With another devastatingly hilarious, ridiculous, unnervingly accurate take on modern womanhood, Bridget Jones is back. (v.g.) Monday 27 January: "7:15 a.m. Hurrah! The wilderness years are over. For four weeks and five days now have been in functional relationship with adult male, thereby proving am not love pariah as recently feared." Wednesday 5 March: "7:08 p.m. Am assured, receptive, responsive woman of substance. My sense of self comes not from other people but . . .from . . .myself? That can't be right." Lurching from the cappuccino bars of Notting Hill to the blissed-out shores of Thailand, everyone's favorite Singleton Bridget Jones begins her search for The Truth in spite of pathetically unevolved men, insane dating theories, and Smug Married advice. She experiences a zeitgeist-esque Spiritual Epiphany somewhere between the pages of How to Find the Love You Want Without Seeking It (can self-help books really help self?), protective custody, and a lightly chilled Chardonnay.
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"A delightfully ridiculous sequel to the original Bridget Jones. Poor Bridget has plenty of opportunities to get herself into trouble again in this second book. In particular, the interview with Colin Firth and Bridget's experience in the jail in Thailand are a riot. "
— Marissa (4 out of 5 stars)
" Having more Bridget was great, but the plot seemed to draw too much from several different movies/scripts and Bridget was too overboard in her own mind. "
— Gina, 2/11/2014" I like the movie better. "
— Tiffany, 2/6/2014" This book made me laugh SO hard haha! "
— Alex, 1/27/2014" The diary of an English girl, desperate to keep her boyfriend and lose weight. Just not where I'm at right now. plus I never read the first one. "
— Ann, 1/12/2014" witty, humorous, and easy to read, a light hearted 'pick me up book' that will make you smile "
— Liane, 1/10/2014" It was a horrible sequel to a pretty good book. Talk about flogging the dead horse. "
— Luci, 12/30/2013" Another entertaining, quick read. "
— Dian, 12/30/2013" I loved the original Bridget Jones book and the movie but felt that this one took reality of the character which is what makes her so charming in the first book. "
— Julie, 12/25/2013" I bought this and it was an entertaining read, but unfortunately the movie completely ruined the book and took out the best part. "
— Allison, 12/21/2013" I was so excited for this to come out and it did not disappoint...the movie, however, was extremely disappointing. "
— Porter, 12/2/2013" Thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. It was just as good as the first book. Cute and easy to read, finished both in about 4 days. I enjoyed the ending. There were many funny parts that I liked. "
— Krystal, 11/30/2013Helen Fielding is an English novelist and screenwriter, best known as the creator of the fictional character Bridget Jones, a sequence of novels and films that chronicle the life of a thirtysomething single woman in London as she tries to make sense of life and love. They have been published in forty countries and sold over fifteen million copies.