In Jack the Giant-Killer, where magical creatures carry on a secret existence in the streets and parks of modern Ottawa, Jacky Rowan once slew giants. In this thrilling sequel, she is tricked and then enslaved by a master of vicious, Unseelie creatures.
This cruel thief is bent on stealing his very sustenance—not only from Jacky—but from all of the Seelie faerie court. Only the Moon herself and a handsome young fiddler, unaware of Faerie and the power of his music, have the magic to set Jacky free.
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“This sequel to Jack, the Giant-Killer amply displays de Lint’s innate charm and compelling storytelling. Highly recommended.”
— Library Journal
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Charles de Lint is the award-winning author of fantasy fiction, including urban fantasy, contemporary magical realism, and mythic fiction. He is best known for his fantasy novels in the Newford series, but he also writes novellas, short stories, poetry, lyrics, literary criticism, and a children’s book. Among his many awards are the Ontario Library Association’s White Pine Award, the Great Lakes Great Books Award, the Canadian SF/Fantasy Award, and the 2000 World Fantasy Award. His evocative novels have earned him a devoted following and critical acclaim as a master of contemporary mythic fiction.
Taylor Meskimen is an actress and a narrator. Her audiobook readings include several L. Ron Hubbard novels, such as Gun Boss of Tumbleweed and Death Waits at Sundown.