With another devastatingly hilarious, ridiculous, unnervingly accurate take on modern womanhood, Bridget Jones is back. (v.g.) Monday 27 January: "7:15 a.m. Hurrah! The wilderness years are over. For four weeks and five days now have been in functional relationship with adult male, thereby proving am not love pariah as recently feared." Wednesday 5 March: "7:08 p.m. Am assured, receptive, responsive woman of substance. My sense of self comes not from other people but . . .from . . .myself? That can't be right." Lurching from the cappuccino bars of Notting Hill to the blissed-out shores of Thailand, everyone's favorite Singleton Bridget Jones begins her search for The Truth in spite of pathetically unevolved men, insane dating theories, and Smug Married advice. She experiences a zeitgeist-esque Spiritual Epiphany somewhere between the pages of How to Find the Love You Want Without Seeking It (can self-help books really help self?), protective custody, and a lightly chilled Chardonnay.
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"I found this sequel to "Bridget Jones's Diary" just as hilarious and entertaining as the first one! I laughed out loud in several places and now find myself very sad to be parted with Bridget Jones, Mark Darcy, Jude, Sharon, Magda, Tom, Bridget's parents, and all the other characters of Helen Fielding's world. Jane Austen fans will love the subtle plot elements in both books; "Bridget Jones's Diary" is loosely based on "Pride and Prejudice" and "The Edge of Reason" has hints of "Persuasion.""
— Andrea (5 out of 5 stars)
" It took me a while to get into this book, the diary format made me crazy for a while. But, once I got past all that. I found myself chuckling quite a bit and there is one incident in the book that had me literally rolling. Enjoyable sequel, I can see how this format worked for the movies, it's a difunctional/functional friends is probably the best description I can give it. If that's something you see your self enjoying I'd recommend it because it will deliver. "
— Sue, 2/4/2014" For an easy read, I really enjoyed this book. Yes, it was over the top and crazy, but I <3 Mark. I'm so glad this book focused on him and left Daniel (for the most part) out. And the bits about Colin Firth were hysterical! Loved the part about watching Pride and Prejudice to see the scene of him in the lake, LOL! "
— Julia, 2/3/2014" another 3.5 star! "
— Kayla, 1/31/2014" Surprisingly better than the first one. The Interview part kills me every time! "
— Ivanesca, 1/29/2014" Bridget Jones is perfection! "
— Natasha, 1/27/2014" Loved it. Can only recommend it. "
— Julie, 1/22/2014" Not as great as the first book but still very enjoyable "
— Simon, 1/21/2014" Even though it's a light "beach" read, it's thoroughly enjoyable. The characters captivated me from the beginning. "
— Amy, 1/12/2014" This book was a pleasant surprise to me! "
— Emmy's, 1/11/2014" Everything I loved about the original book lacked in this one. Not only does it seemd forced but it's steps so far past unbelievable and obnoxious it almost ruins the greatness of the original novel. "
— Shae, 12/23/2013" Not nearly as good as the original, though still enjoyable. There are some funny parts, but the entire Thailand trip was so out there I could hardly push past it to the end. "
— Connie, 12/4/2013Helen Fielding is an English novelist and screenwriter, best known as the creator of the fictional character Bridget Jones, a sequence of novels and films that chronicle the life of a thirtysomething single woman in London as she tries to make sense of life and love. They have been published in forty countries and sold over fifteen million copies.
Rosalyn Landor is an English-born television, theater, and multiple-award-winning audiobook narrator. Her television credits include Love in a Cold Climate, Rumpole of the Bailey, Sherlock Holmes, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. She has won numerous Audie awards and AudioFile magazine Earphones awards.