In the fourth book from L. Frank Baum's beloved Oz series, an earthquake pulls Dorothy and her cousin Zeb into an underground land where they find a new series of adventures. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz takes the heroes on a journey through the glass city of the Vegetable People, through a valley of invisible bears, and back to the land of Oz, where Dorothy's cat is put on trial for a murder she may not have committed. L. Frank Baum creates another cast of unforgettable characters, brought to life by Rachanee Lumayno's vocal performance.
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Lyman Frank Baum (1856–1919), born in Chittenango, New York, was a journalist, dramatist, and writer best known for his fantasies about the land of Oz, the first being The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The success of this book led to his writing thirteen sequels. He wrote about sixty books in all, mostly for children.
Rachanee Lumayno is an actress and producer, known for Synesthesia, Reclamation, and Ex Pat Podcast.