On a cold January day in 1851, twelve-year-old Patrick O'Connell huddles on the deck of the Robert Peel. He is leaving his impoverished home behind in Ireland, while in America, his father is waiting with the promise of a new life. But as Patrick watches the shoreline fade from view, he feels torn with worry. His new friend Laurence Kirkle, who is running away from home, waits for food in the ship's hold. If the captain finds the young stowaways, both boys will be arrested. Will Patrick and his companion be able to reach America safely? A master storyteller, Avi has won many awards including a Newbery Award and Newbery Honor. In this dramatic tale, he vividly depicts the overwhelming difficulties Irish immigrants faced in the mid-1800s. From the unsettling opening to the astonishing finish, Simon Prebble expertly narrates the biting irony and riveting suspense of each exciting plot twist. If you enjoy Patrick's thrilling travels, you won't want to miss his exciting adventures before sailing for America in Beyond the Western Sea Book One: The Escape from Home.
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Avi is the author of more than fifty books for children and young adults, including the 2003 Newbery Medal winner Crispin: The Cross of Lead. Along with his two Newbery Honors, he has won many other awards for his fiction. He lives with his family in Denver.
John Gray, PhD, is the bestselling relationship author of all time. He has written more than fifteen bestselling books, including Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, one of the bestselling books of the last decade. In the past two decades, over forty million Mars Venus books have been sold in over forty-five languages throughout the world. An expert in the field of communication, Gray’s focus is to help men and women understand, respect, and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. He has appeared on Oprah, Today, Good Morning America, the Early Show, the View, Politically Incorrect, Larry King, and other programs. He has been profiled in Newsweek, Time, Forbes, USA Today, TV Guide, People, and New Age Journal, among other publications. In addition to being a certified family therapist, Gray is a consulting editor of the Family Journal and a member of the Distinguished Advisory Board of the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. In 2001 he received the Smart Marriages Impact Award.