Motivated people advance further and faster in their careers, earn more money, are more productive, experience more satisfying relationships and are happier than the less- motivated people around them. But true motivation cannot be faked or forced. In the same way that each person has a different fingerprint and a distinct combination of DNA, every individual is hardwired with a unique motivational matrix. Grounded in eight years of research with more than 100,000 people, this book reveals how to decode your Motivational DNA for maximum achievement. Whether you are an individual seeking to realize your personal goals or a leader looking to motivate your team, Get Motivated! will show you how to overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal, and accelerate your success. For more than twenty years motivational expert Tamara Lowe has produced the largest business seminars in the world, inspiring peak performance in millions. In GET MOTIVATED! she unveils a new system that shows you: How to Decode Your Motivational DNA How to Hire the Motivated and Motivate Those You’ve Hired Easy Ways to Deal with Difficult People The Formula for Beating Stress While Meeting Deadlines How to Raise Positive, Self-Motivated Children How to Kick Your Team’s Performance—and Your Profits—into High Gear Includes a bonus PDF with worksheets and more
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"Everyone serious about success in your career and in your personal life this book is a must have! If you need work on inter personal communication, motivating your self,kids, or employees this book is an excellent foundation. Reading it for the second time!"
— Tamara (5 out of 5 stars)
" I got bought this book on Kindle and am on about page 100. The author is sort of a self-made consultant/millionaire. I need to take the on-line survey that will tell me what type of Motivational DNA I have. We'll see how it goes. "
— Tony, 7/29/2012" Loved the book! I learned a lot about it and bought several copies to give to other people. "
— Jenny, 6/1/2012" It's been a while since I read a book like this. Mostly a disappointment for me. Heavy on the rah rah, and very light on actual substance and HOW to do some of the things she recommends. A year from now, I probably won't be able to trace anything I learned back to this book. "
— Brian, 12/6/2011" I found this book very helpful as a parent and at work. "
— Bailey, 11/30/2010" She has written a simplistic model for how we can look at people. I cetainly disagree with the idea that everyone fits in 4 boxes but as a framework this is worth considering if you are not going for a Ph D in something. "
— Jim, 3/1/2010" just skimming through. "
— Ashley, 12/10/2009" I thought this would be a great book for parenting - it claims to be. I thought it would be really helpful in a business setting, but didn't gain that much for my lacking parenting skills. "
— Amy, 11/25/2009" I didn't. lol. "
— Ama, 7/13/2009" This book comes off as very mechanical and monotone. I was also turned off by her using the term "Motivational DNA." Her motivational types had nothing to do with DNA. That said I did learn something about what motivates me. "
— David, 5/26/2009