chills for a winter night. "
— Stephanie, 2/8/2014" Fun, nice to read, good characters. Love Loran Landvik's writing. "
— Christy, 2/8/2014" Again, this isn't as wonderful as Little Women, but it's a very enjoyable read. The boys are so funny and an endless source of entertainment. My favorite part was Tom's scrape that resulted in his engagement! Also, I certainly don't mean to speak ill of LMA's sister May (the model for Amy), but I never much liked Amy in the books, and since she isn't mentioned much, we mostly see Laurie in the context of his wonderful friendship with Jo, which makes me so happy! "
— Patricia, 2/7/2014" This is a great Christian classic that should be recommended reading for every Christian. It is much better than that drivel they publish today. "
— Jody, 2/6/2014" Classic story about survival. I think the story in this book was all to common. The love of life and family in hard times will always make things better. I"m glad we are not this America anymore. "
— Gsandoval2, 2/6/2014" Brilliant! Secrets and confusion all comes out in the end and everyone actually ends up happily. "
— Jan, 2/6/2014" Took me forever to get through but that is more because of my lack of time to just read for pleasure anymore. This book filled in the blanks between the movies Godfather part II and part III. I enjoyed reading the "rest of the story" "
— Angel, 2/6/2014" This a wonderful book about stepping out in faith and would be a great book to share with a group. "
— Jamie, 2/5/2014" It was a great read. Helpful insights for walking with The Lord. "
— Scott, 2/5/2014" best book ever written in prison by a rapist. "
— Keith(cannotstopcoughing), 2/5/2014" I first "read" this years back when I got the book on tape and it was 12 tapes long. I listened to them over and over, as I loved the dramatic presentation and the over-the-top drama. Then I bought an actual copy of the book and found that having listened to the tapes so many times, it made what would have been a terribly confusing book, was much more comprehensive and enjoyable. It's still long, parts of it are still a bit drawn out, but those can be skimmed and one can just move on to the parts that one wishes to experience again. Really essential for those who love the King Arthur stories, characters and legends! "
— Jennifer, 2/5/2014" This book is fun and interesting. It was a nice re-introduction to "Neal Boortz," whom I used to listen to about 10 years ago. The book was released in 07',so there isn't any Obama doctrine in it. It mainly speaks about Neal's faveriot radio talk show rant issues and pet peeves: smoking, homo-phobia,voting,the UN... etc.. none at great length, the chapters are all very short and do not include tons of newspaper clippings, Regan quotes and stats. (similar to other conservative books) "
— Carol, 2/5/2014" I'm in the middle of this book, and perhaps it will redeem itself at the end, because I sure do hate a story that revolves around a woman not being able to function when she breaks up with a man... ladies, DO NOT pine over and hope to take back a man who cheats on you, he is SO NOT WORTH YOUR TIME! Update: Totally not redeeming... "
— Corrie, 2/5/2014" I really struggled with finishing this one. Whilst I'm sure the writing is superb, I found it hard to remain engaged at times, especially with Stingo's ramblings about his own feelings for Sophie and their relationship with Nathan. Pleased that I finished it though, thanks to a bit of encouragement from Dr Flynn !! "
— Pat, 2/4/2014" Gotta love Boortz's straight-talk and humor "
— Andreacw, 2/4/2014" I havent read this in ages, and i dont remember enjoying it as much as I was happy to know what happens to everyone and how it all ends, and the joy of closure. "
— Omni, 2/4/2014" Another wonderful book! I am looking forward to reading it to my daughter after we finish Little Women and Little Men. "
— Valerie, 2/4/2014" During my junior year of college, I took a Romans class at PCC. We had to write a paper and I referenced this book. It was such a help to me that after college I purchased it. "
— Angie, 2/3/2014" The source. "
— Dee, 2/3/2014" I wonder who I was switched at birth with? I hope is was Jesus. "
— Roybert, 2/3/2014" I read The Perfect Storm right before reading Isaac's Storm. This book was just written better. You feel what it must be like to life through a hurricane and have to deal with the tragic aftermath of death and destruction that still follows these natural disasters. "
— Greg, 2/3/2014" too many people, not very much continuity...but still a calming read, just to know your favorite characters might be just around the corner! "
— Noel, 2/3/2014" Little slow in the beginning, but picked up steam and ended up being one of my favorite Larson books! "
— Simone, 2/2/2014" Not nearly as good as the first two books, but it's nice to see where the boys ended up. I was so pleased with all of them, save poor Dan. Seems like Alcott really felt the need to hold him to a high standard - seems like it wouldn't have been so bad to let him have a little more good fortune, after the childhood he had. Overall, a fun read, though not nearly as good as LW and LM. "
— Yancy, 2/2/2014" Final book in Little Women series. Jo all growed up. Still lovely. "
— Jessica, 2/1/2014" Just couldn't get into it. Have read some of his books and they are ok, but this one just didn't do it for me. I quit almost half way through. "
— Sandy, 2/1/2014" I've read all of Larson's books and while "Devil and the White City" is still my fav,this comes in second. I really enjoyed the way he cut between the stories of the storm and the stories of the people involved. My one critique is that Larson tended to use the "if I had but known" routine a bit too much. "
— Beth, 1/31/2014" this was a great finale to the little women/little men series, bringing all the boys back and showing how their patient teachers' work panned out. "
— Reagan, 1/31/2014" Amazing story. Everyone should read this book. On there own time and terms. "
— Jeff, 1/30/2014" Short, but quite good. It tells of a man's wishes made upon the monkey's paw. The 'be careful what you wish for' maxim comes to mind. Though that in no way ruins the story, it doesn't even come close to revealing anything much. The ending was spine tingling. My kind of scary. (view spoiler)[I am curious about the previous wishers, one of whom gave the paw to the fellow in this story. (hide spoiler)] "
— Cindy, 1/30/2014" My favroite Twain - short and hysterical!!!!!!!! "
— Jay, 1/30/2014" Was kinda boring, had to skim the rest of the book... "
— Nicole, 1/30/2014" I did not finish the book, but I thought the early part had some good concepts. "
— Steve, 1/30/2014" Sorry. This was a slog to finish. Not the best of the series. "
— Jim, 1/30/2014" Pleasant enough story from Mark Twain. You can see the ending coming from a mile away though and the slave dialect written phonetically is sometimes difficult to read. "
— Robert, 1/29/2014" What a beautiful and deep look into an very ugly part of our history. This is a perfect story to read along with an good audio reading, especially with a teenage child! This is a memory of binding time that I will always treasure. "
— Danielle, 1/29/2014" In all honesty, this is a dreary book. Imagine the epilogue to the Harry Potter Series, which most people agree is somewhat hamfisted and not up to par, if not blatant fan service. Now imagine if J.K. Rowling had written it into a full eighth book, rather than a single chapter. That is what we have here. As the third (or fourth, depending on how you care to look at it) and final installment in the chronicle of the March sisters and their families, this draws much too heavily on the less-compelling Little Men for its characters and basically occupies itself giving small snippets and synopses of what happens to them when they reach adulthood. Half of the characters from Little Men are dismissed completely with two-line summaries, while the ones that remain are each dutifully given their trial, lesson, and ultimate happy ending. Mostly, the boys are married off to faceless but undoubtedly very sweet girls for whom it's impossible to care much, because they are such hollow caricatures. Two of the girls were so young in the preceding book that they are basically introduced fresh, and the best stories in all honesty have to do with their independent aspirations (theatrical Josie and pragmatic doctor Nan). There is a chapter early on in which Jo Bhaer, having acquired some literary success modeled directly off of Alcott's experience, relates the tribulations of being a famous author in that day and age. Of all the moralizing and sermonizing that happens in this book, that chapter rings the truest with both honest experience and humor. Otherwise, I could have been happy having this book compressed down to a single epilogue, a la Harry Potter. "
— Liss, 1/29/2014" This is a great book - one that many of the great people in history grew up hearing and reading as children. I love this edition because it makes it a little more palatable for kids and has vivid illustrations. Made me excited to study the original for myself, too. "
— Alysia, 1/28/2014" Splendidly done! Bravo! I'll be looking for the rest of the books in this series. "
— Linda, 1/28/2014" Easy read with interesting plot twists. "
— Paul, 1/27/2014" Worth reading, seemed to go on forever. "
— Kurt, 1/27/2014" I don't know why people give me so much grief for how strongly I took this book to heart. It was a great challenge to me and also gave me some one liners that still sting my soul. "
— Shannon, 1/27/2014" A decent read, and a cautionary tale. Some of the dialogue is hard to read as Stowe attempts to spell out the sounds of the words actually used by the characters in the story. Not an easy read, but Uncle Tom's Cabin should have a place on the required reading list, if for nothing other than the morality lesson Stowe intends it to be. "
— David, 1/26/2014" Deb picked this up on a clearance rack, and thought I would enjoy it. I have to admit the title put me off, but it was a Minnesota author and was set in Minneapolis, so I gave it a try. I'm glad I did. It was fun, and sad, and enjoyable to read. It is a bit of a melodrama, but with a hotdish sensability. Uff-da. "
— Steven, 1/26/2014" A great book for libertarians who are interested in reforming our big spending, government dependency. "
— Coy, 1/26/2014" I'm a huge fan of Rabbi Kushner's - his books are all about finding what is truly important and focusing on that, letting go of the our superficial and hurtful urges. "
— Inder, 1/26/2014" Another great character in the series: Lindros "
— Eva, 1/26/2014" This was a lovely book. At first, it read like a missing persons mystery, but then the obsessive PI disappeared and things got really interesting. What drives us to find things we've lost? When is it OK to stop looking and let go? Find some answers here. "
— Cathy, 1/26/2014" Well, I suggested the book group read this, just because we previously mentioned reading something by Ruth Rendell, but boy, am I sorry. There are clearly characters, and a plot, but the book is missing a reason. Why read it? Indeed, why did she write it? This book is populated by assholes, morons, and crazy people, mostly psychopaths. That's it. Well, maybe Heather is okay. And Edmund ultimately turns out to be not as much of a schmuck as he started out being. Ismay is a moron, Andrew is an asshole, Marion is crazy, as is her brother, Edmund's mother is an asshole, Andrew's girlfriend after Ismay is a moron. Barry seems to be a moron. Oh, Ismay and Heather's mother is crazy, their aunt Pamela is a moron, her boyfriend is both crazy and an asshole. Some people get engaged, some get married, some people break up, some people blackmail others, some use others. Not a clever comment or insight to be found. "
— Laurie, 1/25/2014" Not really a Bourne book, his history from the first three books and the first Van Lustbader book are ignored. More like the movies without the fast paced action and less character development. "
— Steve, 1/25/2014" It was a fun reunion from the characters of Little Men. I enjoyed getting to find out where all the children ended up, and seeing their budding romances. Has no particular direction, but was a sweet diversion from real life. "
— Jane, 1/25/2014" Twain wrote about twins in The Prince and the Pauper and here he addresses it again. He also points out the absurdity of calling someone 'black' when there racialheritage is only a tiny percent black. "
— Peter, 1/25/2014" While I was a little put off from this book because I'm not really a fan of Huckleberry Finn, I sucked it up and read another one of Twain's books. Lets just say that I'm glad I did. I am a huge fan of satire and it is in full force in this book. Taken at face value this would just be another story about slavery, but those astute enough to catch the social critques under the humor probably will have a better reading experience. The writing style is also not preachy or heavy in its social commentary, which is another plus. I loved how Twain plays around with the idea of identity and commenting on the fact that it is not only determined for you by your race, but you also you are forced to perform your race as well. The ending was brief and harsh, but I do not think it would have had the same power if it had been written any other way. I would definetly recommend this book to everyone. "
— Penny, 1/25/2014" This book doesn't deserve a rating because it has its own stature as a national gem. "Started a war." "
— Martha, 1/24/2014" this is a good book. it was a lot better than i thought it was going to be. it was very inspiring, ortberg is a good writer and i would recommend this book for anyone in need of a little quick inspiration. "
— Wes, 1/24/2014" I never understood the storyline. it was complicating so I had to just stop reading it and kept it aside. "
— Mathan, 1/24/2014" Um....this was okay, like an old piece of chewing gum is okay. After a while, it just gets to be a burden, and you either spit it out or swallow it. I spat. As I've said before, I absolutely LOVE Rendell's older works, and sincerely admire her for her amazing output of literature. Her last two books just didn't do it for me. "
— Elizabeth, 1/24/2014" slow start but really interesting especially for anyone interested in weather or politics! would give it a 3.5 but since I can't..... "
— Jean, 1/24/2014" Leah and I read this together several months ago. Actually I read Little Pilgrim's Progress to hear and read the regular one by myself. I often use this book during "life lesson" moments with her. Definitely a favorite! "
— Angie, 1/23/2014" I had to read Uncle Tom's Cabin for my history class and I hate to say it but I had never read it before and truth be told I tried to avoid reading it if possible because of how disturbing and tragic the story is. I'm glad I got to read this though, it really is an amazing novel that moves you to the core. "
— Jessi, 1/23/2014" I found this much quicker and easier to read than I expected. Although it deals with important matters of life, death, faith, right and wrong, among others, it does so lightly. I can understand why it has been popular for so long. "
— E, 1/23/2014" Sometimes I still feel like Eliza crossing the frozen river in the snow. "
— Julia, 1/23/2014" i think this is the only mark twain book i ever finished. granted it's short, and it still took me like three or four weeks, but i finished it which means something. was never ever dull. "
— Allan, 1/23/2014" Final book in Little Women series. Jo all growed up. Still lovely. "
— Jessica, 1/23/2014" Well, you've got the awesome story AND the Beardsley illustrations. Can't go wrong with this one. "
— Amy, 1/22/2014" Mark Winegardner's continuation of The Godfather sequels truly lives up to the original Godfather novel of Mario Puzo.Two thumbs up! "
— Lawrence, 1/21/2014" This is just an enjoyable book to read. "
— Ange, 1/21/2014" Beautiful prose, but just like the movie, the story couldn't captivate me. I did love the discussion of Southern Gothicism and the history of the Jewish people. "
— Kelsey, 1/21/2014" All these mysteries I keep reading, are making my head hurt. To bad I've got four more sitting on my dresser waiting to be read. This book was much more interesting than the last Kate White. Bailey was a bridesmaid along with 4 (because you need 5 bridesmaids) girls and 3 of them end up dead, so Bailey is certain that she might be next. Sounded interesting. And it was for the most part, but like her last book, there were so many characters and suspects that you had no idea who the killer was. I suspected who it actually ended up being way at the begining of the book. Seems like you can't trust anyone anymore. Not even your friends. "
— Lindsay, 1/21/2014" How can one forget the butterflies and the dragonflies, flitting by, as one sat down and read his stories! Those that contain stuff like "The Emperor's Clothes" - is an amazing reminder that people do not change much in average! "
— Amarjyoti, 1/21/2014" It's a classic, for better or worse. Even though this was the first time I read the original text, I could remember other similar stories that must have been inspired by it. Thus nothing new to me at this present time - but quite good for English learners, as it's short, easy, still interesting. "
— Sato, 1/20/2014" Read on plane from LA to Chicago: could not put down. "
— Tes, 1/19/2014" gak ada romance nya...tapi lumayanlah misteri nya... "
— nurmawati, 1/19/2014" Okay if you're dying for more of The Godfather story. "
— William, 1/19/2014" These were my favorite novels growing up. I still treasure a set of the Alcott novels that belonged to my husband's grandmother. When I found them in an attic I reread the whole series and I enjoyed them as much at 50 as I did at 15. "
— Joni, 1/19/2014" It was amazing.actually it was like a modern fairy tale with logic. "
— ~$hreya~, 1/19/2014" Inspirational & motivational. A good nudge to both acknoweldge gifts/talents you've been given as well as to pull them out of the bottom drawer and get to using them, as was intended for you. "
— Joni, 1/19/2014" This book made me realize that Jason Bourne has become redundant. It made me stop buying the 'Bourne' books that followed. "
— Paul, 1/19/2014" less than the previous bourne books but still pretty good. "
— mike, 1/19/2014" It's a good story and well written, but I just didn't find myself connected with the characters. "
— Brian, 1/19/2014" I really enjoyed this book. It was a very quick read and the ending was a good one. "
— Heather, 1/18/2014" Love this series. Author is publisher for Cosmo mag. "
— Megan, 1/17/2014" Further continuation of the school run by Jo from the Little Women. "
— Angela, 1/17/2014" I haven't read many of Rendell's books, but this one I really enjoyed. It's a fascinating character study of a disturbed mother and her two daughters, and an event that occurred when the girls were teenagers that negatively impacted the rest of their lives. I only gave it three stars because I expected more of a mystery, and didn't get it. Which isn't Rendell's fault as much as it is the publishers, for making this look like such a mystery with that clearly mysterious cover! "
— Jennifer, 1/17/2014" Another action/adventure added to the Bourne series. Entertaining and fun but still doesn't compare to the originals, however, I'll keep reading them if they keep making them. "
— Nate, 1/17/2014" This is quite literally the worst book I've ever read. Usually I quit reading books once I realize I hate them. I don't know why I kept reading this one, other than to subject myself to pain and self-loathing so that I may have a stark perspective for comparison. I am awarded no points, and may God have mercy on my soul. "
— Ben, 1/17/2014" This book really moved me, although it might fall in the chick flick kind of book, it does not, is a very unique way of telling how to find ourserlves can sometimes happen when you last expect it. "
— Moraimag, 1/17/2014" Oh, Pudd'nhead. Twain + Doppleganger plot = prime American lit goodness. "
— Sara, 1/17/2014" Has anyone else written abouit slavery? it seems like a very seldom touched subject for such a seminal piece of american history "
— Chai, 1/16/2014" I'm still annoyed about the ending to this otherwise perfectly decent series. Every once in a while Ms Alcott reminds you that while she was rather forward thinking for her time she's still another Victorian snob. "
— Jlynn, 1/16/2014" I listened to this on tape from the library a number of years ago. The narrator's phony Minnesota accent almost drove me crazy but the story was okay. Patty Jane opens a beauty parlor after her husband leaves her and her infant daughter. The book tells the story of Patty Jane, her sister, her mother, her daughter and the women who come to the beauty parlor. "
— Joanie, 1/16/2014" Excellent! Practical and inspirational. "
— suzy, 1/16/2014" For an allegory there is far too much in this that is NOT allegorical, but rather preachy and smug. And the things Bunyan preaches aren't exactly high on my list of what Christian doctrine SHOULD be: instead he's judgmental, cruel, desiring of riches (the Celestial City is made ENTIRELY OF GOLD), and sees Christianity solely as a means of PERSONAL salvation. Christian hardly cares whether the people he meets attain the City or not; if they don't do it his way, he soon leaves them to their "error." A pretty ugly book whose theological ramifications are, sadly, still much manifest today in evangelicals of all stripes; quite clearly a document from a less-enlightened (if that means anything anymore) age of selfishness and imperialism. "
— Christopher, 1/16/2014" I live here. This book is full of mistruths. Very disappointing. One wonders how it was ever published. Does no one fact check anymore. Jeesh. "
— Leslie, 1/16/2014" I had a hard time getting into this book. The story line picked up a bit after the first 1/4 because the first portion of the book was introduction. I think this book went into more detail about the main character than her previous books, or I guess a lot more background information than previous books. However, it was still a very cute book. I really Cecelia Ahern and am looking forward to her new book coming out soon! "
— Suzanne, 1/15/2014" AS much fun as any new mystery "
— Joel, 1/15/2014" Loved it! Towards the end it dragged just a bit, but it was such a wonderful read "
— Courtney, 1/15/2014" I liked the information on how the mafia works. One of the main characters, the Butcher's Boy, is written well so that the reader has some sympathy for what he's having to deal with,forgetting that he's a hit man for the mafia. Interesting. "
— Kyle, 1/14/2014" An OK book. I liked the personal stuff about the main character. The mystery was so-so. "
— Lynn, 1/14/2014" This was a very good book. I loved the characters and I had no idea what to expect next. "
— Elizabeth, 1/13/2014" The Le Morte d'Arthur is the best book that has ever been written on the medieval Arthur. There is really little else to say. It was a fantastic book, worthy of being remembered as it is. "
— Taylor, 1/13/2014" There are better Twain stories "
— Heather, 1/13/2014" I love two of Kushner's books, but everything else has been kind of a dud. Even though I finished about 70% of this one, I couldn't generate the interest to finish it up. Eh. "
— Kaye, 1/13/2014" Awesome way he took the story to places that you wouldn't have forseen. "
— Kimanzi, 1/13/2014" i am happy such a place doesn't exist!!!! "
— Azra, 1/13/2014" A true life changing book for me! "
— Mary, 1/12/2014" Yes I gave it a 5 star. I know that I may not be the best book reviewer but all I know is that this book spoke to me. It is based around one passage of scripture Matthew 14:22-32. This book challenged my faith and my doubt/fear of stepping out of the boat and trusting Jesus like Peter did. "
— Brittany, 1/12/2014" I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It was given to me by a good friend, but I admit that upon receiving it I was afraid that I was going to sit down to syrupy mush. On the contrary, I found this book very uplifting at times and I applaud the author's work. However, as a Catholic, I strongly felt the absence of a discussion on the the sacraments. "
— Josh, 1/11/2014" To call this a book would be to belittle it... this book MUST be lived and experienced... "
— Justin, 1/11/2014" Fourth and last in the 'Little Women' series. This book mainly focuses on the school Jo has started for boys, using principles that would have been considered quite radical in those days. A very pleasant read, despite a bit of authoral moralising now and again. "
— Sue, 1/10/2014" Surprisingly, I don't love Erik Larson. I think it is presumptuous to write the thoughts of characters into non-fiction. But this one was fairly factual and fairly entertaining. "
— Kristi, 1/10/2014" My Brother-in-law has this in the original english it was written. Facinating. It took me week to read this book, also included was a second one about pilgrims wife which i finished the same week. "
— Dave, 1/10/2014" One of my favorite books and the movie's pretty good too... "
— Courtney, 1/10/2014" i'd give it 7 stars if i could.... "
— Pratishtha, 1/10/2014" Just an absolutely unbelievable book. Got a mass market of it at a garage sale for 25 cents and was blown away. "
— doug, 1/10/2014" This is probably the best book I've read this year. I like how Ortberg referenced relatable and true-to-life stories in the concepts he talked about. My book is practically abused with pen and pencil underlines. It's the type of book you'd love to reread again and again and still get new insights from it each time you do. :) "
— Crae, 1/9/2014" Reviewing for Unshelved Book Club "
— Snow, 1/9/2014" I have enjoyed every Lorna Landvik book I've read "
— Abby, 1/9/2014" It was okay. I've read other Rendells I liked better. The plot was predictable, but her characters were good, as always. "
— Shannon, 1/9/2014" I listened to this book on CD. Not as good as the previous "Devil..." book, but his fact finding and inferences are interesting "
— Sarah, 1/8/2014" I had to read this so many times for school... "
— Denae, 1/8/2014" A timeless classic; turgid in places as was the style of writing at the time. I enjoyed the story even though it was mostly predictable. Of course the story is well-known and I had this in the background as I read it. "
— Marc, 1/6/2014" As always, she is an interesting author, although I must admit, it took me a bit to get into this book, and I'm not sure that I ever really loved the characters. "
— Lane, 1/6/2014" The family found this is an interesting read of the family classic narrated by many different actors and musicians on the CD of The Emperors New Clothes. Illustrations in this edition was very entertaining. "
— John, 1/5/2014" This book is definitely not the worst I have ever read. At times it is difficult to read due to Harriet Beecher Stowe's use of southern dialect in her writing. Overall I highly recommend reading this. "
— Ryan, 1/5/2014" I just love how at the end of a book you finally get the title! "
— Jebofinn, 1/5/2014" I enjoyed this book more than Twain's other novels. I like th mixture of genres and the theme of nature verses nurture along with some racial issues. "
— M., 1/5/2014" I know that historically this was a very radically abolitionist book. I tried to look at it without the lens of my modern sensibilities but I just couldn't. "
— Becca, 1/4/2014" Often times it was heartbreaking to read, but I felt like I was there. Even the science behind weather and hurricanes was interesting to read. I've enjoyed Erik Larson since reading Devil in the White City. "
— Barb, 1/3/2014" Thought it was going to be fluff, but was actually very good! "
— Tami, 1/3/2014" Minnesooooda! "
— Emaly, 1/3/2014" I read this with a group. Good concept, but it was hard for me to get into. The writing was fluffy, and the topic didn't challenge me. But with books like this, it's often where we are in life that makes the difference between an ok read and a great read, so maybe it was the wrong time of life for me. But no one else in the group seemed to get much out of the book either, so maybe it was the book, not me? Hard to say. No one disliked it, but it didn't spark any challenging or life-changing discussions. "
— Julia, 1/3/2014" One of my all-time favorites -- it carries on the story of what happens to Jo and her professor from Little Women. "
— KyneWynn, 1/1/2014" Audiobook, didn't finish it "
— Laney, 1/1/2014" It was alright. It definately wasn't as good as the first three "Godfather's" written by Puzo. Also, not nearly as great as "The Sicilian", yet still entertaining. "
— Pete, 1/1/2014" Pretty surreal finishing this book as Hurricane Sandy blasts East Coast. Author makes you forget this is a true account...his narrative is creative and compelling. A good read. "
— Jill, 12/31/2013" A great story with a good message for my kiddos. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. And Don't be afraid to question what other's tell you. They enjoy it. "
— Rebecca, 12/31/2013" This book is inspirational. It gives an new perspective to the story of peter walking on water. This book maybe that little push you need in your spiritual life. Loved it! "
— Youstina, 12/31/2013" Good Bible Study "
— Gerry, 12/31/2013" Fun, mystical!! Also called 'There's no place like here'. "
— Jeliene, 12/29/2013" Some times its hard to understand why life gives us hard times but during those hard times i find it hard to trust God this book opened my eyes to see how to trust him more and it was just very inspirational. "
— Samantha, 12/29/2013" I felt I needed to read it since it was so controversial/influential. It was hard to get through only because I don't need to be convinced of the ills of slavery but apart from that, what a great job at expressing human nature and the way things were. It did drag on, but ultimately they were entertaining tales based on reality. "
— brynnelda, 12/29/2013" heartbreaking. Language style was challenging at times. "
— Pamela, 12/29/2013" Interesting story. Decent insight into the times. But a very hard read! "
— David, 12/29/2013" Written so long ago, even for children, and so real, and often in our lives. "
— Ivana, 12/29/2013" The chapter on chasing cats is hilarious. "
— Paul, 12/28/2013" Having fun trying to figure who is the baddest of the bad in this book, It involves the culture we like to pretend is dead since the fall of the Berlin wall. In other words spies. It is fun to see into this sub sub culture of governments to see who really runs things. Lot's of different forms of murder and all varieties of spies. How isgood or bad seems to be on the eye of the reader. For spy reading fun and those who like murder and mayhem. Read "The Bourne Sanction" By Robert Ludlum "
— Patty, 12/28/2013" The co-author of this book, Brendan Halpin, has written some novels I've really enjoyed. This one, not so much. I did actually finish it (unlike another YA book I tried recently, _I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You_, which just wasn't doing it for me), but it wasn't particularly enjoyable. The characters weren't too lovable (though I'm re-reading _East of Eden_, one of my top five best books ever, and its main characters aren't very lovable, either), and their crises weren't comprehensible to me seeing how I've never been a sexy teenager much less a rock star/TV star. I look forward to better things in future from Brendan Halpin! "
— April, 12/28/2013" I really enjoyed the early Bourne books, but this was painful. "
— Cheryl, 12/27/2013" Fantastic book! A wonderful history of America circa 1900 plus all the action you'd expect from such a tragic hurricane. "
— Holly, 12/26/2013" So glad to have finally read this one. Some of the language made me uncomfortable but such an important and wonderful book. "
— Katie, 12/25/2013" I Hate this book with ever fiber of my beaning... its all about sex, fighting, magic, and more SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont read it. "
— VeggyGirl/Hanami, 12/25/2013" This one had quite a few twists and turns, had to re-read some parts to make it clear. Only downside is that the ending was not clean.... "
— Rudy, 12/25/2013" Not a bad book, reading was easy, it just didn't make sense sometimes regarding the whole Godfather story...I liked it though. "
— Viera, 12/25/2013" Interesting insights of how Louis May Alcott dealt with the public. "
— Cali, 12/24/2013" One of the worst books that I have ever read. If my legacy could contain anything of importance, it would be that I convinced someone to not read this book that otherwise would have. Politics aside this a poorly written, weakly argued and at some points factually inaccurate piece of trash. "
— John, 12/24/2013" Always like Kushner, and this one no exception. Daughter was reading it so decided to give it "a go." Based on the story of Moses. The theme will be helpful for class I will be doing in the fall. "
— Shirley, 12/24/2013" Van Lustbader is no Ludlum. "
— Tyler, 12/23/2013" After reading the Bourne books that Ludlum actually wrote himself, this was a big disappointment. "
— Kyle, 12/22/2013" Classic Ludlum for "I spy vs the world" readers. High espianoage at its best for double and triple crossings and Bournes multi-personality life as an assasin with amnesia. "
— KC, 12/21/2013" Love Neal. Can't imagine he would ever write a book I didn't love. "
— Courtney, 12/21/2013" Good, but little men is better "
— Kristin, 12/21/2013" Funny book... it explains many things you always wondered about "
— Natalia, 12/20/2013" Great book although rather depressing. I found the sexual tension and frustration the Stingo endures comical and laugh out loud... "
— Ketti, 12/19/2013" Wasn't horrible but I expected SO much more. Funny novel but I wanted to see a little more romance. This novel just lacked for me. Now it wasn't an unpleasant read just again my expectations were a little too high I suppose. The storyline is such a good one and I don't know I felt like it could have been way more intense. "
— Chelsea, 12/18/2013" Good story of emotionally damaged woman and child who find a strange new love and the terror caused by a nuclear weapons factory. Easy read. "
— Sara, 12/18/2013" This was OK, but the metaphor of the boat felt cheesy to me pretty fast. I didn't finish it. "
— Abby, 12/18/2013" kind of like a jewish self-help book "
— Steve, 12/18/2013" More like 3.5, maybe? IDK... I liked it, but not as much as I wanted to. The end kind of fell short. "
— Caren, 12/18/2013" Even better than the Simpson's version! "
— Scott, 12/17/2013" It usually does not take me this long to read a book but when you have to stop every so many pages and reflect on what you've read and what it means to you, that is what happens. Highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to "walk on water". "
— Ricka, 12/17/2013" This was really good. It was a fast and easy read but still full of interesting characters and a twisting plot. "
— Stephanie, 12/17/2013" The Starbright version is a fantastic take on the classic story - with plenty of humour and great contributions by celebrity writers and the best of children's illustrators. "
— Jack, 12/16/2013" He may as well have slapped Puzo in the face with this one. "
— Vincent, 12/15/2013" Required reading, but not necessarily fun reading. "
— Randy, 12/15/2013" This book seemed to be filled with to much deeper meaning that I was never able to really like what it was. It was such a shame since Twain is such an amazing author. "
— Griffin, 12/14/2013" Cute, but it lacks the depth of some of Halpin's other books. "
— Sandy, 12/14/2013" A gripping account of the devastating hurricane that razed Galveston in 1900, showing that attitudes as much as deficient weather forecasting contributed to the massive loss of life. The explanations of how hurricanes form can be a bit tedious, hence 4 stars. "
— Guido, 12/14/2013" If we are willing to get out of our comfort zone, then there is no telling what all the Lord has in store for us. Loved this book!! "
— Patricia, 12/14/2013" Interesting for its historical perspective, put generally preachy and politically motivated. "
— Christian, 12/13/2013" I read this first in my late teens at the recommendation of a friend. It's so beautifully written, poignant, the gawky award, innocence of Stingo, Nathan's wild, all-consuming effect on Stingo and Sophie's lives and ultimately the revelation of the choice Sophie was forced to make. "
— Jay, 12/12/2013" amazing book, highly recommend it. "
— Ruth, 12/12/2013" The Bourne is getting to be the same old thing. First the bad guys are after him, than the good guys, than everybody else. "
— Dad, 12/12/2013" Read this short story for the horror of it all, and for something to think about long after you have finished reading the story. "
— Andd, 12/12/2013" the story was a bit slow for me, most of the time.... and it only get interesting when i finally got the answer.. err she got the answer.. to all her lifetime quest in the end. "
— †, 12/11/2013" This book takes place in between the 2nd and 3rd movies. I liked this book because it fills in what happens in between the movies. I wished that the ending could have been different but I understand why it had to end that way. "
— Norine, 12/11/2013" Loved this book and see its influence in many other books of literature. Did you know the March sisters recreate Christian's progress in "Little Women?" Did you know it was one of the few books used in public schools in America's early history? "
— Jorgina, 12/10/2013" It was good. Up until the end, that is. "
— Kate, 12/10/2013" Finally read this book that I'd heard about all my life, and I was presently impressed by the the quality of the writting and story line. I knew of its influence on the people of the time. However I would have guessed it would have been just an expose on the cruelty of slavery. Instead it's impact must have been on the religious convictions of the readers, by depicting the slaves as pious and god fearing -- albeit victims of extreme cruelty. "
— Bob, 12/9/2013" Strong argument for Abolition. Personally, had a problem with the suggestion that only Christians could see the injustice. Simon Legree and Topsy ("just growed") are both characters that are fully described. "
— Margaret, 12/8/2013" Hallowe'en 2012. A re-read and the lesson still holds true - be careful, very careful about that for which you wish. "
— Wanda, 12/8/2013" Unusually, the Bourne movies, which I love (well, the first and second anyway), are miles better than the novels. "
— Colleen, 12/7/2013" the action in this book is ok but the character doesn't seem to meet the character of the other Bourne trilegy. part of the story is also a far fetch of reality, I guess this is part of having another author trying to write stories that Ludlum originaly did "
— Spencer, 12/6/2013" This was my first Jason Bourne book. It was fast and exciting, with some surprises thrown in. If you liked the movies, you will enjoy this book. "
— Denise, 12/5/2013" I may not agree with everything in the book, but it's the most fun I've ever had reading about politics! "
— Rebecca, 12/5/2013" One of those beautifully woven stories that makes you feel like the characters and scenes are happening right in front of you, making you smile, laugh, cry, and enjoy all the while! :) "
— Angeli, 12/5/2013" Always love Erik Larson and this book is no disappointment. The scope of the devastation of the storm as described by Larson is truly disturbing. A great tale of early 20th century hubris but also a reminder of the unpredictable force of nature regardless of society's current "sophistication". "
— D., 12/5/2013" An old fairy tale that's even more relevant in today's world. Two fraudsters convince everyone that the wonderful clothes they make become invisible to the unworthy and stupid. This story is still capable of making you laugh out loud in places, however familiar you think it may be. "
— Joe, 12/5/2013" my dad gave me this to read and it was ok for a "vacation book." I want to read the other Bourne books to see if they are better written. "
— John, 12/4/2013" Awe-inspiring. RISK is best spelled FAITH. Step out and live! "
— Katrina, 12/4/2013" I generally like Mark Twain but this was not his best work. The observations that started each chapter were the highlight of the book. "
— Kristopher, 12/4/2013" All of the wit and excellence in the tall tale one expects from Twain. "
— Jeff, 12/4/2013" I love this writing style! Although it is not easy to read I really enjoy it. I've been reading this on and off for about a year! I'll finish it someday! "
— Shawn, 12/4/2013" I read the third book in this series first and really liked it. So I decided to start at the beginning, unfortunately reading the third book first was a bit of a spoiler for one and two. I think I would have liked it more had I not read the series out of order. "
— Matt, 12/3/2013" Bourne is worn out. The other characters are more interesting. Much better than the Bourne Betrayal, but Bourne is no longer interesting. "
— Joe, 12/2/2013" Neal Boortz predicted what we are currently experiencing with the Obma administration four years ago. If only the American people had listened. "
— Carol, 12/2/2013" On my top ten list "
— Rebekah, 11/30/2013" A great sermon book... read like sitting in church on Sunday for a well put together sermon. A good "guy" book! "
— Tanya, 11/29/2013" Maybe this story explains why I am not into fashion. It's just too easy to be taken in by the newest fad. "
— Sharon, 11/28/2013" good book. it can a little incredulous, how many times can one person's life be threatened? but that's why it's called fiction. still a great read, great character. "
— Cindy, 11/27/2013" Good but predictable... "
— Kris, 11/23/2013" Initially it drags on for quite some time which makes the reader lose interest but the last few chapters are really intriguing "
— Komal, 11/23/2013" Took me all the way to the last 30 pages before I figured out what her choice was . . . fantastic book and complex characters. "
— Amy-loris, 11/22/2013" A must read for a study on slavery by one who lived at the time. "
— Kristy, 11/22/2013" fun and easy to read. definitely a book i would bring along to the beach. "
— Rebecka, 11/21/2013" Listened to this on Selected Shorts podcast. Reminded me of The Wish Giver: Three Tales of Coven Tree by Bill Brittain though I read that 18 years ago. Both remind me of the saying, "Be careful what you wish for." "
— Catherine, 11/20/2013" AR 2.9 Read-It Readers Green Level "
— Amy, 11/19/2013" I heard Harold Kushner speaking on the radio and decided to read his book. I had read When Bad things happen to Good People many years ago. I enjoyed his religious spin on this book. I think this book will give anyone who is disappointed with how life is should read this book. I know it helped me. "
— Sonyajohnston, 11/18/2013" First read this 8th grade (and didn't return it-sorry Ms. Polk!). I've red it a handful of times since then. "
— Ian, 11/18/2013" a bit weird and just kind of ended all of a sudden without much happening "
— Jodie, 11/17/2013" A sad, timeless story about slavery. I was a little surprised when the story divided into two parts, but really enjoyed going back and forth between the two. I loved little Eva--she was a girl way ahead of her time. "
— Katie, 11/17/2013" I enjoyed the book, especially with the perspective of time elapsed since the writing. "
— Bill, 11/14/2013" Same style as Devil in the White City - entertaining, at times too dramatic, very detailed. I liked it. But no photographs? Really? And the map? Full of locations that are never mentioned, and missing locations that are mentioned all the time. "
— Caroline, 11/12/2013" Talk about creepy stuff...this one kept me up at night. :-/ "
— Jennifer, 11/11/2013" Maybe because this was the third Alcott book I read in a row, but I grew tired of her Christian moralizing. Also was a little stunned when she talked of her 'failures' so openly and judgementally. I'm still charmed by her storytelling, though. "
— Carol, 11/11/2013" The only good thing is that you know Bourne will not be killed as there are five more adventures yet to read! Can't wait to get to the next book... "
— Ruth, 11/11/2013" this was a good book about 2 sisters and the ups and downs of their lives through young adulthood. i especially liked this one because it took place in Minneapolis, so I was very familiar with most of the landmarks they referred to in the story. "
— Holly, 11/10/2013" I was emotionally charged while reading the book - so many different emotions, some were good and others were not. I liked its easy-to-read writing style. It's sad that this kind of injustice can still be found in our modern age, though. "
— Bob, 11/10/2013" Not as good as the others in the series. "
— Michelle, 11/10/2013" I'm a big fan of Cecelia Ahern's books generally. They're quirky, fun & thought-provoking. And this has been my favourite so far :) "
— Mariclare, 11/9/2013" Very good, listened on abridged audio, now need to read the full details. "
— Cathy, 11/8/2013" This is an amazing book on getting past every day routines and living out your walk with God! "
— Angela, 11/6/2013" Rabbi Kushner gives interesting stories & advice based on Moses & how he dealt with life. I liked the perspective & the stories, even though I'm not a believer of Old Testament stories, there are valuable grains of truth in stories. Also, my version was an audio CD, not cassettes. "
— Spider, 11/4/2013" One of my all time favs,can't go wrong with Mark Twain. "
— Lily, 11/4/2013" Three stars because it's not just a classic, it's epic. No more than three stars because it was not fun to read. Really. While I have an enormous appreciation for the enduring works written in Old English (Utopia, anyone?) I just can't overcome the thees and thous well enough to enjoy the content. "
— Rosanna, 11/3/2013" Little Men and Little Women were among my favorite books as a child. I just read this one a few years ago and enjoyed getting to see how the story turned out. A good read although I think you have to have read the others first. "
— Gail, 11/3/2013" So much beheading! But still, a great deal of fun. "
— Katie, 11/2/2013" What a good read! Love this author with her interesting plot lines, moral lessons, and gentle character development. A great accompaniment to Little Women. "
— Cinderelly007, 10/30/2013" I really enjoyed this book. It has been a LONG time since I have read any of the books in this series and I think this is the first one I have read where Eric did the writing. I thought he did a great job of keeping the story moving and the plot interesting. "
— Eric, 10/29/2013" Unbelievable. Gave me a whole new way of thinking about slavery. Also, I don't understand how calling someone an Uncle Tom became a pejorative. "
— Jj, 10/29/2013" This was a cute book that made me smile. There were some confusing parts and some things that got abandoned or didn't get developed, which led to some head-scratching. But I enjoyed myself while reading it. Light and fluffy and cute. "
— Jessica, 10/27/2013" I do not often reread books. But this one is part of my book club and so sat down to read. This book can make you laugh and cry, even a second time. This was my first Lorna Landvik book I read and really do enjoy her as a author. "
— Jo, 10/26/2013" Neal Boortz simply puts it like it is. "
— Dick, 10/26/2013" Her best. "
— Laura, 10/25/2013" Love this one too! "
— JaNae, 10/23/2013" Love a little Boortz! "
— Becky, 10/22/2013" My favorite Anne Rivers Siddons "
— Mary, 10/21/2013" I usually treasure a new Ruth Rendell novel, but for some reason I stalled out with this one about a third of the way through. "
— Stven, 10/21/2013" I liked Kushner's earlier book "when bad things Happen to Good People", this one not so much. Seemed a bit disjointed. "
— Dannyg, 10/21/2013" i love jason bourne series! but this novel draws me back a little. i dunoo, it's not that great, it's boring but it keeps me wantto read it and finish it. huh? that's just sound crazy. haha. "
— rheeza, 10/20/2013" I thought Little Women and Little Men were both better, but if you liked either of them, this is definitely worth reading. "
— Merrie, 10/20/2013" I had to find this in a used booked store and the copy I own is a pretty beat up pocketbook that I treasure. The best first book by an author that I have ever read! "
— Heather, 10/19/2013" On my top ten list "
— Rebekah, 10/19/2013" Amazing story. Everyone should read this book. On there own time and terms. "
— Jeff, 10/18/2013" when the book ended I was like "What did I just read?" .. I am really confused about this book .. it is emotionless and the characters were so .. so .. silly , I didn't like this story though I really wanted to enjoy it .. what a bummer "
— Doha, 10/18/2013" Brilliant. Moving. Historical. Heart shattering. "
— Dawn, 10/18/2013" I don't know why people give me so much grief for how strongly I took this book to heart. It was a great challenge to me and also gave me some one liners that still sting my soul. "
— Shannon, 10/17/2013" I remember reading this when I was little and loving it. I've re-read it now, it's simple and easy like most children's books, but carrying an important message (which can be understood in many different ways and many ideas/interpretations can be pulled out of this book). "
— Viktorija, 10/15/2013" I love this book. It has a great great point for every body's life in making friends and how friendship should be based on. "
— Farzaneh, 10/15/2013" This was a little strange for me kind of a fantasy story. "
— Jeanie, 10/13/2013" most moralistic of the three. there's a clue at the end that Alcott was tired of writing about Jo & family. Emil and Dan's stories stretched the limits of credibility. And that little Beth was too pure for Dan was tiresome. "
— Joan, 10/13/2013" Another one of my antique books, this one was printed in 1922 and is paired with another favorite, "Tom Sawyer". I was impressed at the mystery in this story and quite surprised that this book isn't more popular than Tom Sawyer. "
— Charlene, 10/13/2013" One of the best suspense books i have read in a long time. Kept me coming back for more, did not know the killer until it was announced. Gave it to my picky daughter Nicole, it was that good. She doesnt like anything, shes new to murder! So this was the perfect book to give her! "
— Dana, 10/13/2013" A book read by the only Libertarian friend Steve has. "
— Alan, 10/13/2013" Wasn't that impressed with the story line. I really liked the last one, but this one seemed forced, and I just couldn't get into a lot of it. I'm debating whether to read (or listen!) to the next one, but we'll see..... "
— Emily, 10/11/2013" I liked it better than Little Men. "
— Kyrie, 10/10/2013" Even though the concept was so cute, the story wasn't. I mean they could have done so much with it. I was just disappointed. But i liked fielding-aaron. And al. The only decent characters in the book "
— Maggie, 10/7/2013" Great Book! Loved the humor but more than that, I loved how he spoke on the debilitating disease of fear and how it robs us of what God has for us. "
— Tosha, 10/6/2013" Listened to this as an audiobook and cried like a baby for most of the last hour. Very moving narrative. "
— Sheri, 10/3/2013" So, I accidentally got a kids edition of this. But I figure if I wasn't too interested in this one, I wouldn't like the other one as much. It was okay, but definitely not up to par with Little Women and Little Men. "
— Natalie, 10/2/2013" Riveting account of what happened when a whopper hurricane and the hubris of an era collided. History, science,drama. "
— Fairview, 10/1/2013" I super-loved this book in my third grade reading frenzy. I cleared the school library's shelves of Louisa May Alcott. "
— Melanie, 9/29/2013" God bless that HCA! He is magnificent. His fairy tales are so rich in so many ways! "
— Elise, 9/28/2013" I read this book during a "Great Books" class in 7th grade and still remember the impact of the prose. "
— Barbara, 9/27/2013" It has been years since I have read a Rabbi Kushner book. I enjoyed this one. "
— Cindy, 9/26/2013" I enjoyed this book. Light, fast, easy read. "
— Phyllis, 9/25/2013" I do not like the way Ortberg writes. Great idea for book terrible writer. "
— Scarlett, 9/24/2013" A typical Rendell novel of psychological suspense, in which a young woman may or may not have murdered her stepfather years before, and her sister's suspicions may derail her marriage. "
— Jgknobler, 9/21/2013" In the top five of my all time favorite books. "
— Meg, 9/17/2013" 2.0/5.0 - The melodramas that Alcott parodied in 'Little Women' have now become the model for her final novel. For serious fans only. "
— Kirk, 9/15/2013" I felt like this book repeated itself a lot. I could have read most of it in one or two chapters. "
— Kay, 9/14/2013" 3.5 stars... liked it, cried a little. "
— Jen, 9/13/2013" I can't put this series down. I bought the first 5 books at thanksgiving and received some for christmas and ordered others online and they have been pretty much my exclusive reading material since then. A must read for any fan of military fiction science or otherwise. "
— David, 9/12/2013" I had a hard time getting into this book. It turned out to be quite interesting but it had too much language for me. "
— Liza, 9/10/2013" Dumb title. Surprisingly interesting (and fun) read. I gave it to my hairdresser one year for Christmas... "
— Sue, 9/9/2013" I love Twain. I read my dad's copy, a 1959 copyright with a forward by Langston Hughes. "
— Ruth, 9/5/2013" The Shack was way better. "
— Alf, 9/4/2013" Loved it!! Action packed just like the movies, awesome!! "
— Lindasueanne, 8/27/2013" This book Is interesting only If you are a fan of the original book or the movies. It doesn't read as smoothly as Puzo's book and has a lot of boring parts In It, But In the end If you are looking for a Godfather fix then this will do. "
— Clyde, 8/27/2013" This is an amazing book on getting past every day routines and living out your walk with God! "
— Angela, 8/25/2013" Highly suspenseful. Unusual to get the reader to root for a hit man as well as the cop who is chasing him. "
— John, 8/22/2013" This book changed my life. "
— Jean, 8/21/2013" Another childhood favorite - especially the character of Dan. "
— CAO, 8/19/2013" This is another sequel from Louisa May Alcott on Jo's family with her sons all grown up. A great and fascinating classic read. "
— Kristen, 8/17/2013" Simple, good book. Not too big to be hard to read, not too little so that the desired impression could be made. "
— Jekaterina, 8/9/2013" I read this online, very good. Also Buffy the Vampire Slayer (amazing show) totally stole the plot, but I'm sure it's been redone so in so many other ways. Anyway, good, fairly creepy read--you can get into the character's shoes pretty damn well. "
— Maddie, 8/8/2013" Fairly good psychological thriller, had me turning the pages fast, but I pretty much guessed the ending early on. However, I love the way Ruth Rendell builds up the tension and the interweaving stories of the people involved, plus her descriptions of London are spot on. "
— Meera, 8/7/2013" I enjoy this author. I have a thing for southern fiction, stories that take me out of my mundane life... "
— Laura, 8/5/2013" I loved the realistic portral of the storm and the honesty with which the errors were portrayed. What incredible devestation. "
— Blueberry, 8/4/2013" I love all of Ann Rivers Siddons books. I think they really speak to the boomer generation. This one, however, is haunting. These characters have stayed with me for many years--and I usually forget the stories within a week!! Definitely worth reading, as are all of her novels. "
— Rhonda, 8/3/2013" This isn't the *exact* edition; I read the free ebook version of "The Monkey's Paw" available from The story is awesome, just as I remembered it, although I think I would have enjoyed it better had their dead son actually walked into their house as a zombie...... "
— Heather, 8/3/2013" A reread, of a book that I didn't entirely remember from previously. As it turned out this was probably because a gripping plot is let down by the ending. Not one of Rendell's best in my opinion. "
— Stevie, 8/2/2013" Love this book. Such illustrations and names to personify Christian characters. I reread this frequently. "
— Jeanne, 8/2/2013" This was an easy read. A story following the lives of two sisters. I would suggest it as a beach read, but warning, there are some sad moments. "
— Brittany, 8/1/2013" I really enjoyed this. Interesting story and fills in some additional information to previous Godfather book and movies. "
— Bryan, 7/30/2013" I read this one every couple of hurricane seasons. "
— Stefani, 7/29/2013" As much as I love some of the characters in this series, I didn't love the "oh and ...some other stuff happened but I'm done writing about this now" way this ended. Alas. "
— Capiz, 7/29/2013" I never got to finish this one, but I walked away with many thought provoking and faith-filled stanzas "
— Eleanore, 7/24/2013" Love this classic tale of terror. Great concept. "
— Kasey, 7/23/2013" Its been a long time since I started reading a book and hated to put it down. I couldn't wait to read the next chapter, although didn't want the book to end. Although not written by Ludlum, Lustbader is more than up to the task of carrying on the Bourne character. Excellent read. "
— Bpaszternak, 7/23/2013" NEVER GETS TOO OLD :) My kids and I enjoyed it immensely. "
— mellyberry, 7/20/2013" I liked it because you had a hard time predicting what would come next. The ending is a bit strange but other than that I liked it "
— James, 7/19/2013" Inspirational, encouraging, helpful. The author talks about leaving our comfortable safety zones and walking with God into difficult circumstances. Well-written with interesting anecdotes and clear Scriptural references. "
— Sue, 7/19/2013" The title of tis book is misleading- it gives the idea that it's a frivolous read but it's now. There's a lot of depth to the story. I enjoyed it a lot! "
— Dria, 7/16/2013" The only book I ever read more than once! "
— Heidi, 7/16/2013" This book kept my interest to the bitter end. I usually do not read mysteries but this one was great. "
— Ruth, 7/16/2013" A frustrating book. The chapters were far too long and everyone's actions were ridiculous. "
— Shari, 7/13/2013" So nice to reread something from your childhood. It was so nice not to be reading something that has garbage in it! "
— Lynda, 7/12/2013" Great book for a weather geek. "
— Debbie, 7/10/2013" read this several years ago. I liked it but recall that it dragged. A lot of technical detail regarding weather. I bought this because I really enjoyed his book 'Devil in the White City' and was somewhat disappointed with this one. "
— Sharon, 7/10/2013" In my top 5 favourite books. "
— Deborah, 7/2/2013" don't know the signet classic version, but the version i have is in early modern/middle english. not really good for those who haven't done it before. "
— Julie, 7/1/2013" Read as a 13-year-old and loved it! "
— Pam, 6/29/2013" fun fantasy and good break for my brain! "
— Carrie, 6/28/2013" This is one of those books I just love with an unreasoning love. "
— Suzanne, 6/28/2013" This is one of my all time favorite allegories ever. I read it over and over and over. Actually in the process of reading it yet again. "
— Dominique, 6/23/2013" very good read.. Loved this new continuation of the Corleone family. "
— Dorothy, 6/22/2013" I really enjoyed this one. "
— Marsha, 6/22/2013" An easy book to read with some searching questions at the end of each chapter. This book was an epiphany for me particularly Chapter 8 on Focussing on Jesus. Not just explained as theory but practical steps. A good small group resource, we're doing it in our group at the moment. "
— Mac, 6/19/2013" Short stories that can be serially linked without thinking how or why. This is it. "
— Me, 6/17/2013" Glad I read it but it was not my favorite Bourne story. "
— William, 6/16/2013" Cute story with solid character development. Great for younger young adult readers who are interested in film and television, Hollywood, and celebrity. "
— Mary, 6/13/2013" Ever wonder where the socks go that get lost in the wash? An adult fairy tale, very enjoyable. "
— KathyP, 6/10/2013" Witty and wry, Bailey's back sleuthing - this time brought into the fray after serving as a bridesmaid in a wedding. Snappy prose, a little like Sex in the City takes up sleuthing. Fun mix of female sleuths and chick lit - a good beach read. "
— Alethea, 6/8/2013" Rendell is an amazing author. Like reading a slow train wreck. It gets creepier and creepier.... Great read. "
— Erica, 6/5/2013" Good thriller. Started a little slow but finished fast paced. "
— Tal, 6/4/2013" A light-hearted, quirky way to gain a small glimpse into the large world of information that medical practioners learn posed in an anecdotal, frat-guy style that helps to disguise the value of the bits of medical information tucked in between the humour. "
— Ryan, 6/3/2013" Continuity issues and the like, but an enjoyable read. It's like, altogether, the book didn't really make sense, but reading page by page, it was fun. "
— Reut, 6/1/2013" An awesome classic... "
— Christopher, 5/31/2013" Another great mystery by Kate White. It's so nice to read about an amateur detective who has a sense of style and a sex life. Well-plotted and fast-paced, this book -- like all the Kate White mysteries -- will keep you guessing until the end. Great balance of character and action. Nice! "
— Lain, 5/30/2013" Audio book - mystery. "
— Elizabeth, 5/28/2013" It was more engaging than I thought it might be. I couldn't help but filter through what I already knew about it through my reading. But it was still interesting, sad, uplifting, and complex. "
— Becca, 5/20/2013" Cute story, review to come. "
— Pixie/PageTurners(Amber), 5/18/2013" Even more tragic when you read this rather than watch the movie! A definite for re-reading "
— Cb, 5/17/2013" How is it that I have never heard of this before? Although this story did seem somewhat familiar I don't have any recollection of it. Very creepy! "
— Nick, 5/14/2013" Not much I can say about this book that has not already been said. It's words are as meaningful today as when it was written. A must read. "
— Brandon, 5/13/2013" everyone should read this book "
— Rod, 5/8/2013" Continuity issues and the like, but an enjoyable read. It's like, altogether, the book didn't really make sense, but reading page by page, it was fun. "
— Reut, 5/3/2013" Wanted to love the book but the ending was rushed and my favorite character was cheated of a happy ending when he was the one who actually had some sort of growth throughout the whole series. "
— Victoria, 5/2/2013" great book very touching!!! "
— ,z, 4/30/2013" This book can spark some romance. "
— Erin, 4/24/2013" I thought it was great "
— Kelly, 4/24/2013" Good book to teach about peer pressure! As a kid though, I was always distressed that none of the adults had the nerve to tell the king! "
— Elizabeth, 4/22/2013" Structurally well written; the story line was rather disjointed, the characters weak and insecure, but the concern for the ecology and background settings were interesting and visual. Glad I read it, but not on my r-read list. "
— Doublemk, 4/18/2013" My favorite Siddons book. "
— Candy, 4/17/2013" Erik Larson did a wonderful job of telling the story of the great hurricane of 1900 through the eyes of the people that were most affected. It was a horrific tragedy. It struck me by how little we have learned since then. "
— Denise, 4/13/2013" A perfect though bittersweet ending to an amazing series. This book made me love the characters more than I ever imagined I would(particularly Dan), and I also loved the ending. Before it was over, I had tears in my eyes. "
— Angélique, 4/9/2013" I can't believe I waited this long to read Uncle Tom's Cabin. It's such an important book, and I was touched by Harriet B. Stowe's writing abilities (wonderful character development), compassion, strong Christian convictions, belief in education, and hope amid horror. "
— Sara, 4/8/2013" Favorite Book of all time. LOVE! "
— Gabrielle, 4/7/2013" The last and most depressing of the Little Women series, this book is definitely only for those who really want to know what happens. The ending left me somewhat fulfilled and yet cold. "
— Heina, 4/2/2013" Made me laugh !! "
— Jen, 4/1/2013" 2.0/5.0 - The melodramas that Alcott parodied in 'Little Women' have now become the model for her final novel. For serious fans only. "
— Kirk, 3/31/2013" I love the books about the March family. They motivate me to be a better person. "
— Michele, 3/30/2013" I have yet to read a poor Ruth Rendell mystery. in fact I have enjoyed reading them all. Not all at once but over the years. "
— Lili, 3/25/2013" Having read most of Ruth Rendell's books, I fell easily into the plot and her excellent ability to describe her characters and make them alive for you. This was not my favorite of hers (I love her Inspector Wexford novels) but as always it was well-written and enjoyable. "
— Stephanie, 3/23/2013" This book contains fantastic stories that are sure to give you shivers. "
— Ash, 3/21/2013" Certainly not a Mario Puzo. At times I had to read sentences over & over and they still didn't make sense. If you can overlook these few instances, it's a pretty good story. "
— Linda, 3/19/2013" I just haven't gotten around to finishing it, largely because of the writing style. "
— Callista, 3/18/2013" stupid stupid stupid...the heroine is a con artist, liar and a thief and we are suppose to like her...i couldn't finish the book...I hated the heroine... too bad i wasted $7.99 on this book and i didnt even get to finish it.. "
— Joy, 3/17/2013" Definitely a thought provoking read, but I think I would rather read a more in-depth take on a smaller number of topics than the sort of rapid fire 'here's my opinion on this... here's my opinion on this' format that this book uses. "
— Matt, 3/12/2013" I cannot stand to read dialogue that is written in dialect. "
— Lori, 3/12/2013" This book was especially fun since I am a hairstylist, and it takes place in a salon. You will fall in love with the characters in this small town. It's a great story about sisters and friends...sort of reminded me of "Steel Magnolia". "
— Anne, 3/10/2013" It's been a while since I read this book, so I cannot speak to great specifics, however, I found Ortberg's book both applicable to my life and humorous. It was a read that my Bible study enjoyed discussing and reading. "
— Kathryn, 3/8/2013" I enjoyed this book. Parts of which were compelling. It's just me, I'm sure, but I had trouble with the title character never being called by a name, only as "he". At times it got confusing. "
— Michael, 2/27/2013" i read this book many years ago and it was the first book to literally make me cry as well as laugh out loud. "
— Heather, 2/26/2013" Every person should read this cliff notes version of the good book. It's a great summary with reasonable explanations. "
— Tim, 2/25/2013" Might very well be the last Bourne book I read. Not as bad as the Bourne Betrayal, but two snoozers in a row might lead me to end the series prematurely. "
— Brad, 2/24/2013" I love reading about alternate universes. I like the thought of answered questions. "
— Sharon, 2/22/2013" it's a cool story...I realy liked it! "
— Homa, 2/14/2013" calendar suggestions for life, editor farce or tragedy, dropping in a well. "
— Don, 2/11/2013" He tells the same story twice, and while it has good insights, I'd rather go to the direct source (the scriptures). I can see why it was a popular book in its time though. "
— Larissacherpeski, 2/10/2013" Kushner's book oozes wisdom. "
— José, 2/4/2013" Top 10 favorite books. Be prepared to be touched in some way. "
— Lori, 2/2/2013" I think Rendell is the master of psychological mysteries and interesting characters. This is another great story. "
— Mercedes, 1/30/2013" good read- justice dept woman investigates murders of various individuals involved with a deceptive funding organization not knowing which of her superiors are supportive of her and which are attempting to interfere with the investigation "
— George, 1/29/2013" Just felt a bit fake, like reading a Disney movie. It was cute but kind of boring. "
— Anna, 1/24/2013" This is a very powerful novel, that could not have been better written. I don't have the words to perfectly express how wonderful this book is. If you read it and see it as I have, it will be one of your favorite novels too. "
— Summer, 1/21/2013" An interesting exploration of identity and what it means to be black/white, slave/free honorable/deceitful. "
— Tessa, 1/19/2013" Boortz may be a blowhard and teeter toward philistinism throughout, but his political ideology is the most in line with my own beliefs of any polemic author I have read. Preaching to the choir never read so well. "
— Jerod, 1/17/2013" Good novel but not as spinetingling as other Bourne novels. "
— Bob, 1/14/2013" Read it again recently after many years. Found his writing style challenging - sentences so long that I almost forgot where they started, but once I surmounted this the unravelling story was just as compelling and beautiful in its awfulness. "
— Catherine, 1/14/2013" This book had lots of sad in it, but I really enjoyed it and the family relationships. I liek this author and you should read some of her stuff too! "
— Amber, 1/9/2013" Why do humans always underestimate the power of nature? In this boom, Erik Larson recounts the story of the superstore that stopped the economic development of Galveston, TX dead in its tracks. "
— Caitlin, 1/8/2013" Saddest book I ever read! "
— Johnni, 1/7/2013" The exact rating of this book is 3.8. "
— Liz, 1/6/2013" Good, fast pace spy type mystry not as good as Flynn. "
— William, 1/4/2013" The ultimate "be careful what you wish for" story. As old as it is, it chills me to this day. "
— K.Z., 12/29/2012" It was okay, but not nearly up-to-par with the previous two books by these authors. Still had some funny parts and quirky information, though. "
— Joshua, 12/24/2012" Amazing and wonderful story. GREAT read! "
— Roselle, 12/19/2012" A very satisfying read: marriage, life, motherhood all take funny and terrifying turns. "
— K, 12/17/2012" Entertaining, but ultimately disappointing. Lustbader's Bourne lacks the complexity of Ludlum's Bourne. "
— Chris, 12/14/2012" Boortz is greatness... "
— Owen, 12/12/2012" Though you can't replace Puzo, this was a good furthering of the story. I do hope it ends here though. "
— Bobby, 12/12/2012" i liked the monkey paw even though it was kinda scary i would recommend this book for people who likes surprises "
— Natajah, 12/11/2012" AS much fun as any new mystery "
— Joel, 12/10/2012" The number one scariest tale--at only 15 pages, it's a quick read that leaves you creeped out, but also a little disappointed. "
— Kimberly, 12/9/2012" Similar to Good Wives; it's just a story of the various realities in Boys' daily lives. I'm not sure if it's just my opinion, but it seems that their days are more interesting than girls' lives. "
— Nicole, 11/26/2012" I thought this book was one of the best I have ever read. I love that everything is so real and that even though Eva and Uncle Tom die, there is a trust and hope in God that makes everything OK. "
— Mary, 11/26/2012" A classic Robert Ludlum. Eric VanLustbader does much better at portraying Jason Bourne this time around. A great action packed adventure! "
— Mandy, 11/26/2012" I read this book years ago......feel like I need to reread it. Such a fabulous book. "
— Cheri, 11/20/2012" Listed to this with my husband while driving to the coast. It was okay. I like the shortened movie versions better..Lots of language. "
— Rachelle, 11/17/2012" For those who enjoyed the suspense laden vibe that Jean Reno's The Professional had going for it, The Butcher's Boy is the next logical step. Intense, great characters and some truly brutal and bloody assassin-based action just screams ultra-cool. Check it out. "
— Nick, 11/14/2012" Great Book...stepping out of our comfort zone. "
— Glenn, 11/10/2012" Another fun quirky book! "
— Cheri, 11/8/2012" Boortz riffs on all aspects of American society from his decidedly right-of-center perspective...thoughtful, concise read...I may not agree 100%, but he does nail some pretty "sacred cows"...published in 2006 it certainly is prescient as to the agenda following the 2008 elections...worth the time!!! "
— Mark, 11/6/2012" A letdown compared to the Puzo Godfather series. "
— Sameer, 11/6/2012" Really solid, clever, and well-composed crime novel with a pair of fantastic lead characters, one on each side of the law. "
— Brandon, 11/3/2012" This hurt my head. It may be a classic, but I couldn't finish it. "
— Granny, 11/2/2012" Truly a literary masterpiece, phenomenal style, shocking and saddening story, amusing and elecrifying moments, deserves not to be read just once. "
— Zuzana, 11/2/2012" I read this when I was about 12 and remember how scary I thought it was. I have reread and told the story to my kids. They enjoyed its twisty, creepiness. Great Halloween story. "
— Apzmarshl, 11/1/2012" This was my first Lorna Landvik. How could I resist a title like that? "
— Jane, 10/28/2012" For the most part I liked this book. It took a bit to get into the flow and the names (multiple story lines going on a once). It was intersting to see how they intersected (much like Kate Atchinson stories), but the ending was QUITE the let down. Did the author run out of steam? "
— Cathy, 10/27/2012" The first 100 pages of this were pretty slow because Larson goes into great detail, but past that the story picks up quickly and I couldn't stop reading. Overall, it was really good! "
— Max, 10/23/2012" Not everything I expected, but taken in the context of the time, one can see how it had the effect it did. Overall, it felt like a book I should have been reading in high school, but still well worth it if you haven't picked it up. "
— Kyle, 10/20/2012" I love Twain. I read my dad's copy, a 1959 copyright with a forward by Langston Hughes. "
— Ruth, 10/18/2012" I saw the world in a new light after reading this book for the first time "
— P, 10/14/2012" I know that historically this was a very radically abolitionist book. I tried to look at it without the lens of my modern sensibilities but I just couldn't. "
— Becca, 10/12/2012" A woman in love with a complete asshole with no redeeming qualities is at the center of the plot, which leaves me cold. "
— Dave, 10/9/2012" I love how the author leaves the actual scary parts up to the reader's imagination. I really enjoyed these dark, suspenseful tales. "
— Amanda, 10/9/2012" Really AWESOME!! Wish there was a sequel! "
— Rateeba, 10/8/2012" This is a very good book, but it sort of makes one cringe constantly. "
— Ama, 10/7/2012" Great Book! Loved the humor but more than that, I loved how he spoke on the debilitating disease of fear and how it robs us of what God has for us. "
— Tosha, 10/6/2012" very good! Almost each sentence speaks to my heart. Ortberg uses down-to-earth words to explain things, the book made me laugh even when it is talking about heavy stuff. Well deserved 5 stars! "
— Nancy, 10/5/2012" Anne Rivers Siddons is one of my favorite authors. This is a pretty thick book. Still pretty good though. "
— Kellie, 10/5/2012" interesting perspective on slavery. never remember reading when I was younger. "
— Kerry, 10/1/2012" If you always wondered where that missing sock went, if you love Wizard of Oz, if you are into fantasy this one is for you! Enjoy! "
— Laurie, 10/1/2012" This thing is kinda impenetrable, and much longer than you might expect. Still, it's pretty vital piece of work, and swell nerd-fuel if you're into that kind of thing. "
— Leonard, 9/28/2012" This book went on and on. You really had to pay attention to what was happening. Plus, some of their phrases were so different. You have to be a diligent reader and a King Arthur fan to be able to finish it. I was so unhappy with the ending. "
— Autumn, 9/26/2012" Politicians in this country have muddled, over-reached and strayed from their constitutional stated powers "
— thew, 9/22/2012" Cute. A bit typical and predictable. "
— Cherrylea, 9/22/2012" The Monkey's Paw is great, and actually kind of scary, just like I remembered from junior high. The rest are cute little creepy stories that are more amusing than frightening. There's a bit more dialect than I like, but that was the style back then. "
— Andrew, 9/21/2012" One of my favorite books of all time. Haunting, magical, and thought-provoking. Need to re-read this soon. "
— Sophie, 9/19/2012" One of my favorite English authors. Interesting story - did her sister kill their stepfather years ago? Ending was a surprising twist. "
— Shirley, 9/13/2012" I've never read anything quite like this -- self-absorbed and self-congratualtory, but unique in that there is some genuine medical advice scattered within this juvenile text. Smart and goofy, like Mel Brooks on a page. "
— Tim, 9/7/2012" Huck Finn is nonsense compared to this classic. Twain at his best! "
— Lara, 9/6/2012" An interesting perspective into lost items and people. Clever and interesting, it probably could have used a little more character relationships. Despite effective characterization, the relationships among them was not fulfilling. "
— Sharneel, 9/3/2012" Betrayal It was ok. There were several times when the story seemed to force bourne to be a chameleon. In short the story seemed forced. Not bad. Not Great. "
— Shawn, 9/2/2012" This is a classic!!! A wonderful book with humor and seriousness. I loved reading it. Puddinhead is a lawyer. It is the time when slavery is alive. It has a lot of twist and turns that keep you on your feet. "
— Maureen, 8/26/2012" What a great read. I LOVED the characters.... I was upset with the characters... I cried...I laughed... it was just so engaging that it sucked me in and didn't let go. "
— Barbara, 8/26/2012" Amazing story that relates the history of weather forcasting, the bungling of government during a time of confusion about weather science. "
— Robyn, 8/25/2012" I have been retreading Twain this summer. always amazed at Twain's extraordinary talents. "
— Michaelwilliam, 8/25/2012" A foundational must- have. "
— Elizabeth, 8/15/2012" Well written, I stumbled over some of the vocabulary. Heavy and sad "
— Sharon, 8/14/2012" this was a great finale to the little women/little men series, bringing all the boys back and showing how their patient teachers' work panned out. "
— Reagan, 8/11/2012" itself disappointing. when bad things happen to good people was so good. "
— Beth, 8/9/2012" Like Peachtree Road, gorgeous writing and vivid characters...wandering plot. "
— Toby, 8/8/2012" I've read most of the stories in this book, which is why I have it set on currently-reading. I received this for Christmas some years ago. I love it! "
— Beth, 8/6/2012" This was a quick and fun read. I liked the characters and found myself rooting for their romance. "
— Amy, 8/5/2012" If you like meteorology and history... Read this book! Plus it's well written! "
— Shonna, 7/28/2012" Excellent story. Kept me guessing until the end. "
— Emily, 7/18/2012" This was yet another great read by Kate White. She describes her characters so well, that I feel like I can see them in my head as I read. Kept me guessing all the way to the end! "
— Kate, 7/17/2012" One of the top ten short stories I've ever read. The effect lingers long after the reading. "
— Kaethe, 7/17/2012" Read just might learn something. "
— Barbara, 7/17/2012" A cute quickie read. "
— Huong, 7/14/2012" Great story but a little to much on the "romance novel" level for me. I thought the story could have been told in fewer words. That's just my opinion. "
— Mary, 7/13/2012" Boortz is a Libertarian. I am not. But I agree with so much of what he says in this book. (Not everything.) I think this is probably one of the best books I've ever read. "
— Lara, 7/12/2012" 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars "
— Cynthia, 7/11/2012" The father of all fantasies, it all starts here. Le Morte De Arthur is the cream of the crop giving you all the stories, all the action, all the characters, and all the enjoyment of the tell of King Arthur. Once you read this book, you'll never be satisfyed by anyone's adaptation of it ever again. "
— Marten, 7/11/2012" I have loved all of the Bailey Weggins books but this one was not as good as the others. "
— Stacey, 7/10/2012" Eye opening story. Enjoyable read "
— Jamie, 7/8/2012" great challenge to live life fully and get out of the boat!!! "
— Valerie, 7/4/2012" This story seriously spooked me out SOOO much. I couldn't sleep peacefully for like a week...after each of the 5-7 times I've had to read this book for school. But this story is so worth it! "
— Preethi, 7/4/2012" I would use this book for grades 3 - 8 to teach reading comprehension and writing skills. It is especially good for teaching imaging, summarizing, and finding the theme. There is definitely a moral to this story. "
— Jayetta, 7/1/2012" This was surprisingly a much better read than what I thought. Skimming the description of the book, I thought it would be more of a detective novel than a was I wrong. "
— Jessica, 6/26/2012" It has been a long time since a read a Bourne novel. If you like Jason Bourne books this is a good one. Action packed and full of surprises. "
— Amy, 6/26/2012" "Humility is the realization that not everything that happens in life is all about you. Things may work out well, but you may not have been the primary reason for their success. Things may fail, but the failure may not have been your fault." (p. 120) "
— Lori, 6/25/2012" I don't always agree with what he says, but his ideas are well founded and always have data to back them up. It's not like reading an O'Reilly book that just bashes everyone for disagreeing. "
— Kevin, 6/15/2012" I believe everyone should read UTC once as an adult. No, it is not the most well-written book and it drips with sentimentality and religion. However, it is a prime example of our cultural history and demonstrates how literature can change a country. "
— Kelley, 6/14/2012" Yeah, structurally it's a bit of a mess, but it's still a fascinating read. Characters transgress race, gender, and class in all sorts of interesting ways. "
— Wylie, 6/13/2012" Strong argument for Abolition. Personally, had a problem with the suggestion that only Christians could see the injustice. Simon Legree and Topsy ("just growed") are both characters that are fully described. "
— Margaret, 6/11/2012" This actually flowed well, and intreged me. I know it wasn't real, but this really let me understand what occurred with slavery. I was horrified by some scenes, others were touching. "
— Sarah, 6/3/2012" As long as you're willing to get past a few inconsistencies in the book, it's pretty good. It was a little slow to start. I didn't think the beginning was bad, just... weak. Once I got into it, I enjoyed it. "
— Philip, 5/27/2012" Every story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table! "
— Lesli, 5/26/2012" Wow! Never easy to read but these Bourne books really keep you on your toes! I go really, really slowly because I like to try to catch absolutely EVERYTHING! "
— Melissa, 5/10/2012" The old-timey style aside, this was an effective, creepy story. "
— X, 5/9/2012" I really enjoyed this story. Crazy how life was back then. I usually don't like old classic books because of the writing style and vocabulary but I really enjoyed this book. "
— Erica, 5/3/2012" This is a hard book to read - the underlying story is deeply disturbing. By the time you get to it, you know what is coming, but do not want to read it, but have to read it. This book is, of course, a classic, and a very different approach to a WWII era read. "
— Krishma, 4/28/2012" Awe-inspiring. RISK is best spelled FAITH. Step out and live! "
— Katrina, 4/26/2012" It was like they thought they were David Levithan and Rachel Cohn for half the book and then they woke up half way through, relaized they had no stable plot what so ever and gave up hopping for the best. I think i cried a bit at the sheer horror of t all. "
— Sarah, 4/24/2012" Nice concise tale of the Galveston hurricane of 1900. Could have benefited from more maps and photographs. A story like this really begs for visuals. "
— Tgwelch, 4/22/2012" A really fun book to won't win the Booker Award, but it's entertaining. "
— Jeanne, 4/10/2012" This needs to be read to understand the issues of slavery and the impact of this great book. "
— Jeff, 4/4/2012" i lost this book! :( "
— Shakinah, 3/28/2012" Another excellent Kushner book. "
— Roxy, 3/27/2012" There were times when this book was a little slow but for the most part I found myself finding it hard to put down. The story was heartbreaking and appalling, yet uplifting and inspirational. I see why it is an enduring classic. "
— Natalie, 3/21/2012" Read this long long ago for either my primary 6 or sec 1 lit class. Back then at that age, I was deeply disturbed n 'haunted' by the morbid storytelling n its deeper message of playing with fate. Little kids should not read this as a bedtime story for sure! "
— Jaime, 3/21/2012" More like 2 1/2 stars- not a lot of substance to this book but an easy read. "
— Kim, 3/19/2012" Boring then disturbing, haunting, sickening, wil never forget "
— Crystal, 3/18/2012" Sandy had been overly obsessed with finding anything that is lost. Her obsession started when her neighbor disappeared when they were 10 years old. When she grew up, she helped others in their search for their loved ones. Unexpectedly, she finds herself where lost people and lost things go. "
— Deborah, 3/17/2012" Didn't enjoy as much as the others and skipped the odd para. But great to have read the set. "
— Sharon, 3/10/2012" A must read for a study on slavery by one who lived at the time. "
— Kristy, 3/9/2012" If you haven't read it again within the last ten years or so, give it another try. Despite it antiquated language and other flaws, this still is a powerful story. One can only imagine the impact it might have had on readers at the time it was published. Should always be on any list of classics. "
— Robert, 3/9/2012" I read this book years ago but still remember it as one of the best crime stories I'd ever read. Just a fantastic book! "
— Newton, 3/9/2012" Under-appreciated tale of what happens when you get a grip of people and let them try and out trick each other in the rural south in rich, charming Pike's county dialect. I loved this book! "
— Izzy, 3/5/2012" Was good to read only a chapter or two at a time in order to digest it well. "
— Sheila, 3/2/2012" Neal has a good way of explaining things. Highly recommended. "
— Alsoud, 2/26/2012" I felt like this book repeated itself a lot. I could have read most of it in one or two chapters. "
— Kay, 2/16/2012" I am absolutely loving this book so far. It's required reading for my IHENG class, but hot damn is it my favorite text so far "
— Allison, 2/16/2012" Forgot I read this one... "
— Kathryn, 2/14/2012" please read my review at "
— Megan, 2/13/2012" nice book..somewhat like fairytale..tells me not to worry about the things i loose!They might be in safe hands in Here! "
— Manjari, 2/12/2012" Still a very entertaining read but not as entertaining as its two predecessors. Why Do Men Have Nipples? & Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Having Sex?. But there is an oath and a diploma when you finish the book. "
— Jorge, 2/9/2012" Very good story. Enjoyed the premise and once again, Bailey's tenacity in catching the culprit. "
— Sharal, 2/7/2012" Another winner from Kate White that kept me guessing until the very end! This is the third book in her Bailey Weggins murder mystery series and I eagerly anticipate reading the next one! "
— Linda, 2/4/2012" My 2nd all-time favorite book, of any kind. Read it 2x, seen the movie 2 or 3x. "
— Kevinkendall, 2/4/2012" It's a classic - you have to like it "
— Andy, 2/2/2012" I know this book is a little bit fluffy, but I still love it with all my heart. "
— Tenessa, 1/28/2012" The book is a funny, quick story about the fake romance and real feelings of two of the most popular teen stars in America. The book is great for anyone looking for a fun that doesn't delve too deep. "
— Becky, 1/24/2012" I love Siddons' writing. I hated this book. "
— Katie, 1/21/2012" too loud, too extreme, too much promiscuity. "
— Kathy, 1/20/2012" Wanted to get a quick review of the Bible since I'm too lazy and uninspired to read it myself. And now I realize that I should probably just read it myself. Sigh. "
— Nicole, 1/20/2012" Surprisingly good. After his first debacle with The Godfather Returns, I honestly wouldn't have read this book if I had not found it in a thrift store for $0.25. Winegardner redeemed himself with a story that flowed and stayed true to Puzo's foundation. "
— TJ, 1/19/2012" This book was excellent. It sadly was just not as good as Little Women or Little Men, but almost nothing can beat Little Women. "
— Elizabeth, 1/15/2012" Every time I heard the title of this book mentioned, I thought about the book Sophie's World. It's probably possible for two books to be more different, but difficult. That being said, I enjoyed the book, and my heart broke for the characters over and over again. "
— Sarah, 1/15/2012" Cute, easy beach read "
— Kelseywoods, 1/11/2012" This book helps to step out of where you're at and step into what God wants you to do. "
— Donna, 1/8/2012" Truly enjoyed this perspective and learned a lot! "
— Randa, 1/7/2012" Not my favorite by her but still good. The heroine was a little prissy for me and the story a little slow. Passed the day by the pool though. "
— Judith, 1/7/2012" Very easy read. Also quick. Amazing how well it still remains true today as it did when he wrote it in the late 1800s! "
— Chrissy, 1/4/2012" Much scientific data re meteorology. Some very interesting information, some not so interesting. "
— Bobbie, 1/1/2012" I liked the idea and some of the general thought processes and story line were good, but I thought the ending was lame. "
— Helen, 12/28/2011" Jason Bourne is alive and well and still kicking butt. Fun, action-packed, but not as fresh as it used to be. Eric Van Lustbader does a nice job of creating new characters and real-world links for Bourne. A new foil appears for the first time in this book, one who is a worthy adversary. "
— Jonathan, 12/26/2011" Would like to see in movie form "
— Rich, 12/18/2011" Loved "Angry Housewives..." so I wanted more of the same. This is not it. A terribly depressing book, but I have to admit that I wanted to know what happend. "
— Amanda, 12/10/2011" Nice continuation of the Godfather saga. "
— Dan, 12/9/2011" This was an incredibly slow read. It took me almost a year to finish because I just couldn't get into it. The movie helped a little, but this just wasn't for me. "
— Andrea, 12/9/2011" This book is on my top 10 of all time list. "
— Kim, 12/6/2011" Amazing... A must read for everyone "
— AndreaD'A, 12/4/2011" This was not my favorite book in the series. It starts getting a little predictable and slow. "
— Jill, 11/29/2011" This book was terrible. The authors think they are hilarious but they really aren't. The only reason I finished the book was because I had read the first two in the series. "
— Ken, 11/29/2011" This is one of my favorite Twain reads. In this classic he challenges the whole idea of nature vs nuture and the concept of racial differences. He does it with his his usual satirical wit. "
— Judi, 11/21/2011" I didn't start out liking this book too much, but it had some really great morsels in it that bumped it up a couple of stars. There was a great story about prayer, and passion, and brought up a lot of good conversations with people. "
— Shiffra, 11/19/2011" I too am a Pudd'head, standing as a bulwark of reason against a sea of obtuse rubes. "
— Matthew, 11/18/2011" Action/adventure. Well written, fast paced plot and interesting characters. Hard to put down. "
— Grandpa, 11/15/2011" LOVE this book. It is a little slow at first, but gets faster near the end. Very dramatic, clear imagery, you feel like you are the character. Fabulous read! "
— Kendra, 11/13/2011" This is a great book to read, from start to finish. Although out of order, since it's the third book in the series, it's a great pageturner with suspense, drama and intrigue with bits of action for a great read to enjoy. "
— Kristen, 11/9/2011" one of the main characters dies - still can't believe it. "
— Marti, 11/4/2011" One of my absolute favorite books. It is no wonder why Harriet Beecher Stowe's masterpiece was so influential. Read it before you die! "
— David, 11/3/2011" well, i read this book 5 years ago and finish it at night i think it was scary and i never thought about such a ending anyway it had some life lessons for me that was "all the thinks that we think make our life better maybe make it worse , only god knows the best !" "
— Saeideh, 11/1/2011" Good old-school scary stories, everyone should read the title tale. "
— Patrick, 10/27/2011" Took awhile for the book to pick up and I think the second half of the book would have worked better as the main storyline. Wish it could have been slightly longer as I felt the book ended abruptly. "
— Danielle, 10/26/2011" Believe I read this when I was about ten, the little bookworm that I was. "
— Dominic, 10/23/2011" I could read these forever - the bad guy always gets away in the end - to reappear in the next book. "
— Kathy, 10/18/2011" Very intersting and well written. Love how how the book ends and the Godfather has his revenge. Great book and great read. "
— Stephen, 10/8/2011" This is just a compendium of stupid body jokes that most of us already know, such as "Tell everyone you need to micturate!" e.g., you have to pee. Ultimately this was a boring book. "
— Kim, 10/5/2011" This is one of my all-time favorite books. I fell in love with Tom and his love of nature. His uphill battle against injustice still resounds in my head though its been many years since I read this book. "
— Maggie, 9/30/2011" My absolute favorite of her books. "
— Cheryl, 9/22/2011" oh, Mark Twain, you are so funny. "
— Autumn, 9/22/2011" I usually love Ahern but this novel bored me from start to finish. A lot of reviewers said it picked up for them, I unfortunately did not experience that. Too bad. I'll give her another shot though. "
— PopShocker, 9/20/2011" As I child, I related to Jo. Enjoyed this follow up to the Little Women/Little Men set. "
— Barb, 9/18/2011" I'm sure all Christians know they ought to read this one. It does have some stances against Catholicism, yet still every bit worth reading ,though with discernment, for the amazing imagery of the Christian life. "
— Michael, 9/17/2011" My second book written by Lorna Landvik. My first read was Angry housewives which i loved. She is a great author. What I like is the friendships between women in her books. "
— ♥, 9/13/2011" Hilarious, quick and fun read. "
— Chatfield, 9/13/2011" A sad and poignant short story about a magical monkey's paw that grants its possessor three wishes. However, every wish that comes true also brings along great misfortune, so much so that the last man who possessed it wished for death. "
— Saurabh, 9/8/2011" Mark Twain weaves the sorrow of slavery with the idiocy of racism into an entertaining tall tale about one small town on the Mississippi river in the the 19th century. Hard to imagine that this makes a good book, but it does. "
— Greta, 9/3/2011" Incredible non-fiction "
— Lisa, 9/1/2011" please read my review at "
— Megan, 8/31/2011" It is an impressive testimony to the power of the pen to change public opinion. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an intuitive and intelligent writer who wrote a compelling story that still entertains. "
— Annie, 8/22/2011" A graphic detailed look inside the Corleone family and the extended family. The plot twists through love and war and death "
— Scott, 8/18/2011" Very useful to challenge Christians to live their faith. "
— Mark, 8/14/2011" This book was fine but uninspiring. "
— Lynn, 8/12/2011" What I loved about this book is that even though it was written a long time ago, it is still totally relevant. I was able to compare the characters and plot to myself and my own life. "
— Kim, 8/4/2011" Who DOESN'T love Arthurian legend? Get outta here. "
— Zola, 8/3/2011" I read alot of her books at one point at least all the ones that revolved around the girls in Little Women. I liked them all--at least as a young girl. "
— Miste, 8/3/2011" This was a pretty good book, a fast read. "
— Amanda, 8/2/2011" For a light, summer beachtime read, this book is excellent. If you enjoy Disney/Family Channel shows and the stars behind them, you'll probably enjoy this book as well. "
— Jessica, 8/1/2011" I did it! It took me 12+ years, but I did it! "
— Marc, 8/1/2011" I really loved this story. Ms Siddons created a wonderful set of characters, and Tom Dabney can take me for a walk in the swamp any time! "
— Jo, 7/30/2011" I really wanted to like it, it just felt so rushed and shallow. They fight, they make up. They want to be around each other, they hate each other. The premise is so cute and relevant to today's teen audience, but it was poorly written. Sad face from me. :( "
— Emily, 7/26/2011" This caused a lot of instrospection, which was good and bad all at once. I wanted my "progress" to be as easily laid out as this (not easy, but more easily visualized). It hasn't happened yet, though. "
— Jeremy, 7/26/2011" I loved each chapter switching between the characters points of view. I think you get way more out of a book this way really getting to know the two main characters. "
— Marieric, 7/25/2011" Read this in high school and felt compelled to pick it up again.....happy to have done so! I have a greater appreciation for the book now than I did all those years ago. "
— Amy, 7/23/2011" That was a terrible ending. I will consider this to be a crappy book unless she writes another that gives it a more complete plot. "
— Lynae, 7/22/2011" Love the Bourne series and needed to catch up. As usual, kept me totally engrossed to the end and I wanted more. "
— Maureen, 7/16/2011" Light, easy read about two sisters in Minnesota and the tragedies that befall them--complete with happy ending! "
— Marie, 7/13/2011" Wish I would have read this book years ago. Fast, wonderful read. Compare to Lehi's vision of the tree of life. "
— Shauna, 7/12/2011" Nice creepy story to listen to as I walked my dog on a damp autumn night. "
— Craig, 7/10/2011" It was a good no brainer read that wasn't as good as Robert Ludlum's writing but still good. I learned that you still don't mess with Jason Bourne and when you need something impossible done seek out "the man". "
— Cindi, 7/7/2011" I don't know why it took me so long to read this book. It was better than I expected. "
— Katie, 7/6/2011" totally out of this world! amazing "
— Khumairah, 6/30/2011" Fascinating book about the 1900 Galveston hurricane that destroyed nearly the entire city. Very interesting, not quite as compelling as Larson's Devil In The White City but very entertaining nonetheless. "
— Tom, 6/29/2011" I liked this more than I thought I would, and it gives you an idea of what it can be like to be an adored child-star, as well as some of the mechanics of acting. Those bits were interesting. The love story somewhat less so, the characters take a really long time with it. "
— Stacey, 6/27/2011" Cornwell's historical fiction is well done - fun to read! "
— Leann, 6/27/2011" I love Jason Bourne! Each book has so many twists and turns it is hard to put it down until you get to the end. I believe this was number 5. "
— Karen, 6/23/2011" it's been a while since I read the book but I remember enjoying it "
— Kenya, 6/22/2011" I read this book years ago and can still remember the story. Makes one think. "
— Ellen, 6/20/2011" Story about a smart hit man and the woman from the Justice Dept. trying to uncover the crimes behind the pattern of murders. The narrative jumps in places, which is a bit disconcerting and exciting at the same time. Well written, though slightly dated for today's high tech world. "
— Marcy, 6/20/2011" Send your logical self on vacation and enjoy this fantasy story. Contrary to what the book jacket says, it is not a romance; it is the story of a woman who discovers many things about herself and the role she plays in her relationships (one of which is romantic). Page-turner! "
— Jenn, 6/19/2011" Not your typical Hollywood ending but thats what makes this book so classic. "
— Loredana, 6/16/2011" Love this book! Haven't seen the TV movie yet and kind of don't want to since they are usually pretty far off from the book. <br/>This book makes you think and question how you would handle life and your relationships if you were in the same situation. "
— Meg, 6/16/2011" I listened to this book on CD in the car--and I am listening to it again--it is even more interesting the second time through-- I actually quite enjoy this novel---it is most certainly unique "
— Jeanine, 6/14/2011" ~First of the Grail Quest trilogy (which, I think, has now morphed into... a trilogy in 4 parts). "
— Sho, 6/11/2011" I picked this up from the University Bookstore thinking it would be one of those books I could read a couple of pages here and there when I was eating on campus...but it is reads like a 15 year old wrote was Horrible, no was worse, it was EL HORRIBLE! "
— Omar, 6/10/2011" ah the world of self-help books which are so marginally helpful...nothing new in this one. just a different way to frame things. aka "what would Moses do?" "
— Julia, 6/8/2011" it's been a while since I read this book but I recall liking it very much, though it is quite a mediation on loss and sadness. "
— Robert, 6/7/2011" It might be a good story, but after the 6th or 7th "F" word, I couldn't take it anymore and stopped reading. "
— Alyssa, 6/6/2011" I really don't know...i have mixed feelings about this book... "
— Chioma, 6/6/2011" I give this five stars, not so much on its pure literary merit but the power it yielded in changing a nation. "
— Gary, 6/5/2011" I enjoyed it, although it wasn't what I expected. <br/><br/>It,however,made me wonder,"If I went missing,would anyone notice?" "
— In_art_we_trust, 6/5/2011" LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! Very ingenious! "
— Jana, 6/3/2011" One of the best books ever! And I loved how it all turned out at the end! <br/> "
— Abbie, 6/2/2011" I gave this book chance but I didn't like it. I read almost 200 pages of the 500 or so and couldn't get into it. It was super depressing, the characters had to spark or charisma, the story line dragged on and on. "
— kathi, 6/2/2011" The entire time I was just thinking, get over it you self absorbed...Then she did and the ending was still unsatisfying. "
— Virginia, 6/1/2011" An intriguing premise that's worth following out into future installments, but I'm hoping that Perry will strengthen Elizabeth's character because she comes off somewhat disjointed here. "
— Jessica, 5/26/2011" I don't know why I am so compelled to read everything Kate White writes because they are just so average "
— Dorothy, 5/25/2011" Not as funny as their previous books, but still somewhat humorous. "
— Jason, 5/25/2011" I did not like it at all. I think Louisa May Alcott ruined the entire book at the end <br/> "
— Sophia, 5/22/2011" Very different from the movie. Can't wait to finish it :) "
— Lynnphotos84, 5/22/2011" This book, in my opinion, is only important as a piece of history—the first protest novel, important for helping to foment the Civil War, also an important documentation of the cruel practices of slavery, etc. As literature, it's garbage. "
— Luke, 5/22/2011" This book, in my opinion, is only important as a piece of history—the first protest novel, important for helping to foment the Civil War, also an important documentation of the cruel practices of slavery, etc. As literature, it's garbage. "
— Luke, 5/22/2011" I did not like it at all. I think Louisa May Alcott ruined the entire book at the end <br/> "
— Sophia, 5/22/2011" Very different from the movie. Can't wait to finish it :) "
— Lynnphotos84, 5/22/2011" This book, in my opinion, is only important as a piece of history—the first protest novel, important for helping to foment the Civil War, also an important documentation of the cruel practices of slavery, etc. As literature, it's garbage. "
— Luke, 5/22/2011" Very well told story with excellent character development. "
— Ken, 5/21/2011" I really, really loved this book. When I first picked it up I wasn't as sure about it, just reading the book jacket. I quickly became engrossed and couldn't put it down all while not wanting it to end. "
— Lisa, 5/21/2011" Always a great read! "
— Lyndsay, 5/21/2011" I read this a long time ago...but the book on my shelf is calling. I really want to read this again. Jo has to be my favourite character... "
— Lisa, 5/21/2011" Always a great read! "
— Lyndsay, 5/21/2011" I read this a long time ago...but the book on my shelf is calling. I really want to read this again. Jo has to be my favourite character... "
— Lisa, 5/21/2011" another great story from Cecelia Ahern. such a fun concept: where do things & people go when they suddenly just disappear without a trace? the main character discovers for herself & it's quite intriguing. loved & highly recommend reading this book! "
— Monique, 5/21/2011" Loved this book and quite a story. Excellent writer. "
— Joe, 5/21/2011" I think I may have read this before...but good read none-the-less! "
— Katie, 5/20/2011" I think I may have read this before...but good read none-the-less! "
— Katie, 5/20/2011" I think I may have read this before...but good read none-the-less! "
— Katie, 5/20/2011" I didn't get into this one as much as Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. I found it a very strange tale, but entertaining enough. "
— Annie, 5/20/2011" An interesting book about the history of African Americans. "
— Sumyia, 5/19/2011" Interesting read. I found Kesey's psychoanalytic take on good versus evil most intriguing. "
— Gillian, 5/19/2011" one of the best books I've ever read. i read this my sophomore year in high school and it turned me into someone who read occasionally to someone who now reads constantly. love this book. "
— Amanda, 5/19/2011" If you like historical fiction set in medieval times, you'll like this book. Usually I find Cornwell's work a little heavy on the battle descriptions and light on plot, but _The Archer's Tale_ has some unexpected and engaging plot developments. Plus I got to learn about the 100 years war. "
— Sarah, 5/19/2011" An interesting book about the history of African Americans. "
— Sumyia, 5/19/2011" An interesting book about the history of African Americans. "
— Sumyia, 5/19/2011" I love this book!<br/><br/>Classic story that I really like.<br/>I like Jo mostly!<br/>She's so smart and so enjoyable with her individual behavior who so brave and tomboy.<br/><br/>^__^ "
— Adriany, 5/18/2011" What can I say? . . . one of my all-time faves! "
— Gail, 5/18/2011" I love this book!<br/><br/>Classic story that I really like.<br/>I like Jo mostly!<br/>She's so smart and so enjoyable with her individual behavior who so brave and tomboy.<br/><br/>^__^ "
— Adriany, 5/18/2011" What can I say? . . . one of my all-time faves! "
— Gail, 5/18/2011" Quite possibly my favorite book of all time. "
— He-who-must-not-be-named, 5/16/2011" sophomore year for Mattessich, Honors English "
— Maddie, 5/16/2011" I just love books about crazy people. "
— Joanna, 5/16/2011" I just finished this book and I really liked it. I wish I had some daughters to read it to. Very insightful and lots of life lessons learned in this book! "
— Holly, 5/16/2011" I think it is really good to see how some families are coping without their father or other family members I would rate this book a must read!! "
— Keely, 5/16/2011" This was a fascinating look at the Galveston Hurricane, the emerging art of forecasting, and the tension and jealousy between two brothers, as well as the emerging weather service. "
— Tracy, 5/16/2011" Very good! Interesting, gripping account of the 1900 hurricane that nearly wiped Galveston off of the map forever. The author does a great job of setting the stage time-wise and also of making complex subjects like meteorology interesting and accessible. Slow-moving, but gripping at the same time. "
— Ashkrisb, 5/16/2011" I just finished this book and I really liked it. I wish I had some daughters to read it to. Very insightful and lots of life lessons learned in this book! "
— Holly, 5/16/2011" I think it is really good to see how some families are coping without their father or other family members I would rate this book a must read!! "
— Keely, 5/16/2011" I read this to my kids years ago but it bored us all and we never finished it. "
— Rhonda, 5/16/2011" I read this to my kids years ago but it bored us all and we never finished it. "
— Rhonda, 5/16/2011" I read this to my kids years ago but it bored us all and we never finished it. "
— Rhonda, 5/16/2011" Straightforward Christian (Protestant) allegory. It's well-written, although contrary to Catholic teachings to which I adhere. "
— Anna, 5/15/2011" I liked this book. It was about someone who tried to find herself. I couldn't put this book down when I was reading. "
— Creanne, 5/15/2011" Straightforward Christian (Protestant) allegory. It's well-written, although contrary to Catholic teachings to which I adhere. "
— Anna, 5/15/2011" Still a classic. But my husband won;t read it after you know who gets sick.... "
— Torin, 5/15/2011" I think I only finished this book because I would be up pumping in the middle of the night bored. But I finished it and while at times I was somewhat impatient and annoyed with the submissive "
— Mary, 5/15/2011" Straightforward Christian (Protestant) allegory. It's well-written, although contrary to Catholic teachings to which I adhere. "
— Anna, 5/15/2011" I think I only finished this book because I would be up pumping in the middle of the night bored. But I finished it and while at times I was somewhat impatient and annoyed with the submissive "
— Mary, 5/15/2011" Pretty violent, but well told story. This was my mindless listening while my son is in ICU. I wanted to listen to a thriller, but this was a bit more than I was expecting. <br/> <br/> "
— Janet, 5/15/2011" Still a classic. But my husband won;t read it after you know who gets sick.... "
— Torin, 5/15/2011" Touching tale about strong young women. "
— Kim, 5/14/2011" One of my all time fave kids books. Close contest with Anne of Green Gables! "
— Fiona, 5/14/2011" The ending is so sad but it makes you feel good about the way everything turned out. "
— Morgan, 5/14/2011" I'm still searching for these book in bookstore. I want the old one. "
— karish.soliven, 5/14/2011" I'm a sucker for the Arthur stuff... "
— Kama, 5/14/2011" I actually watched this instead of read it, but it counts. :) "
— Amber, 5/14/2011" The ending is so sad but it makes you feel good about the way everything turned out. "
— Morgan, 5/14/2011" I'm still searching for these book in bookstore. I want the old one. "
— karish.soliven, 5/14/2011" Touching tale about strong young women. "
— Kim, 5/14/2011" The ending is so sad but it makes you feel good about the way everything turned out. "
— Morgan, 5/14/2011" I'm still searching for these book in bookstore. I want the old one. "
— karish.soliven, 5/14/2011" A fantasy about a compulsive searcher for people and things who finally discovers where lost things end up. It's a bit short on depth and rather predictable, but fun nevertheless. "
— R.a., 5/14/2011" Riveting account of what happened when a whopper hurricane and the hubris of an era collided. History, science,drama. "
— Fairview, 5/13/2011" Even though this book had some adult language, it was very fun and interesting to read. I have seen all the Bourne movies and have ranked them as among my favorite, but i have to say this book was better than the movies to me. "
— Ryan, 5/13/2011" I really enjoy Erik Larson's books because they are 2 stories in 1. One is personal, one is a historical event. Both fascinating - and interwoven. Of the 3 I have read (Devil in White City, Thunderstruck, Isaac's Storm) this is probably my favorite. "
— Julie, 5/13/2011" If I were a character in this book, what would MY name be? <br/> <br/> "
— Rae, 5/12/2011" Once I got about 80 pages in, I got used to the language and was drawn into the story. Heartfelt and worth reading, some xxx years after it was written. "
— Marikka, 5/12/2011" Reread after reading it almost twenty years ago for a paper about film adaptation. Really enjoyed it, again! "
— Jill, 5/12/2011" FOr some religious folk out there, there are parts of the book that might upset you. For those of you who hate sad endings, this is not the book for you. "
— Smilies, 5/12/2011" I was a fan of the movie from years back, but never stopped and read the book until this year. Phenomenal. "
— Adam, 5/12/2011" Once I got about 80 pages in, I got used to the language and was drawn into the story. Heartfelt and worth reading, some xxx years after it was written. "
— Marikka, 5/12/2011" If I were a character in this book, what would MY name be? <br/> <br/> "
— Rae, 5/12/2011" If I were a character in this book, what would MY name be? <br/> <br/> "
— Rae, 5/12/2011" Once I got about 80 pages in, I got used to the language and was drawn into the story. Heartfelt and worth reading, some xxx years after it was written. "
— Marikka, 5/12/2011" Like "As You Like It," this play also concerns aristocracy and it partly takes place in a pastoral setting. I found it enjoyable, but couldn't buy the mystical element. The secondary characters were more interesting, because most of them were funnier. "
— Ke, 5/11/2011" An outstanding historical novel from the Master. "
— Joe, 5/11/2011" i'm not sure if i can write a review that would do this book justice. it was fabulous. very practical and motivating... the author has some awesome insights. "
— Jess, 5/10/2011" This book got better and better as it careened along. I kept picturing the actors from the great movie, especially Jack Nicholson, as the story spun on. "
— Marc, 5/10/2011" I read this every year and I still discover something new about myself.<br/> "
— Jared, 5/9/2011" No paltry words of mine can review this book "
— Elaine, 5/9/2011" I enjoyed this book (so I almost gave it a 4), but it was pretty shallow and a little too predictable. It felt like the authors could have done SO much more with this idea! It is a fun read, though -- I would recommend it if you are looking for a light (and very predictable) read! "
— Alisa, 5/9/2011" Love reading Erik Larson... He's definitely a master at piecing together complex history in a very readable historical/non-fiction prose. "
— lando, 5/9/2011" Okay so I didn't finish it but it stank! This guy just can't write. No character developement no plot line. Its awful. Thank god the card ride ended. It was terrible. "
— Lisa, 5/9/2011" This was a great, original story. The synopsis and first pages don't do it justice - definitely a page-turner that will make you think the next time you lose something. I've only read "P.S. I Love You" but will be picking up other Ahern novels soon. "
— Emily, 5/9/2011" This was a very good book. It was hard to read(the ebonics are hard to read for me) but I am glad that I read it. "
— Emily, 5/8/2011" This was a very good book. It was hard to read(the ebonics are hard to read for me) but I am glad that I read it. "
— Emily, 5/8/2011" This is one of those books I just love with an unreasoning love. "
— Suzanne, 5/8/2011" This was a very good book. It was hard to read(the ebonics are hard to read for me) but I am glad that I read it. "
— Emily, 5/8/2011" One of the beautiful book i ever read in my life.. "
— Silpa, 5/7/2011" One of the beautiful book i ever read in my life.. "
— Silpa, 5/7/2011" One of the beautiful book i ever read in my life.. "
— Silpa, 5/7/2011" I started this book about 2.5 years ago! I keep it in my car, so I only read it when I am stuck in traffic or at a long red light. "
— Barbara, 5/5/2011" I started this book about 2.5 years ago! I keep it in my car, so I only read it when I am stuck in traffic or at a long red light. "
— Barbara, 5/5/2011" I started this book about 2.5 years ago! I keep it in my car, so I only read it when I am stuck in traffic or at a long red light. "
— Barbara, 5/5/2011" If you're looking for a heroic tale pinned against historical events Cornwell's first Grail Quest novel might do the trick. "
— Tim, 5/5/2011" fascinating story about weather-men back in 1900 and how politics and error caused insufficient warning of an incredible hurricane that hit Galveston TX. Read like fiction. "
— Wendy, 5/4/2011" Bernard Cornwell's research combined with his gift to tell a story around believable characters ensures that a good read will ensue for all who pick up any one of his novels. It this case, I was intrigued with his character development and strong plot. "
— Ralph, 5/1/2011" Completely predictable, and got Ashland details wrong which annoyed me, but fun fluff. "
— MaryAnn, 4/29/2011" I read an abridged version and that was even too much for it in my high school freshman Bible class and we dissected this book for a year. Needless to say, it was not my favorite class. "
— Carisa, 4/28/2011" I read an abridged version and that was even too much for it in my high school freshman Bible class and we dissected this book for a year. Needless to say, it was not my favorite class. "
— Carisa, 4/28/2011" I read an abridged version and that was even too much for it in my high school freshman Bible class and we dissected this book for a year. Needless to say, it was not my favorite class. "
— Carisa, 4/28/2011" Pretty much everything from Pudd'nhead Wilson's calender is a memorable quote. I loved that about the book. Twain had a gift, there's no doubt about that. Surprisingly, he didn't keep my attention as well as expected though, so I only gave 3 stars. "
— Rosanna, 4/28/2011" Prose not as tight as Devil in the White City, but a very compelling read. "
— Elizabeth, 4/27/2011" This was such a funny, delightful story. I loved Wilson's calendar entries. I must 'get' Twain's humor, I was chuckling to myself the whole read. "
— Jennifer, 4/25/2011" Once again finding myself alternating betweeen ficition and non-fiction...there is probably a lesson there. Thus far one of the best written books I have ever read (yes, I know I have said it before but makes it no less true). "
— Marcleitson, 4/24/2011" Read it when i was a kid. Torture. "
— Sid, 4/22/2011" Book on CD...a good reading of the deadly hurricane that hit Texas..well researched and an easy to listen to narration. "
— Babs, 4/22/2011" A short read, I enjoyed it thoroughly. As with any Twain novel there is a great story line imbued with social commentary. However, I particularly liked the mystery and the detective work by Pudd'nhead; using some new fangled things like fingerprints. "
— Jeffrey, 4/22/2011" Read it when i was a kid. Torture. "
— Sid, 4/22/2011" Read it when i was a kid. Torture. "
— Sid, 4/22/2011" It was fun, but nevertheless failed to be as good as the previous books of these two authors. "
— Stacey, 4/21/2011" I liked Mark Twain when I was a child.... Boring as an adult. "
— Al, 4/20/2011" More like 3.5, maybe? IDK... I liked it, but not as much as I wanted to. The end kind of fell short. "
— Caren, 4/20/2011" Laughter: check<br/>Tears: check<br/>Oooh's and aaaaw's: check<br/><br/>In short, this was a great book with great characters and I'm glad I got to read it. "
— Jenna, 4/20/2011" Amazing book. I have the Signet Classics edition - pocket size, which I like. Just finished with my British Lit. class for the first time. Also read Winter, 2008. "
— Josh, 4/19/2011" Amazing book. I have the Signet Classics edition - pocket size, which I like. Just finished with my British Lit. class for the first time. Also read Winter, 2008. "
— Josh, 4/19/2011" Amazing book. I have the Signet Classics edition - pocket size, which I like. Just finished with my British Lit. class for the first time. Also read Winter, 2008. "
— Josh, 4/19/2011" Read for Shakespeare English class--Freshman Year "
— Maggie, 4/17/2011" How I miss the real Bourne, and Ludlum in general. His books were almost full encyclopedias, but everything fell into place so well, without coincidences or luck. Van Lustbader is just using the character's name and qualities, but doing nothing original or even very good with it. "
— Ricardo, 4/17/2011" I wish I could give the 3.5. I really did like it. This is a quick, easy read and it's very cute. What kept me from giving it more stars is that fact that I got a bit tired of Charlie and Aaron's headbutting towards the end. Otherwise, this was a fairly clean, funny romance. "
— Megan, 4/17/2011" This is the best record of King Arthur "
— Brian, 4/17/2011" I'd have to say this story was obnoxious and redundant. "
— Hanna, 4/15/2011" Boy, normally I'm all over the classics. But this one just didn't do much for me. Some books are a metaphor on top of a story. This one was just the metaphor. "
— Sean, 4/13/2011" Boy, normally I'm all over the classics. But this one just didn't do much for me. Some books are a metaphor on top of a story. This one was just the metaphor. "
— Sean, 4/13/2011" Boy, normally I'm all over the classics. But this one just didn't do much for me. Some books are a metaphor on top of a story. This one was just the metaphor. "
— Sean, 4/13/2011" Not as good as his classic When Bad Things Happen to Good People, but nice and insightful. Uses the story of Moses to teach about overcoming the frustrations of life. "
— Lucy, 4/12/2011" If you love Arthurian legend, this is a requisite book. "
— Kaitlin, 4/12/2011" Holy cow. what a book. what writing and what a journey. not at all the linear path to horror i thought it would be, but rather a study of the narrator's involvement with the woman he falls in love with who unfolds to him her heart-wrenching secret. "
— Sue, 4/11/2011" It was often laborious -- lots of symbolism "
— Linda, 4/5/2011" It was often laborious -- lots of symbolism "
— Linda, 4/5/2011" It was often laborious -- lots of symbolism "
— Linda, 4/5/2011" Zeitgeist, boy has our language gone backward in time. Discovering WS has been a huge bucket list item of mine for 30 years. So fulfilling to be doing it!! But sometimes wildly difficult! "
— Kathie, 4/3/2011" When young writer Stingo meets Sophie and Nathan in post WWII New York, a chain of inevitability is in motion, and a history revealed. We learn, with Stingo, the nature of Sophie's choice. And we stand with him at the crossroads of despair and hope. "
— Flora, 4/2/2011" First novel by a superb crime novelist uses split story line to capture intense psychological torments of contract killer and the Justice Department tech trying to determine if he even exists. "
— Vincarter, 3/30/2011" Love this book. Such illustrations and names to personify Christian characters. I reread this frequently. "
— Jeanne, 3/29/2011" Love this book. Such illustrations and names to personify Christian characters. I reread this frequently. "
— Jeanne, 3/29/2011" Love this book. Such illustrations and names to personify Christian characters. I reread this frequently. "
— Jeanne, 3/29/2011" Mark Twain, you have a way with words--I'm in love. "
— Heather, 3/29/2011" Such a great fun read. Full review to come "
— Emma, 3/28/2011" I read this years ago & it still distrubs me. "
— Kaza, 3/27/2011" This book was entirely different from what I expected (I never saw the movie). "
— Katinka, 3/27/2011" This book was really very cute. I loved that it was a nod to <em>Much Ado About Nothing</em>! "
— Kelsey, 3/27/2011" I really loved this story. Ms Siddons created a wonderful set of characters, and Tom Dabney can take me for a walk in the swamp any time! "
— JoAnn, 3/24/2011" Even though I'm not typically a fan of American Literature from this time period, I actually thouroughly enjoyed reading this book. "
— Becca, 3/22/2011" A must-read! Have read this many times. "
— Jeanne, 3/21/2011" A must-read! Have read this many times. "
— Jeanne, 3/21/2011" A must-read! Have read this many times. "
— Jeanne, 3/21/2011" Uno scrittore fantastico. dettagliatissima ricostruzione storica abbinata ad una storia avvincente. "
— Lizzy, 3/20/2011" One of the best suspense books i have read in a long time. Kept me coming back for more, did not know the killer until it was announced. Gave it to my picky daughter Nicole, it was that good. She doesnt like anything, shes new to murder! So this was the perfect book to give her! "
— Dana, 3/19/2011" One of my very favorite books. I discovered it when I was about 13 and reading Little Women. (I later played Jo in a high school production). I immediately went to our old creaky library and checked it out. I liked it so well that I gave a book report on it and made a map of Christian's journey. "
— Linda, 3/16/2011" Like Peachtree Road, gorgeous writing and vivid characters...wandering plot. "
— Toby, 3/16/2011" One of my very favorite books. I discovered it when I was about 13 and reading Little Women. (I later played Jo in a high school production). I immediately went to our old creaky library and checked it out. I liked it so well that I gave a book report on it and made a map of Christian's journey. "
— Linda, 3/16/2011" One of my very favorite books. I discovered it when I was about 13 and reading Little Women. (I later played Jo in a high school production). I immediately went to our old creaky library and checked it out. I liked it so well that I gave a book report on it and made a map of Christian's journey. "
— Linda, 3/16/2011" I read this quite a few years ago but LOVED it. It is so profound on so many levels. Just a wonderful work. Timeless! "
— Maura, 3/15/2011" An interesting tale of intrigue, deception, and War. The antagonists are good enough to wish them only suffering as they cause the protagonists to suffer. I am looking forward to the grail quest of the subsequent two books "
— Russamun82, 3/14/2011" Entertained me. Didn't astound. Something required for Twain heads. "
— Krista, 3/14/2011" I enjoyed the book, especially with the perspective of time elapsed since the writing. "
— Bill, 3/13/2011" I rarely give up a book without finishing it but I can't take another minute of this clunker. I never got to the difficult subject matter because the beginning was so stinking boring. Life is too short for overly descriptive prose and stereotypes. Onward and upward... "
— Christy, 3/13/2011" I have started this many times since starting and not finishing it in the sixties. Thanks to Kindle - I finally completed it. I don't know why but it seemed much more doable in Kindle. I really think the type face may have had much to do with success.<br/>I'll never have to read it again. whew. "
— Bcoghill, 3/10/2011" Storia (e tutta testimoniata, niente romanzismi vari! Le battaglie sono tutte effettivamente accadute), misticismo, leggenda e un tocco di fantasia... gran bel mix! "
— Lunaredhell, 3/10/2011" Good start to the Grail quest trilogy. Good description of the battle scenes towards the end of the book. Look forward to the other books. "
— Kevin, 3/10/2011" Mark Twain weaves the sorrow of slavery with the idiocy of racism into an entertaining tall tale about one small town on the Mississippi river in the the 19th century. Hard to imagine that this makes a good book, but it does. "
— Greta, 3/10/2011" I have started this many times since starting and not finishing it in the sixties. Thanks to Kindle - I finally completed it. I don't know why but it seemed much more doable in Kindle. I really think the type face may have had much to do with success.<br/>I'll never have to read it again. whew. "
— Bcoghill, 3/10/2011" I have started this many times since starting and not finishing it in the sixties. Thanks to Kindle - I finally completed it. I don't know why but it seemed much more doable in Kindle. I really think the type face may have had much to do with success.<br/>I'll never have to read it again. whew. "
— Bcoghill, 3/10/2011" A good yarn, with the end at the beginning so to speak. "
— Ice, 3/9/2011" Too long. Way, way, way too long. "
— Ashley, 3/8/2011" I love this writing style! Although it is not easy to read I really enjoy it. I've been reading this on and off for about a year! I'll finish it someday! "
— Shawn, 3/8/2011" Not quite up to Ludlum's standards, but a good read. "
— Michael, 3/7/2011" Surprisingly one of the best devotional literature pieces ever. "
— Eli, 3/5/2011" Surprisingly one of the best devotional literature pieces ever. "
— Eli, 3/5/2011" Surprisingly one of the best devotional literature pieces ever. "
— Eli, 3/5/2011" I'm lovin' this book, have always loved Mr. Twain. "
— Taunya, 3/3/2011" Loved it. Great Arthurian quest come to life. "
— Molly, 3/2/2011" A graphic detailed look inside the Corleone family and the extended family. The plot twists through love and war and death "
— Scott, 2/28/2011" Ok, I like the ideas behind this play better than the work itself. It is ambitious and long and slow to read and unfortunately under produced.<br/> "
— James, 2/28/2011" This isn't the *exact* edition; I read the free ebook version of "The Monkey's Paw" available from The story is awesome, just as I remembered it, although I think I would have enjoyed it better had their dead son actually walked into their house as a zombie...... "
— Heather, 2/27/2011" I was actually in this play! Best role ever: Autolycus! "
— Sarah, 2/24/2011" Nice. Gives quite strait forward directions what to do. "
— Alexandra, 2/24/2011" This book grounded me in the legends of King Arthur. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in the tales of chivalry that make up so much of our early literature. It's my understanding that Malory wrote this while he was in prison. "
— Linda, 2/22/2011" Angela Barrett's illustrations are, as always, incredible. "
— Jenny, 2/21/2011" Too slow---hard to follow--took me a while to get through "
— Christine, 2/21/2011" this is one of those books you'll ask everyone if they've read it. the characters are so vivid, i wish they were actual people. i can't put into words how fantastic this book is, please read it!! "
— Emily, 2/20/2011" Maybe the saddest thing I have ever read in my life. I have often wanted to reread it because the writing was so good, but I honestly don't think I could stand the sadness again. "
— Sherry, 2/20/2011" Good. Who is good and who is bad? "
— Ruth, 2/17/2011" So far, it's no Ludlum! "
— Ken, 2/7/2011" It was quite boring at first...but then it gets quite interesting. I would say the previous series were much better "
— Don, 2/4/2011" Listed to this with my husband while driving to the coast. It was okay. I like the shortened movie versions better..Lots of language. "
— Rachelle, 2/3/2011" Important, but barf. Not my area. "
— Chelsey, 2/2/2011" I got a copy of this book on CD for free and I must say that considering the story, it's a good story for a drive. "
— Michele, 2/1/2011" I enjoyed this book. Parts of which were compelling. It's just me, I'm sure, but I had trouble with the title character never being called by a name, only as "he". At times it got confusing. "
— Michael, 1/30/2011" I enjoyed this book. The first work of Shakespeare that I have read. After getting used to the language, I loved the book. It reminded me of other stories,I have read. There was a surprise ending. I would recommend this book. "
— Kathy, 1/24/2011" slo prevod: Bournova izdaja <br/>Vse do konca zelo napeto. "
— Igor, 1/23/2011" I think it would be cool to read Bourne books while listening to the movie soundtracks on an ipod! <br/> "
— Brian, 1/23/2011" Great story but a little to much on the "romance novel" level for me. I thought the story could have been told in fewer words. That's just my opinion. "
— Mary, 1/22/2011" Wow! Never easy to read but these Bourne books really keep you on your toes! I go really, really slowly because I like to try to catch absolutely EVERYTHING! "
— Melissa, 1/15/2011" Although this is considered one of the first King Arthur books, I have to say that it was one of the most boring books that I have ever read. "
— Anthony, 1/13/2011" Nice. Gives quite strait forward directions what to do. "
— Aleksandra, 1/11/2011" It has been years since I have read a Rabbi Kushner book. I enjoyed this one. "
— Cindy, 1/11/2011" The usual Bailey Weggins mystery, entertaining. "
— Amy, 1/6/2011" Not true Robert Ludlum Bourne but a close second. Fun and engaging for spy novel lovers. "
— Maryjo, 1/3/2011" Not quite as sharp as 'The Godfather Returns', but still a great story and continuation of Puzo's The Godfather universe.<br/><br/>Written in Danish. "
— Lars, 1/2/2011" this was my first Lorna book and what a great one, the main character is a hairdresser with a salon in her home and her sister plays the harp to entertain the clients. much more to the story of course, and oh yes, she live in a small town in Minnesota! "
— Diane, 1/2/2011" lustbader bourne..ludlum.. what can i say? "
— Arun, 12/30/2010" Though you can't replace Puzo, this was a good furthering of the story. I do hope it ends here though. "
— Bobby, 12/28/2010" this book will give you the creeps. "
— Janice, 12/24/2010" Dude, it's where JKRowling got the name Hermoine from, and it was just so funny! "
— Gabi, 12/20/2010" he is a great story teller "
— Steven, 12/20/2010" An extremely colorful cast of characters goes through a series of comi-tragic events but retain hope and love for one another. Constantly unpredictable, full of homey wisdom, funny moments and sad. "
— Lisrey, 12/19/2010" Not as good as his classic When Bad Things Happen to Good People, but nice and insightful. Uses the story of Moses to teach about overcoming the frustrations of life. "
— Lucy, 12/14/2010" I always felt bad for arthur but not after this. Arthur is tricked into thinking Lance and Gwen are hooking up so he is going to burn her at the stake. Lance finds out and saves her. She ends up starving herself to death at the nunnery. you know great happy stuff. "
— Brian, 12/13/2010" Very soap-opera. Not my usual choice. "
— Sarah, 12/8/2010" Great book. Loved this book. Long read, but indeed worth the time and effort. "
— Keith, 12/7/2010" I enjoyed this book and now know a lot more about the Arthurian legend than I did before. Not an easy read, but worth the effort. "
— Peter, 12/4/2010" It can apply to every egomaniac boss "
— Monica, 12/3/2010" I really enjoyed the early Bourne books, but this was painful. "
— Cheryl, 11/20/2010" This is the first book, published in 1982, by one of my favorite authors: Thomas Perry. It's about a hit man based in Las Vegas. It's a fast read "
— james, 11/19/2010" <br/>too loud, too extreme, too much promiscuity. "
— Kathy, 11/19/2010" Very heartwarming and enjoyable story; love the S. Mpls setting, the 50s and 60s time period, and the lively distinctive characters. "
— Arlene, 11/19/2010" I would recommend this book for people who like suspense, and personally I liked this story because it wasn't really hard to follow. "
— Roland, 11/17/2010" great book alot of action and good twists "
— Ludwig, 10/18/2010" Number three volume in Eric Van Lustbader's new Jason Bourne series. A good Jason Bourne read. "
— Larry, 10/15/2010" The second in this new Bourne Series by Eric Van Lustbader. Again a good read if you are a Jason Bourne fan. "
— Larry, 10/15/2010" So funny! I am a native Minnesotan and loved it. As soon as I finished it, I bought a copy for my sister as a birthday gift. Maybe you have to be a Norski to get all the jokes, etc., but it was a fun read for me. "
— Kathie, 10/12/2010" my favorite of the later books. "
— Erika, 9/28/2010" A light read - perfect for the beach. "
— Freelin, 9/27/2010" This was an audio book my husband checked out and I was having some issues with the book I downloaded so listened to it becuase I needed a book for the commute. It lost me in a few places... Didn't particulary like the ending either. "
— Erin, 9/15/2010" Excellent. You'd never know it wasn't Ludlum writing this story. "
— Kathy, 9/6/2010" Lustbader did a brilliant job maintaining Ludlum's voice in this story. "
— Kathy, 9/6/2010" Dear Eric Van Lustbader: <br/> <br/>Please leave the Bourne series alone. <br/> <br/>Respectfully, <br/>T. "
— T., 8/22/2010" The book was predictable for me, although I must admit I cried for the last twenty pages. The ending was the part I liked the most, of course, right now I cry at anything. "
— Tara, 8/22/2010" I had to find this in a used booked store and the copy I own is a pretty beat up pocketbook that I treasure. The best first book by an author that I have ever read! "
— Heather, 8/20/2010" Good villian in the book "
— Junaid, 8/14/2010" I kept hoping it would get better. No such luck. "
— Ryan, 8/13/2010" i didn't like this right away but it got a lot better as i got deeper into the book. it was an easy read and i liked the overall message of the strong women perservering. "
— Melissa, 8/11/2010" The tough, but tender characters drew me in with this quick read. "
— Fran, 8/8/2010" Good first book from this author. The fact that it was written before cell phones, internet, etc. doesn't come into play - which is a sign of a good author. "
— Brent, 7/30/2010" Nice read...enjoyed getting to know the characters. Refreshing, light summer read. "
— Andrea, 7/11/2010" I really enjoyed this slightly quirky cast of characters and storyline. "
— Amy, 7/2/2010" A woman who's a lawyer hunts a serial killer. No one, not even the killer, knows what's going on until the last chapter. It's very well written, but I don't know how driven I am to pick up another book by the author. This one was so critically acclaimed that it was a little bit of a let-down. "
— Lisa, 6/26/2010" Typical, easy poolside reading about two sisters living in Minneapolis. Twists and turns and hard times bond them into a unique, loving family. It was a good book to keep me occupied on the plane & at night, while in New York last week. "
— Suzanne, 6/23/2010" THESE ARE REALLY SCARY STORIES!!!!! "
— Emily, 6/21/2010" It's hard not to compare this with Thomas Perry's Jane Whitefield series, but that's the only reason I looked it up. There's a sequel to this novel - I doubt if I'll be reading it. <br/>No matter how sympathetic the butcher boy is, murder for money is not my cup of tea. <br/> "
— Rob, 6/9/2010" This book was fine but uninspiring. "
— Lynn, 6/2/2010" Not impressed with this book at all. There was no suspense. I could've cared less who the murderer was. All I have to say about it is BLAH! "
— Jessica, 5/17/2010" During my junior year of college, I took a Romans class at PCC. We had to write a paper and I referenced this book. It was such a help to me that after college I purchased it. "
— Angie, 5/17/2010" intriguing and compelling to read but some elements are lacking from the original bourne series.... "
— Yogananth, 5/11/2010" This is just a compendium of stupid body jokes that most of us already know, such as "Tell everyone you need to micturate!" e.g., you have to pee. Ultimately this was a boring book. "
— Kim, 5/10/2010" Never heard of this guy before finding this book in a used book store. Quite an interesting read. Only had one issue that I solidly disagreed with. He's out of Atlanta, GA and is a conservative talk show host. "
— Ernie, 5/8/2010" Good pacing, nice flow, you never really get bored. However, I didn't find it suspenseful, some of the plot twists were predictable, and I never really "connected" with any of the characters. On the whole it's a pretty superficial read and easy to put down, but enjoyable enough. "
— Christine, 5/1/2010" It's been a while since I read this book, so I cannot speak to great specifics, however, I found Ortberg's book both applicable to my life and humorous. It was a read that my Bible study enjoyed discussing and reading. "
— Kathryn, 4/14/2010" I only got about 69 pages into this collection before I put it down and never picked it up again. While the mood Jacobs creates is palpable at times, most stories were either a let down, or never grabbed me from the beginning. Very disappointing. "
— Noah, 4/14/2010" This is one of my favorite Hans Christian Andersen stories. "
— Nichole, 3/21/2010" Slightly more fun than poking needles in my eyes. "
— Erin, 3/14/2010" Very good story. Enjoyed the premise and once again, Bailey's tenacity in catching the culprit. "
— Sharal, 3/11/2010" Had to learn these stories sometime. It's pretty interesting and gives some new insight in the old stories you've heard time and time again. Alternating between this and The Bean Trees. "
— De, 2/14/2010" Very good book for use as assistance with working your way through the Bible. I used it for working my way through the Book of Revelation and it helped me to understand that book much better. It breaks the Bible down into sections and paraphrases the books for better understanding. "
— Brenda, 2/8/2010" I don't know why I am so compelled to read everything Kate White writes because they are just so average "
— Dorothy, 2/7/2010" just finished this book. I am a fan of Mario Puzo, however, Mark Winegardner should choose another author to emulate. The book is very drawn out. It was a fun read, but if you are a fan of Mafia books I don't suggest you read The Godfather's Revenge "
— Lenny, 2/5/2010" One of my childhood reads. Read it again and loved it still! "
— Tiny, 1/30/2010" This book was terrible. The authors think they are hilarious but they really aren't. The only reason I finished the book was because I had read the first two in the series. "
— Ken, 1/18/2010" gak ada romance nya...tapi lumayanlah misteri nya...<br/> "
— nurmawati, 12/1/2009" Nice short stories, more ironical than scary. "
— peaseblossom, 11/24/2009" The most hilarious book from my childhood that I can think of. "
— Rachel, 11/20/2009" This book changed my life. "
— Jean, 11/7/2009" Read by Kate Walsh. Quite blah, even Kate started to annoy me towards the end, she sounds so droll, especially after a bunch of Orlagh Cassidy reads. "
— Mesh, 11/2/2009" one of the main characters dies - still can't believe it. "
— Marti, 10/9/2009" Not my type of politics, but I really enjoyed reading this book. Anyone who can back up their beliefs with facts versus anger and libel is OK with me. "
— Yasheve, 8/22/2009" Three plus on this one. <br/> <br/>I always like Siddons, some more than others, but I like the way she develops her characters, and her psychological insights into what molds and drives them. "
— Sue, 8/20/2009" Certainly not a Mario Puzo. At times I had to read sentences over & over and they still didn't make sense. If you can overlook these few instances, it's a pretty good story. "
— Linda, 8/13/2009" The chapter on chasing cats is hilarious. "
— Paul, 8/1/2009" Holy smokes, this book cost $0.60. "
— Artifice, 7/28/2009" this book was a very good read and brought up some great points about our county "
— Serenity, 7/25/2009" This was a pretty good book, a fast read. "
— Amanda, 7/22/2009" My absolute favorite of her books. "
— Cheryl, 7/16/2009" It challenges the idea that living the Christian life is dull and boring. It's the adventure of a lifetime (make that an eternity!) if you're willing to leap out of your comfort zone. "
— Judy, 7/8/2009" This is the finest allegory - in my opinion - of what can happen when good people do nothing. It illustrates people who are close to those in power that are unwilling to express the truth despite how seriously critical it is to always speak the truth. "
— Chris, 6/30/2009" Always like Kushner, and this one no exception. Daughter was reading it so decided to give it "a go." Based on the story of Moses. The theme will be helpful for class I will be doing in the fall. "
— Shirley, 6/21/2009" Rude and refreshing...that's all I'll say. "
— Elena, 5/25/2009" Not as bad as many of the others. Passable story. Buy it used and you won't be disappointed. "
— Sabur76, 5/16/2009" An easy book to read with some searching questions at the end of each chapter. This book was an epiphany for me particularly Chapter 8 on Focussing on Jesus. Not just explained as theory but practical steps. A good small group resource, we're doing it in our group at the moment. "
— Mac, 5/4/2009" Boortz says a lot of intelligent things, but his manner is somewhat abrasive and his obvious dislike of liberals will turn them off, even if they would agree with his basic message. I don't believe he actually says anything that's really all that radically conservative. "
— Stacie, 4/6/2009" Neal Boortz simply puts it like it is. "
— Dick, 3/27/2009" Neal is a conservative/libertarian talk-show host, and this is what you would expect, but I enjoyed his insights. "
— B, 2/27/2009" A light-hearted, quirky way to gain a small glimpse into the large world of information that medical practioners learn posed in an anecdotal, frat-guy style that helps to disguise the value of the bits of medical information tucked in between the humour. "
— Ryan, 2/16/2009" I don't always agree with what he says, but his ideas are well founded and always have data to back them up. It's not like reading an O'Reilly book that just bashes everyone for disagreeing. "
— Kevin, 2/10/2009" Not as funny as their previous books, but still somewhat humorous. "
— Jason, 2/7/2009" Holy smokes, this book cost $0.60. "
— R., 2/6/2009" Let's see, we have a fictional president in 1963 who's brother, the attorney general, is cracking down on the mafia. Gee, I wonder how that's going to end. "
— James, 1/21/2009" Inspiring and encouraging. "
— Lesley-anne, 1/10/2009" Still a very entertaining read but not as entertaining as its two predecessors. Why Do Men Have Nipples? & Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Having Sex?. But there is an oath and a diploma when you finish the book. "
— Jorge, 1/2/2009" I've never read anything quite like this -- self-absorbed and self-congratualtory, but unique in that there is some genuine medical advice scattered within this juvenile text. Smart and goofy, like Mel Brooks on a page. "
— Tim, 12/22/2008" itself disappointing. when bad things happen to good people was so good. "
— Beth, 12/1/2008" Hilarious, quick and fun read. "
— Chatfield, 11/29/2008" Boortz is a Libertarian. I am not. But I agree with so much of what he says in this book. (Not everything.) I think this is probably one of the best books I've ever read. "
— Lara, 11/20/2008" Neal Boortz pens many of the ideas he shares during his daily radio broadcast from Atlanta. He is a libertarian who values individualism and limited government. "
— Jarrod, 11/16/2008" I love two of Kushner's books, but everything else has been kind of a dud. Even though I finished about 70% of this one, I couldn't generate the interest to finish it up. Eh. "
— Kaye, 11/10/2008" Excellent, encouraging, motivating, hearing Jesus call and responding, overcoming fear with faith. "
— John, 10/5/2008" Anne Rivers Siddons is one of my favorite authors. This is a pretty thick book. Still pretty good though. "
— Kellie, 8/12/2008" I liked Kushner's earlier book "when bad things Happen to Good People", this one not so much. Seemed a bit disjointed. "
— Dannyg, 7/19/2008" LOVE this book. It is a little slow at first, but gets faster near the end. Very dramatic, clear imagery, you feel like you are the character. Fabulous read! "
— Kendra, 7/14/2008" 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars "
— Cynthia, 7/5/2008" I did not finish the book, but I thought the early part had some good concepts. "
— Steve, 7/4/2008" I love all of Ann Rivers Siddons books. I think they really speak to the boomer generation. This one, however, is haunting. These characters have stayed with me for many years--and I usually forget the stories within a week!! Definitely worth reading, as are all of her novels. "
— Rhonda, 7/1/2008" This book is inspirational. It gives an new perspective to the story of peter walking on water. This book maybe that little push you need in your spiritual life. Loved it! "
— Youstina, 2/10/2008" Good challenge to step out in faith and trust Christ to enable us to "walk on water." We read together in Community Group and had some good discussions. "
— Scott, 5/19/2007" Good book. Practical info. "
— Dee, 3/24/2007" This was OK, but the metaphor of the boat felt cheesy to me pretty fast. I didn't finish it. "
— Abby, 9/20/2006" A foundational must- have. "
— Elizabeth, 10/29/2005" i'm not sure if i can write a review that would do this book justice. it was fabulous. very practical and motivating... the author has some awesome insights. "
— Jess, 9/18/2005" Easy read (Audiobook) "
— Cathy, 8/23/2005" Worthy of a re-read, this book somehow makes a whole lot more sense after I've tested the 'theories' and experienced the reality of God's principles over the past 10 years. Water walking works! "
— Apryl, 2/24/2005" very helpful!! "
— Ashley, 10/10/2004John Ortberg is a popular speaker and widely respected teaching pastor. Formerly at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, he is now senior pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California. He creatively brings scripture to life through his use of practical application and humor. He’s the author of numerous books including The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Love beyond Reason, and If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get out of the Boat.
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